Senate Economics References Committee

Senate Economics References Committee

Senator Chris Ketter(from 1 July 2014, Chair from 22 October 2015) Queensland, ALP
Senator Sam Dastyari(Chair from 2 July 2014 to 22 October 2015) New South Wales, ALP
Senator Mark Bishop (Chair until 1 July 2014) Western Australia, ALP
Senator Sean Edwards (Deputy Chair from 2 July 2014) South Australia, LP
Senator David Bushby (Deputy Chair until 2 July 2014) Tasmania, LP
Senator Matthew Canavan (from 1 July 2014 to 23 February 2016) Queensland, LNP
Senator the Hon. Kim Carr (from 1 July 2014 until 15 May 2015) Victoria, ALP
Senator Jenny McAllister (from 15 May 2015) New South Wales, ALP
Senator Louise Pratt (until 1 July 2014) Western Australia, ALP
Senator Dean Smith (from 23 February 2016) Western Australia, LP
Senator John Williams (until 1 July 2014) New South Wales, NATS
Senator Nick Xenophon South Australia, IND
Senators participating in this inquiry  
Senator Chris Back Western Australia, LP
Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan New South Wales, LP
Senator Joanna Lindgren Queensland, LP
Senator Deborah O'Neill New South Wales, ALP
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson Tasmania, AG


Dr Kathleen Dermody, Secretary
Ms Morana Kavgic, Administrative Officer (until 27 February 2015)
Ms Ashlee Hill, Administrative Officer (from 23 February to 24 September 2015)
Ms Sarah Batts, Administrative Officer (from 25 September 2015)

PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Ph: 02 6277 3540
Fax: 02 6277 5719

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