Additional comments by Coalition Senators

Additional comments by Coalition Senators

1.1        Coalition Senators acknowledge the Chair's report into this Bill and, except to the extent set out below, associate themselves with that report.

1.2        The Chair's report at a number of places refers to measures that have been taken by the current Government to address the issue of competitiveness in the banking sector and other measures it has implemented that impact on that sector in the context of this Bill.

1.3        Coalition Senators view on these measures have previously been set out in the respective reports related to the legislation implementing those measures and comprehensively in the report of the Senate Economic References Committee inquiry into Banking Competition, which reported earlier this year. 

1.4        The views of Coalition Senators in respect of those measures has not changed from that previously stated and where those views conflict with commentary contained in the Chair’s report on those measures, Coalition Senators previous views prevail.


Senator David Bushby Senator Alan Eggleston
Deputy Chair Senator for Western Australia

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