Selected Bibliography

Selected Bibliography

Australian Building Codes Board, 'About the National Construction Code',

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Summary of Findings, Introduction, 2049.0—Census of Population and Housing: Estimating homelessness, 2011

—           Information paper—a statistical definition of homelessness, no. 4922.0, 2012,$File/49220_2012.pdf

—           Household Wealth and Wealth Distribution, Australia, 2011–12, no. 6554.0, 21 August 2013,$File/65540_2011_12.pdf

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Housing assistance in Australia 2014, Canberra, 2014,

Australian National Audit Office, Implementation of the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness, Audit Report No. 312 2012–13, Performance Audit, 2013,

Australians for Affordable Housing, Easing Housing Stress Budget Statement
, nd,

Australian Government

—           The Road Home: A National Approach to Reducing Homelessness, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, 2008,

—           Harmer, J. Pension Review Report, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, 27 February 2009,

—           Australia’s future tax system: Report to the Treasurer, December 2009, Part Two, Detailed analysis volume, 2 May 2010,

—           Our Cities, Our Future: A national urban policy for a productive, sustainable and liveable future, 2011

—           Tax Expenditures Statement 2014, The Treasury, January 2015,

—           Towards Responsible Government, Appendix to the Report of the National Commission of Audit, Volume 2, February 2014,

—           Portfolio Budget Statements 2014–15, Budget Related Paper No. 1.5A, Social Services Portfolio,

—           A New System for Better Employment and Social Outcomes, Interim Report of the Reference Group on Welfare Reform to the Minister for Social Services, Full Report, June 2014,

—           Reform of Federation White Paper, Roles and Responsibilities in Housing and Homelessness, Issues Paper, 2 December 2014,

—           Closing the Gap, Prime Minister's Report 2015, Commonwealth of Australia, 2015,

—           The 2015 Intergenerational Report: Australia in 2055, March 2015,

—           Re:think: Tax discussion paper, Better tax system, better Australia, March 2015,

—           A New System for Better Employment and Social Outcomes, Report of the Reference Group on Welfare Reform to the Minister for Social Services, Final Report, February 2015,

Baker, E., Mason, K., Betley, R. and Mallett, S. 'Exploring the Bi-directional Relationship between Health and Housing in Australia', Urban Policy and Research, vol. 32, no. 1, 2014

Beer, A., et al, Public Housing stock transfer—impacts and implications for local government, CHURP, May 2014,

Berry, J. Home Sweet Home—Act for the house not the tenant, Footscray Community Legal Centre Inc, 2013

Callea, P. 'Negative Gearing: should we move towards the United Kingdom system?' ConTax Newsletter, September 2012,

Chigavazira A., Johnson G., Moschion J., Scutella R., Yi-Ping Tseng and Wooden M. The Journey Home Research, No. 5, September 2014, Findings from Waves 1 to 5: Special Topics, University of Melbourne,

COAG, Implementing the National Housing Reforms, A Progress Report to the Council of Australian Governments from Commonwealth, State and Territory Housing Ministers, November 2009,

COAG Housing Supply and Affordability Reform Working Party, final report, Housing Supply and Affordability Reform, July 2012

Ellis, L. address to the Paul Woolley Centre for Capital Market Dysfunctionality Annual Conference, 'Macroprudential Policy: A Suite of Tools or a State of Mind?' 11 October 2012,

—           'Macroprudential policy: What have we learned?', nd,

—           'Why Financial Stability Matters, and What We Can Do About It', address to the University of Adelaide, 4 June 2014,

Equal Opportunity Commission, Report of outcomes of the Recommendations of Accommodating everyone, March 2011,

High Court of Australia, Ronald Williams v The Commonwealth of Australia & Ors, [2012] HCA 23, 20 June 2012,

Hulse, K., Burke, T., Ralston, L. and Stone, W. The Australian private rental sector: changes and challenges, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, July 2012,

Igan, D. and Heedon Kang, IMF Working Paper, 'Do Loan-to-Value and Debt-to-Income Limits Work? Evidence from Korea' (December 2011),

Jácome, L.I. and Nier, E.W. 'Macroprudential Policy: Protecting the Whole', Finance and Development 49, no. 1, March 2012,

Kent, C. 'Recent Developments in the Australian Housing Market' Reserve Bank of Australia, Address to the Australian Institute of Building, 14 March 2013,

Kim, C. 'Macroprudential policies in Korea: Key measures and experiences', Bank of Korea, April 2014,

Krznar, I. and Morsink, J. IMF Working Paper, 'With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Macroprudential Tools at Work in Canada', May 2014,;

Lawson, J., Milligan, V. and Yate, J. Housing Supply Bonds—a suitable instrument to channel investment towards affordable housing in Australia?, AHURI Final Report No. 188, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, RMIT Research Centre UNSW-UWS Research Centre, May 2012,

McLachlan, R., Gilfillan G. and Gordon J. Deep and Persistent Disadvantage in Australia, Productivity Commission Staff Working Paper, Productivity Commission, July 2013,

McLaren, J.A. 'The Australian Capital Territory has adopted measures to abolish stamp duty and impose a land tax on all real property: will this approach be adopted by other states in Australia?' Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association 8, No. 1 (2013)

Milligan V., Yates, J., Wiesel, J. and Pawson, H. with Hamilton, C. Financing rental housing through institutional investment Volume 1: outcomes from an Investigative Panel, for the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute at University of New South Wales, March 2013,

National Housing Supply Council, Housing Supply and Affordability—Key indicators, 2012, June 2012,

National Housing Supply Council, Housing Supply and Affordability Issues 2012–13, 2013,

O'Donnell, J. 'Quarantining Interest Deductions for Negatively Geared Rental Property Investments', eJournal of Tax Research, vol. 3, no. 1, 2005

Pawson H., Milligan, V., Wiesel, I. and Hulse, K. Public housing transfers: past, present and prospective, AHURI Final Report No. 215, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, University of New South Wales and Swinburne University of Technology, October 2013,

Pinnegar, S., Easthope, H., Randolph, B., Williams, P, and Yates, J. 'Innovative financing for homeownership: the potential for shared equity initiatives in Australia', AHURI Final Report No. 137, August 2009

Price, G. Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Note, 'How has the LVR restriction affected the housing market: a counterfactual analysis', May 2014,

Productivity Commission, First Home Ownership, Report no. 28, Melbourne, 2004

—           Report on Government Services 2015, Volume G: Housing and homelessness, 2015,

Property Council of Australia, 'Unlocking home equity solution to ageing population', 6 March 2015,

Ralph, J. (Chair), A Tax System Redesigned: More Certain, Equitable and Durable, Review of Business Taxation, Canberra, 1999

Reserve Bank of Australia, Financial Stability Review, March 2015

Stevens, G. 'The Economic Scene', Adelaide, Address to CEDA Luncheon, 3 September 2014,

—           'Financial System Reform and the Monetary System', Address to the Melbourne Economic Forum, University of Melbourne, 25 September 2014,

The Sphere Company, Maximising growth potential of housing providers through title transfer, 2013,

Yates, J. Tax Expenditures and Housing, AHURI Research Paper, September 2009

Wood, E., et al, 'Exploring the Bi-directional Relationship between Health and Housing in Australia', Urban Policy and Research, vol. 32, no. 1, October 2013

Wood, G., Ong, R. and McMurray, C. 'The impacts of the Henry Review recommendations on the private rental market: Savings income discount and rent assistance,' AHURI Final Report No. 175, September 2011

Wulff, M., Reynolds, M., Arunachalam, D., Hulse, K. and Yates J. Australia's private rental market: the supply of, and demand for, affordable dwellings, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Swinburne-Monash Research Centre, May 2011,

Parliamentary committee reports

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, Report on Foreign Investment in Residential Real Estate, November 2014

Select Committee on Housing Affordability in Australia, A good house is hard to find: Housing affordability in Australia, June 2008

Senate Economics Committee, Investing for good: the development of a capital market for the not-for-profit sector in Australia, November 2011,

Standing Committee on Community Affairs, National Rental Affordability Scheme Bill 2008 [Provisions]: National Rental Affordability Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008 [Provisions], November 2008

Government Response

Government Response, Senate Economics References Committee Report—Investing for good: the development of a capital market for the not-for-profit sector in Australia, June 2012,

Media releases, statements and transcripts

Australian Securities and Investments Commission, media release 14-329MR, 'ASIC to investigate interest-only loans', 9 December 2014,

The Hon Tony Abbott MP, Prime Minister, 'Tony Abbott—Establishment of a Prime Minister's Indigenous Advisory Council', 10 August 2013,

—           'Boosting Productivity and Delivering Effective, Efficient Government', 8 November 2013,;fileType=application%2Fpdf#search=%22media/pressrel/2829445%22

The Hon Kevin Andrews MP, 'Opening remarks to the Real Estate Institute of Australia Housing Affordability Roundtable', 26 March 2014,

—           'Homeless Funding', 30 March 2014,

—           'Coalition Government to renew homelessness funding', 30 March 2014,

—           'Round 5 of flawed National Rental Affordability Scheme not proceeding', 13 May 2014,

—           'Bush Telegraph', ABC National, 20 May 2014,

—           'National homelessness agreement on track', 8 July 2014,

—           'National support for homelessness agreement', 15 July 2014,

—           'Coalition Committed to Reducing Homelessness', 4 August 2014,

The Hon Anthony Albanese, media release, 'Urban Policy Forum to provide stakeholder advice on cities', 20 January 2012,

The Hon Mark Butler, media release,'$159 million for national homelessness agreement', 16 March 2013

—           '$320 million deal of homelessness services', 28 March 2013

Department of Social Services, 'Cautionary Note to Developers, Investors and Charitable Organisations', October 2014,

The Hon Luke Foley MLC, Shadow Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, media release, 'Labor Opposition forces 46 amendments to O'Farrell Government's planning bill', 27 November 2013,

The Hon Jenny Macklin MP, Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, 'Continued Investment to Close the Gap', Indigenous Budget Statement 2013–14, 14 May 2013,

The Hon Scott Morrison MP, Minister for Social Services, 'Department of Social Services Grant Funding Offers', 24 December 2014,

—           'Morrison to fill critical front line service gaps in Social Service grants', 30 January 2015,

—           media release, 'Coalition reverses Labor’s funding cuts on homelessness with $230 million commitment prioritising victims of domestic violence', 23 March 2015,

The Hon Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, and the Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister, joint media release, 'Stronger, Fairer, Simpler: A Tax Plan for Our Future', 2 May 2010,

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