

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Journals of the Senate No. 102, 25 June 2015, p. 2832.

[2]        Eighteen of the 58 venues were not trading at the time. The restrictions were to apply to those venues if and when they resumed trading.

[3]        The Hon Barry O'Farrell MP, Premier of NSW, 'Restrictions on Kings Cross Licensed Venues', Media Release, 15 August 2012, (accessed 17 February 2016).

[4]        NSW Government, Update on the response to issues in Kings Cross, June 2013, p. 1, (accessed 17 February 2016).

[5]        NSW Government, Update on the response to issues in Kings Cross, June 2013, p. 1.

[6]        NSW Government, Update on the response to issues in Kings Cross, June 2013, p. 1.

[7]        The Hon George Souris MP, NSW Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, Second Reading Speech to the Liquor Amendment (Kings Cross Plan of Management) Bill 2013, 22 August 2013, (accessed 14 January 2016).

[8]        The Hon Barry O'Farrell MP, Premier of NSW, 'Lockouts and mandatory minimums to be introduced to tackle drug and alcohol violence', Media Release, 21 January 2014.

[9]        The Hon Barry O'Farrell MP, Premier of NSW 'Lockout to commence from 24 February', Media Release, 5 February 2014, (accessed 24 February 2016).

[10]      The Hon Barry O'Farrell MP, Premier of NSW, 'Lockouts and mandatory minimums to be introduced to tackle drug and alcohol violence', Media Release, 21 January 2014.

[11]      NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, Fact Sheet: 2014 reforms for liquor regulation in NSW, July 2014, p. 2, (accessed 14 January 2016).

[12]      NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, Fact Sheet: 2014 reforms for liquor regulation in NSW, July 2014, p. 2.

[13]      The Hon Barry O'Farrell MP, 'Lockout to commence from 24 February', Media Release, 5 February 2014.

[14]      Liquor Amendment Act 2014 (NSW), Schedule 1, clause 47.

[15]      Department of Justice, 'Public to have its say in Independent Review of Lockouts, Last Drinks and 10pm Liquor Laws', Media release, NSW Government, 11 February 2016, (accessed 22 February 2016).

[16]      Lauren McMah, 'Thousands protest against lockout laws in Keep Sydney Open rally',, (accessed 22 February 2016).

[17]      '#KeepSydneyOpen: Thousands of protesters call for Sydney's lockout laws to be revoked', ABC News, 21 February 2016, (accessed 22 February 2016).

[18]      Sean Nicholls, 'Barry O'Farrell announces 'tough' laws to combat alcohol‑fuelled violence', Sydney Morning Herald, 21 January 2014, (accessed 14 January 2016).

Chapter 2 - Sydney lockout laws

[1]        Mr Michael Thorn, Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, pp 40–41.

[2]        Victorian Alcohol & Drug Association, Submission 153, Attachments 1 and 2; Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, Submission 164, pp 13–18;  Public Health Association of Australia, Submission 172, pp 11–14; Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Submission 261, pp 10–11; Australian Psychological Society, Submission 425, pp 8–10.

[3]        Brewers Association of Australia & New Zealand, Submission 221, p. 1.

[4]        Carlton & United Breweries, Submission 111, p. 2.

[5]        Winemakers' Federation of Australia, Submission 251, p. 3.

[6]        Matt Carr, 'ID scanning 'quiet success'', The Newcastle Herald, 15 July 2012,, (accessed 18 February 2016).

[7]        Newcastle Entertainment Precinct, Newcastle Entertainment Precinct ID Scanning Policy, 2016, (accessed 18 February 2016).

[8]        Mr Anthony Prior, The Keystone Group, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 5.

[9]        Ashlee Mullany, 'ID scans hit crime in Kings Cross party precinct', The Daily Telegraph, 2 October 2014, (accessed 18 February 2016).

[10]      NSW Government, 'ID scanners go live in Sydney's Kings Cross', 13 June 2014,

[11]      Mr Douglas Grand, Kings Cross Licencing Accord Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 7.

[12]      Liquor and Gaming NSW, 'Kings Cross ID scanner review', NSW Government, (accessed 18 February 2016).

[13]      NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, 'Lockouts and last drinks: The impact of the January 2014 liquor license reforms on assaults in NSW, Australia', Crime and Justice Bulletin, Number 183, April 2015, p. 1.

[14]      Dr Donald Weatherburn, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 22.

[15]      Dr Donald Weatherburn, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, pp 23–24.

[16]      NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Lockouts and Last Drinks – Forthcoming Findings, 10 February 2016, (accessed 18 February 2016).

[17]      For a comparison of Kings Cross pedestrian data in 2012 and 2015, see: City of Sydney, Late Night Management Areas Research Phase 4 Report, September 2015, p. 22, (accessed 3 May 2016).

[18]      Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Submission 433, p. 4.

[19]      NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, 'Lockouts and last drinks: The impact of the January 2014 liquor licence reforms on assaults in NSW, Australia', Crime & Justice Bulletin, Number 183, April 2015 (Revised), (accessed 19 February 2016).

[20]      Dr Donald Weatherburn, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 23.

[21]      Dr Donald Weatherburn, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 24.

[22]      Dr Donald Weatherburn, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 24. See also BOSCAR, ‘Lockouts and last drinks: The impact of the January 2014 liquor license reforms on assaults in NSW, Australia’, Crime and Justice Bulletin, Number 183, April 2015, p. 9.

[23]      Dr Donald Weatherburn, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 24. See also: Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Lockouts and Last Drinks – Forthcoming findings, 10 February 2016, (accessed 18 February 2016).

[24]      Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Submission 433, p. 2. See also: Keystone Group, Submission 434, p. 4

[25]      Ms Stephanie McCarthy, private capacity, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, pp 13 and 15. See also: National LGBTI Health Alliance, Submission 439, p. 2.

[26]      National LGBTI Health Alliance, Submission 439, pp 2 and 4.

[27]      NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, ‘Lockouts and last drinks: The impact of the January 2014 liquor license reforms on assaults in NSW, Australia’, Crime and Justice Bulletin, Number 183, April 2015, p. 1.

[28]      Dr Donald Weatherburn, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, pp 24–25.

[29]      Dr Donald Weatherburn, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 25.

[30]      National LGBTI Health Alliance, Submission 439, p. 3.

[31]      Dr Donald Weatherburn, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 25.

[32]      Emma Reynolds and Andrew Koubaridis, 'Lockout laws' Star attraction: Inside Sydney's biggest after-hours venue',, 18 February 2016, (accessed 19 February 2016).

[33]      NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, NSW Crime Statistics for Oct 2013 to Sep 2015: Incidents of Assault (Non-domestic assault), (accessed 29 February 2016).

[34]      Matt Barrie, 'Would the last person in Sydney please turn the lights out', 3 February 2016, (accessed 3 May 2016).

[35]      National LGBTI Health Alliance, Submission 439, p. 2.

[36]      National LGBTI Health Alliance, Submission 439, p. 2.

[37]      National LGBTI Health Alliance, Submission 439, p. 4.

[38]      Mr Anthony Prior, The Keystone Group, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 1.

[39]      Mr Anthony Prior, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 3; Mr Douglas Grand, Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 4.

[40]      Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Submission 433, p. 3.

[41]      Mr Andrew Lazarus, Hotel Pursuits trading as Soho Bar, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 2; Mr Anthony Prior, The Keystone Group, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 2; Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Submission 433, p. 5.

[42]      Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Submission 433, p. 5.

[43]      Mr David Jank, Arcadia Liquors, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 2.

[44]      Mr Douglas Grand, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 3.

[45]      Mr Andrew Lazarus, Soho Bar, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 3.

[46]      Mr Douglas Grand, Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 3.

[47]      Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 1.

[48]      Mr Tyson Koh, Keep Sydney Open, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 20.

[49]      Mr Tyson Koh, Keep Sydney Open, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 20.

[50]      Lucy McNally, 'Music industry representatives claim 40 per cent drop in live music revenue since Sydney lockout laws', ABC News, 19 February 2016,’s-live-music-revenue/7183024 (accessed 19 February 2016).

[51]      Mr Michael Thorn, Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 42.

[52]      Mr Paul Klarenaar, Australian Health Promotion Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 44.

[53]      Information provided in relation to a question taken on notice at a public hearing held in Potts Point on 20 November 2015, received from the NSW Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing on 13 January 2016, p. 1.

[54]      Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, pp 18-19.

[55]      The 2011 post code incorporates Kings Cross, Potts Point, Elizabeth Bay, Rushcutters Bay and Woolloomooloo.

[56]      2011 Residents' Association, Submission 421, p. 5.

[57]      Jessica Irvine, 'Lockout laws a winner for Potts Point and Kings Cross apartments', Sydney Morning Herald, 29 February 2016, (accessed 29 February 2016).

[58]      Mr Andrew Lazarus, Soho Bar, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 2.

[59]      Ms Stephanie McCarthy, private capacity, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 14.

[60]      Ms Helen Crossing, 2011 Residents' Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 30.

[61]      Ms Helen Crossing, 2011 Residents' Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, pp 30 and 34-35; Document tabled by the 2011 Residents’ Association at a public hearing held in Potts Point on 20 November 2015, p.1.

[62]      Ms Helen Crossing, 2011 Residents' Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 30.

[63]      Ms Helen Crossing, 2011 Residents' Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 30.

[64]      Ms Helen Crossing, 2011 Residents' Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 30.

[65]      Ms Helen Crossing, 2011 Residents' Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 37.

[66]      Ms Helen Crossing, 2011 Residents' Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 31.

[67]      Mr Andrew Lazarus, Soho Bar, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 2.

[68]      Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 11.

[69]      Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Submission 433, p. 1.

[70]      Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Submission 433, p. 2.

[71]      Mr Douglas Grand, Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 7.

[72]      The Hon George Souris, Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing, NSW, Second reading speech, Legislative Assembly Hansard, 22 August 2013.

[73]      NSW Government, ‘Kings Cross precinct – special licence conditions’, (accessed 6 November 2015).

[74]      Mr Douglas Grand, Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 7.

[75]      Mr Douglas Grand, Kings Cross Licensing Accord Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, pp 10–11.

Additional comments - Senator David Leyonhjelm – Liberal Democratic Party

[1]        Mr Paul Klarenaar, Australian Health Promotion Association, Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015 p. 39.

[2]        Submission 186, p. 1.

[3]        Submission 160, p. 26.

[4]        See: Paul Adachi and Teena Willoughby, 'The Effect of Video Game Competition and Violence on Aggressive Behavior: Which Characteristic Has the Greatest Influence?' Psychology of Violence, vol. 1, no. 4, October 2011, pp 259 –274.

[5]        Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, pp 18-19.

[6]        See, for example: Committee Hansard, 20 November 2015, p. 39.