Additional comments

Coalition Senators
Coalition Senators note the majority report into regional inequality in Australia, with particular regard for the real challenges that face those Australians not living in urban centres.
It is the Coalition Senators’ view, reflecting the policy action of the Morrison Government, that a thriving regional Australia is at the heart of a strong post-pandemic recovery.
Our regions need programs and initiatives that allow communities to prosper and grow.
Leveraging a renewed interest in the benefits of regional living, and the economic benefits flowing from government support for employment and investment, trade agreements and infrastructure spending, Coalition Senators believe that while there are challenges there are also extraordinary opportunities.
Coalition Senators note the Morrison Government has a range of programs to support local economic development and facilitate major job creation, including the Regional Growth Fund, the Building Better Regions Fund and Regional Deals program.
This is bolstered by critical employment programs that are helping create opportunities for young Australians, helping our farmers access workers, supporting small businesses and strengthening training opportunities.
Significantly, the Coalition Government has also increased infrastructure funding across the country to record levels in recent years, with notable increases in regional Australia.


Coalition Senators endorse the Morrison Government’s holistic approach to infrastructure planning with relevant consideration given to the unique challenges of both regional Australia and of our cities and densely populated areas.
There are a range of current key programs which are supporting the development of regional Australian infrastructure, including:
Roads of Strategic Importance (ROSI)
A $4.6 billion commitment to upgrade key freight routes through the Roads of Strategic Importance (ROSI) initiative, with commitments to 26 corridors and around 45 projects across the country.
Roads to Recovery Program
A $6.2 billion commitment from 2013-14 to 2023-24 for the Roads to Recovery Program, funding councils across the country to undertake a range of critical road upgrades according to local priorities.
Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program
A $540 million program from 2013-14 to 2023-24, with ongoing funding of $69 million each year from 2024-25 to 2028-29 for the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program to improve productivity and safety outcomes of heavy vehicle operations across Australia.
Bridges Renewal Program
A $676 million program from 2015-16 to 2023-24, with ongoing funding of $91 million each year from 2024-25 to 2029-30 to upgrade and replace bridges to enhance access for local communities and facilitate higher productivity vehicle access.
Building Better Regions Fund
The Coalition Government will continue to invest $841.6 million over six years in the regions through the Building Better Regions Fund, which supports the government's commitment to create jobs, drive economic growth and build stronger regional communities into the future.
Regional Growth Fund
The Regional Growth Fund is a $272.2 million program, providing grants of at least $10 million, for projects which support long-term economic growth and create jobs in the regions.
Regional Deals
Based on the successful City Deals model, Regional Deals are collaborations between the Commonwealth Government and local governments and councils, working closely together to contribute towards the region’s ongoing success. Plans for Barkly and Hinkler are currently being implemented. Negotiations for an Albury-Wodonga Deal are underway.

Collaborative Approach

The Coalition Senators support the Government’s commitment to work collaboratively across the three tiers of government at a high level.
For example, the Morrison Government funds the Regional Development Australia (RDA) Committee program, which helps enable strong, confident and vibrant regions.
Currently funded for $76.7 million over four years, this initiative has 52 RDA Committees across Australia – made up of local leaders who work with all levels of government, business and community groups – to specifically support the development of their region.
The RDA Committees have an active and facilitative role in their communities with a clear focus on delivering local jobs, attracting investment and supporting economic growth.

Regional Employment

Employment opportunities are the single most important way of driving down inequalities between regional and urban Australia. Coalition Senators endorse current efforts to assist business with job creation and investment in regional Australia:
Regional Employment Trials (RET) program
From 1 October 2018, Employment Facilitators have worked with Regional Development Australia (RDA) committees in trial regions to enable local stakeholders to implement projects that address their region’s employment challenges. Projects are supported through a $10 million Local Employment Initiative Fund.
Local Jobs Program
The Local Jobs Program is being rolled out in 25 Employment Regions across Australia. Employment Facilitators in each region will work with employers and other key local stakeholders to develop employment solutions at a local level and support Australians back into work. The Local Jobs Program will run for two years, until 30 June 2022.
Harvest Trail Services (HTS)
In the 2019–2020 Budget, the Government building on its Harvest Labour Services program, announced reforms which will see a $24.1 million investment over four years. The budget measure is aimed at encouraging more Australian job seekers to take-up seasonal harvest work and move into ongoing work in horticulture and broad-acre crop farming.
The HTS program will continue to connect workers with growers and address seasonal labour demands in all harvest areas across regional Australia.
Australian Apprentice Wage Subsidy
The government’s Australian Apprentice Wage Subsidy – opposed by Labor – is directly supporting over 3,200 apprentices into training in regional communities. Along with the Industry Training Hubs program – the wage subsidy program is improving training and employment opportunities for young people in regions with high youth unemployment.
As at 26 November 2020, over 20,500 regional and rural small businesses are benefitting from the Supporting Apprentices and Trainees Wage Subsidy - with $250 million in funding keeping around 35,000 apprentices and trainees in work and in training in our regions.
Career Revive Program
The Career Revive pilot is an initiative worth $1.5 million from 2019–2022. It aims to increase women’s workforce participation by supporting a total of thirty medium to large regional businesses to attract and retain women returning to work after a career break.


Coalition Senators support the policy action of the Morrison Government to address regional inequality with targeted infrastructure and jobs programs.
Coalition Senators would like to thank participants in this inquiry – all whom made an invaluable contribution not just as witnesses to our public hearings but also through submissions and other written contributions.
In particular, the Coalition Senators thank those millions of Australians who make the regions their home and who strive every day to overcome the challenges of living away from the urban centres.
Senator Slade Brockman
Deputy Chair
Liberal Senator for Western Australia
Senator Andrew Bragg
Liberal Senator for New South Wales

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