List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

The Department of Defence provide to the committee an explanation suitable for publication:
as to why the Bofors 57mm Mk3 gun used by the Royal Brunei Navy was deemed unsuitable for the Australian OPVs; and
an estimate of the final contract cancellation cost for the Leonardo 40mm gun.

Recommendation 2

That the Australian Government and the Department of Defence undertake a review SEA 5000 and issue a public statement clarifying:
the overall status of the Hunter-class Frigate project;
what problems have been identified and how they are to be resolved;
the current expected cost of the project including any further new expenditure; and
if a ‘Plan B’ is being considered should the project be cancelled as the Attack-class submarine contract was.

Recommendation 3

The Australian Government re-issue a revised Naval Shipbuilding Plan at the earliest possible opportunity.

Recommendation 4

The Australian Government clarify, at the earliest possible opportunity, Australia’s obligations regarding the exchange of nuclear technology from the US and UK and how this affects Australian sovereignty.

Recommendation 5

The Senate re-refers the Australia’s sovereign naval shipbuilding capability inquiry to the Senate Economics References Committee or the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee in the 47th Parliament.

Recommendation 6

That the Parliament consider establishing a Joint Select Committee on AUKUS in the 47th Parliament to examine in detail the progress of the nuclear submarines acquisition and other related matters. The Terms of Reference should also include strategic, diplomatic and financial considerations of the AUKUS arrangements.

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Past Public Hearings

17 Nov 2021: Canberra
15 Oct 2021: Canberra
06 Aug 2021: Canberra