Appendix 5 - Commonwealth, state and territory Legislative initiatives as at 30 September 2002

Appendix 5 - Commonwealth, state and territory Legislative initiatives as at 30 September 2002


Trade Practices Amendment (Liability for Recreational Services) Bill 2002

This Bill permits companies who supply recreational services to consumers to exclude their implied contractual liability for death or personal injury where services are supplied without due care and skill.

Taxation Laws Amendment (Structured Settlements) Bill 2002

This Bill exempts from income tax monies received from certain annuity and lump sums that are received as part of a structured settlement for personal injury claims.

New South Wales

Civil Liability Act 2002

This Act provides, among other matters:

Legal Profession Amendment (Advertising) Regulation 2002

This regulation restricts the manner in which barristers and solicitors can advertise personal injury services.

Civil Liability Amendment (Personal Responsibility) Bill 2002

This draft Bill, which was recently released for discussion, deals with the following matters:


Wrongs and Other Acts (Public Liability Insurance Reform) Bill

This bill covers the following matters:


Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002

This Act:

South Australia

Wrongs (Liability and Damages for Personal Injury) Amendment Act 2002

Recreational Services (Limitation of Liability) Act 2002

Statutes Amendment (Structured Settlements) Act 2002

These Acts covers the following matters:

Western Australia

Civil Liability Bill 2002

This Bill:

Insurance Commission of Western Australia Amendment Bill 2002

This Bill amends the Insurance Commission of Western Australia Act 1986. It allows for the public liability insurance cover provided by RiskCover to be extended to not-for-profit organisations. Before cover can be granted an organisation must first be assessed and approved by the Treasurer.

Volunteers (Protection from Liability) Bill 2002

This bill will give volunteers qualified immunity from personal liability and transfer that liability to the organisation for which the volunteer is working.


Tasmania has implemented a range of measures including:

The second phase of reform, announced on 11 September, includes:

Australian Capital Territory

Civil Laws (Wrongs) Act 2002

Adventure Activities (Liability) Bill 2002 (private member’s bill)

Legal Practitioners Amendment Bill 2002 (private member’s bill)

These deal with:

Northern Territory

Personal Injuries (Liabilities and Damages) Bill 2002

This draft bill has been released for public comment. It includes:

Proposed amendments to the Legal Practitioners Act  will also limit legal fees in ‘no win, no fee’ cases.

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