Appendix 1

Submissions and additional documents


1             Dr Wilson Sy

2             Reserve Bank of Australia

3             International Swaps and Derivatives Association Inc.

4             Macquarie Critical Thinkers Society  

5             Australian Movement for Sustained Development

6             Banking & Finance Consumers Support Association (Inc.)

7             Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association

8             Australian Bankers' Association

9             Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)

10           Australian Financial Markets Association

11           Citizens Electoral Council   

12           Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)   

13           Office of the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO)

14           Mr Graeme Medhurst

15           Farmers Marketing Network Pty Ltd  

16           Mr John Dahlsen 

17           Mr Richard Sanders

18           Mr Anthony Allison  

19           Mr Rob & Mrs Lesley McCormick 

20           Mr Rick McAllister  

21           Mr Jeremy Beck 

22           Mr Sleiman Yohanna   

23           Mr Robert Marotta  

24           Mr John Marsh   

25           Bob & Kerrie Ifield

26           Reg & Margaret Went    

27           Mr John Atkins   

28           Mr Garth Gilbert    

29           Mr Vince Maxwell  

30           Mr Adrian Collier 

31           Mr Keith Barry   

32           Mr Graeme Chapman     

33           Mr Brandon Potter   

34           Mr Walter Abetz 

35           Mr Glen Isherwood  

36           Ms Heidi van Schaik

37           Mr Brett Wilson

38           Mr Graham Crowther  

39           Mr Stephen Liddicut     

40           Mr Philip Harris   

41           Mr Michael Clayton

42           Name Withheld 

43           Mr Tom Marwick  

44           Mr Peter Hagen

45           Mr Phillip McGibbony   

46           Mr Bryan Robb

Form letters received

1               Form letter A: Total received: 15

Answers to questions on notice

1               Reserve Bank of Australia: Answers to written questions taken on notice (received 30 January 2018). 

2               Australian Prudential Regulation Authority: Answers to written questions taken on notice (received 30 January 2018). 

3               Australian Securities and Investments Commission: Answers to written questions taken on notice (received 31 January 2018). 

4               Treasury: Answers to written questions taken on notice (received 31 January 2018). 

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