Appendix 2

Public hearings

Melbourne, 29 January 2018

Members in attendance: Senators Cameron, Hume, Ketter, Rhiannon

AUSTER, Ms Amy, Deputy Secretary, Department of Treasury and Finance, Victoria

BRAGG, Ms April, Co-Manager, Housing for the Aged Action Group Inc.

BRENNAN, Mr Michael, Deputy Secretary, Fiscal Group, The Treasury

CAREW, Ms Jessica, Acting Principal Adviser, Housing Policy Unit, Social Policy Division, Fiscal Group, The Treasury

COLVIN, Ms Kate, Manager, Policy and Communications, Council to Homeless Persons

DURHAM, Ms Amity, Deputy Secretary, Strategy and Planning, Department of Health and Human Services, Victoria

FIEDLER, Mr Jeff, National Development Worker, Housing for the Aged Action Group Inc.

FOA, Mr Nicholas, Director of Housing and Deputy Secretary, Housing, Infrastructure, Sport and Recreation, Department of Health and Human Services, Victoria

LENNON, Mr Michael, Chair, Community Housing Industry Association

MARTINE, Mr David, Secretary, Department of Treasury and Finance, Victoria

MYERS, Mr Michael, Managing Director, National Affordable Housing Consortium

ISARSKI, Mr Adrian, Executive Officer, National Shelter

SMITH, Ms Jenny, Chair, Homelessness Australia

WALSH, Ms Karen, Vice Chairperson, National Shelter

WARNER, Mr Adrian, Director of Intergovernmental Outcomes, Department of Communities, Western Australia

WINZAR, Ms Peta, Executive Director, Community Housing Industry Association

WOOD, Associate Professor Lisa, Personal capacity

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