Additional Documents

1 PDF: Department of Climate, Change, Energy the Environment and Water's: response to questions on notice (received 23 February 2023). Department of Climate, Change, Energy the Environment and Water's: response to questions on notice (received 23 February 2023).
2 PDF: Treasury: response to Senator Bragg's questions on notice (received 23 February 2023). Treasury: response to Senator Bragg's questions on notice (received 23 February 2023).
3 PDF: Tech Council of Australia: response to Senator Bragg's questions on notice (received 23 February 2023). Tech Council of Australia: response to Senator Bragg's questions on notice (received 23 February 2023).
4 PDF: Treasury: response to written questions on notice (received 2 March 2023). Treasury: response to written questions on notice (received 2 March 2023).
5 PDF: Treasury: response to written questions on notice (received 2 March 2023). Treasury: response to written questions on notice (received 2 March 2023).

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senate Standing Committees on Economics
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Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540