Appendix 6 - Suggestions for a liability insurance database

Appendix 6 - Suggestions for a liability insurance database

Extract from from submission 103, Institute of Actuaries of Australia, pp 24-25.

The main items required in a liability insurance database are:

(The above information would be required for any sub-components of a policy with different details, for instance if property damage coverage had a different policy limit.  For highly standard policies, such as the Public Liability component of house policies, aggregated details would be acceptable.)

Where the insurance is placed with an Australian licensed insurer, collection should be relatively straightforward.  In some cases, systems may not exist.  While such systems should be a benefit rather than a burden to the insurer, some reluctance may be encountered, which could have an impact on the quality of the data.

A significant volume of large corporate business is, in effect, self-insured, with large deductibles and placement direct into what is effectively the international reinsurance market.  If this data is not to be lost, it may be necessary to capture it directly from the insured corporation.

Deductibles, generally, are likely to prove a problem, since larger insureds vary in whether they report smaller claims to the insurer, and insurers vary in whether they regard reports as claims if the cost is unlikely to exceed the deductible.  There is also the question of incident reports, where an injury has occurred, but no claim has been lodged.  These, too, are treated differently by different insurers.

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