Chapter 1 - Introduction
Australia was an early leader in some aspects of space science
and industry. It was the fourth nation (after the USSR, the US and France) to
successfully build and launch a satellite from its own territory, when WRESAT
was launched from Woomera in 1967.[1]
The 'big dish' at Parkes had an important role in the Apollo missions.
In some areas it remains a leader. At the time of writing, the Phoenix
Mars Lander is transmitting data back to Earth using the Deep Space Tracking
Station at Tidbinbilla. Australia has some world class space scientists. It is
a leading user of remote sensing satellite data.
But in some other aspects it now lags behind. There are no
Australian-owned satellites. Since 1996, there has been no co-ordinating agency
for Australia's involvement in space, and it is often pointed out that Australia
is one of the few (large or medium‑sized) rich countries without one.
Does this matter? To investigate this issue, on 19 March 2008, the Senate referred the topic to the Senate Standing Committee on Economics
for report no later than October 2008. The reference specified that an interim
report be prepared by 23 June 2008.
This interim report seeks to summarise what the Committee sees as
the key questions that need to be answered to assess in what ways, if any, the
government needs to act to optimise Australia's capabilities in space science,
industry and education; and their contribution to the nation. The Committee
does not see 'contribution' in purely economic terms. Space science has the
capacity to inspire, to excite and to create a sense of wonder, and these
aspects are also valued.
As well as asking the key questions, this interim report summarises
views on these questions gleaned from the over eighty submissions received so
far (Appendix 1), and from witnesses at public hearings held in Canberra and Adelaide
(Appendix 2). Having focused on some key questions, further and supplementary
submissions are welcome to help the Committee answer these questions.
The Committee's conclusions and recommendations will be contained
in its final report later this year, after it conducts further public hearings
and the Green Paper from the National Innovation System Review is released.
The Committee thanks those who have contributed to the inquiry so
far and welcomes further involvement.
Terms of reference
The Committee was asked to investigate:
The current state of Australia's space science and industry
sector, examining options to strengthen and expand Australia's position in
fields that strongly align with space science and industry, giving
consideration to any national strategic coordination requirements and taking
into account findings and policy options of the National Innovation System
Review, with particular reference to:
- Australia's capabilities in space science, industry and
education, including:
- existing
Australian activity of world-class standard, and
- areas in
which there is currently little or no activity but that are within the
technical and intellectual capacity of the country;
- arguments for
and against expanded Australian activity in space science and industry,
- an assessment
of the risks to Australia's national interest of Australia's dependence on
foreign-owned and operated satellites,
- the
potential benefits that could accrue to Australia through further development
of our space capability,
- economic,
social, environmental, national security and other needs that are not being met
or are in danger of not being met by Australia's existing space resources or
access to foreign resources,
- impediments
to strengthening and expanding space science and industry in Australia,
including limiting factors relating to spatial information and global
positioning systems, including but not limited to ground infrastructures,
intergovernmental arrangements, legislative arrangements and
government/industry coordination, and
- the goals of
any strengthening and expansion of Australia's space capability both in the
private sector and across government; and
- realistic policy options that facilitate effective solutions
to cross-sector technological and organisational challenges, opportunity
capture and development imperatives that align with national need and in
consideration of existing world-class capability.
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