Additional tier 1
Components of capital that are not included in common
equity tier 1 capital but nonetheless are high‑quality.
See securitisation.
Basel I
International convergence of capital measurement and capital
standards (Basel Capital Accord); a 1988 agreement between the central
banks of G10 countries that applied common minimum capital standards to
participating banking sectors. Replaced by Basel II.
Basel II
The 2004 agreement International convergence of capital
measurement and capital standards: a revised framework which replaced
Basel I and introduced a more risk‑sensitive framework based on three
pillars (see pillar 1, pillar 2 and pillar 3). Basel II came into effect
in Australia on 1 January 2008.
Basel 2.5
Amendments to Basel II that were finalised in July 2009
and commenced at the end of 2011. Basel 2.5 was focused on the better
management of resecuritisation exposure, introduced higher risk weightings
for securitisation exposures and other measures to strengthen pillars 2 and
Basel III
Revised global banking regulatory standards published in
2010 and developed in response to the global financial crisis. It builds on
the Basel II framework and is comprised of measures intended to increase the
quality and quantity of capital held by banks, as well as introducing a framework
for liquidity risk measurement, standards and monitoring.
Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision
A committee comprised of the banking regulators of
27 countries based in Basel, Switzerland. The committee aims to improve
the quality of banking supervision worldwide and develops guidelines and
supervisory standards to achieve this, such as Basel III.
Bullet bond
A debt instrument where the entire face value is paid at
once on the maturity date—i.e. it cannot be redeemed prior to maturity.
Equity and debt instruments held by a bank to provide a buffer
against unexpected losses. See regulatory capital.
Capital adequacy ratio
Minimum prudential capital requirements expressed as a
percentage of total risk‑weighted assets (RWA). Under Basel III,
capital ratios will be in place for common equity tier 1 capital, tier 1 capital
and total capital.

Capital conservation
Basel III requires that outside of periods of stress,
banks will need to hold a capital conservation buffer of 2.5 per cent (of
common equity tier 1) to withstand future periods of stress. If the capital
levels of a bank fall into the buffer range, capital distribution constraints
will be imposed (such as restrictions on the payment of dividends, share buybacks
and discretionary bonus payments to staff) that increase in severity as the
buffer reduces.
Common equity tier 1
Comprised of the highest quality components of capital
that includes, among other things, paid-up ordinary shares issued by an ADI,
retained earnings, undistributed current year earnings and other disclosed
Competition Inquiry
Senate Economics References Committee's inquiry into
competition within the Australian banking sector (2011).
Countercyclical buffer
Under Basel III, regulators will be able to require banks
to hold additional common equity tier 1 capital of between zero and 2.5 per
cent of total risk‑weighted assets when excess aggregate credit growth
is judged to be associated with an unacceptable build-up of system‑wide
risk, such as when credit growth is occurring at a rate which, historically,
financial system stability has been undermined.
Counterparty credit
A type of credit risk which applies to a bank's trading
book activities (e.g. interest rate swaps, foreign exchange swaps and credit
derivatives). It is the risk that the counterparty does not meet their
obligations, usually because of financial distress.
Covered bond
An instrument issued by an ADI where, in the event that
the issuing ADI defaults on its payment to the bondholder, the bondholder may
recoup their investment either from the issuing ADI or through a preferential
claim on a specified pool of high quality assets.
Credit risk
The risk that a counterparty will not settle an obligation
for full value, either when due or thereafter.
A security whose value is dependent upon or derived from
one or more assets or a market index.
Henry Review
Australia's Future Tax System Review (2009), chaired by
Dr Ken Henry AC.
Impaired asset
In accounting, an asset is described as impaired (and the
company recognises an impairment loss) if its carrying amount exceeds the
amount to be recovered through use or sale of the asset.
Interest rate swap
An agreement between two parties to exchange
fixed and variable interest rate payments on a notional principal amount over
an agreed period of time.
Johnson Report
The 2009 report of the Australian Financial Centre Forum, Australia
as a financial centre: Building on our strengths, chaired by Mr Mark
Leverage ratio
A minimum ratio of tier 1 capital to total exposure
required under Basel III.
Liquidity coverage
A requirement under Basel III for banks to have sufficient
high‑quality liquid assets to withstand a stressed funding scenario
that is specified by the regulator (based on the stock of high quality liquid
assets and the capacity of these assets to cover expected cash outflows over
the 30 day scenario).
London interbank offer
A rate that indicates the cost of unsecured borrowing in
the London interbank market. It is used as a benchmark globally for short
term interest rates.
Low‑doc loan
A loan that requires less financial documentation than
that required for other loans. Primarily for borrowers who do not meet the
standard loan application criteria, such as the self‑employed and other
borrowers whose income could not be readily verified.
Market risk
The risk of loss owing to changes in the general level of
market prices or interest rates.
Market value
Often defined as the price that would be negotiated in an
open and unrestricted market between a knowledgeable, willing but not anxious
buyer and a knowledgeable, willing but not anxious seller acting at arm's
length. For property valuations, it is the estimated amount for which an
asset should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a
willing seller in an arm's length transaction, after proper marketing and
where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without
compulsion (International Valuation Standards 2011).
Net stable funding
A longer-term structural ratio under Basel III intended to
encourage banks to use stable funding sources (i.e. reduce their dependency
on short-term wholesale funding).
Non-performing asset
From a lender's perspective, a debt obligation where the
borrower has not been making any previously agreed repayments (principal or
interest) for an extended period of time.
Operational risk
The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed
internal processes, people and systems or from external events. It includes legal
risk, but excludes strategic and reputational risk.
Pillar 1
The measures contained in Basel II and III that relate to
the core amount of capital that banks are required to hold against credit
risk, operational risk and market risk.
Pillar 2
The principles in Basel II and III for supervisory review
of banks' internal assessments of the risks in their business.
Pillar 3
The measures contained in Basel II and III intended to
encourage greater market discipline by improving the degree of transparency
in banks' public reporting.
A measure which compares a firm's share market value to
its book value.
Regulatory capital
Total amount of capital determined by regulators that an
ADI must hold for a certain level of risk‑weighted assets. It consists
of tier 1 and tier 2 capital. In Australia, it is imposed by prudential
standards made by APRA.
See repurchase agreement.
Repurchase agreement
Often referred to as repos. They involve the sale or
purchase of securities with a commitment to reverse the transaction at an
agreed date in the future and at an agreed price. The RBA uses repos to
conduct its domestic market operations (i.e. to ensure that the actual cash
rate is close to the target cash rate).
Residential mortgage‑backed
A type of security backed by a pool of residential
mortgages. See securitisation.
RMBSle funding ratiothe cost of isk-weighted
Measure of a bank's assets in terms of risk that is used
to calculate required regulatory capital. Assets that are considered to be
riskier are given a higher weighting.
Securitisation involves bundling illiquid assets and
converting them into a package of securities that can be issued into the
capital markets. The cash flow from the securitised exposures is used to
service obligations to different tranches of creditors where one class of
creditors is entitled to receive payments from the pool before other
subordinated creditors.
Tier 1 capital
Core capital, such as ordinary shares and retained
earnings; intended to be capable of absorbing losses while the ADI continues
to operate. It is comprised of common equity tier 1 capital and additional
tier 1 capital.
Tier 2 capital
Supplementary components of capital that do not qualify as
tier 1 but nonetheless contribute to the overall ability of an ADI to
absorb losses. Tier 2 capital includes subordinate debt and preference
Tier 3 capital
A capital tier allowed under Basel I and II (although not
recognised by APRA) but abolished by Basel III. It included instruments that
cover some market risks, such as foreign currency and commodities risk.
Volcker rule
Section 619 of the US Dodd-Frank Act. Will prevent banks
that take retail deposits that are federally insured in the US from:
(a) engaging in proprietary trading that is not directly related to the
market making and trading they do for customers; and (b) owning or sponsoring
hedge funds or private equity funds.
Wallis Inquiry
The 1997 Financial System Inquiry, chaired by Mr Stan