Chapter 7 - Renewable alternatives
Term of Reference (d) the viability
of the use of renewable energy sour including hydro-electricity to
provide electricity to Queensland consumers.
7.1 As
with other issues relating to Eastlink, opinions as to the viability of
renewable alternative electricity generating systems were polarised.
7.2 The two power
authorities involved believe that alternative electricity generating options
have a role but that they cannot supplant the position that Eastlink will hold
in the formation of a national grid. Powerlink makes it clear that Eastlink
has an integral part in a comprehensive Queensland Government energy strategy
which also includes demand side management, renewables and cogeneration: 'The
policy is not Eastlink or alternative energy - it is Eastlink and
alternative energy'. 1
7.3 Opposing this,
community groups and individuals argued that Queensland's increasing energy
needs could and should be met through a combination of renewable energy
generating options, increased attention to demand side management and increased
incentives for energy conservation.
Community Opinion
Extent of Community Involvement
7.4 Considerable
community resources were invested in submissions to the 'Committee canvassing
the range and efficiency of renewable alternatives. For example, the submission
by South East Queensland Against Eastlink provided over 100 pages of
information about renewable alternatives. The combined Greenpeace/AC17
submission presented an analysis of Queensland's foreseeable
electricity needs and the cost effectiveness of Eastlink against various renewables.
And the Sustainable Energy Industries Council of Australia sent a comprehensive
submission which addressed predictions of energy demand and alternatives for fulfillling
that demand. From the submissions sent to the inquiry, the
Committee was given a very strong impression that the general public is
interested and involved in alternative electricity generating options.
Philosophical Change Needed
7.5 Taken together,
the submissions indicated a widespread opinion that reliance on fossil
fuels was no longer in Australia's interests because of
the global implications of pollution and the greenhouse effect. As indicated by
the content of the submissions, many people were not only aware of other
options, but were keen for those options to be supported by governments to a
greater degree than is happening at present.
7.6 In addition, the
view was also frequently expressed that the community would be very willing to
participate in energy saving programs. People see such programs as cost
effective and able to provide at least partially, if not fully, for the
projected increase in Queensland's power requirements
over the next decade.
7.7 The prevailing
view was that Australia, and in
particular Queensland, should
diversify its means of electricity generation, move away from large coal-fired
power stations, and increase commitment to alternative renewable energy sources
and energy conservation measures. 2 A
number of submissions recommended that the Committee read Gavin Gilchrist's book The
Big Switch -Clean Energy for the Twenty-First Century.
7.8 More generally,
the view was expressed that it was time for governments to comprehensively
address global environmental problems, and that electricity generation was one
important way in which governments could make a significant impact by investing
in renewable energy alternatives and fully adopting energy efficiency programs.
The benefits of such a policy would extend to employment, and to the expansion
of exports throughout the AsianPacific region.
7.9 The opinion was
often expressed that a general philosophical change was required for
governments to move away from the view that big, centralised electricity generating
systems were better than small decentralised alternative renewable systems.
7.10 As summarised in
one submission: 'Without this influence, the large conglomerates used to
producing power in traditional ways will continue to recommend to government the
systems and technology they are used to. Worse, in order to keep the
organisations and their own employment intact, there will be a tendency to
continue to recommend more of the same, rather than new or different ideas. We
will simply end up with more Lake Pedders, as Eastlink
surely is'.
7.11 Concern was
expressed that the current system of electricity generation in Australia, which
directly links profit to the volume of electricity sold, perpetuates thinking
along the lines of 'big solutions'. The belief
that change is needed was well summarised with the statement that Eastlink is
'last century's solution to next century's needs'.
Alternatives Considered
7.12 The submission
provided by South East Queensland Against Eastlink noted:
range of proven renewable energy technologies are available to provide end-use
needs cleanly and efficiently and many are in service in Queensland. These include:
- solar
water heaters for pools, homes and commerce
- solar
efficient building design
- solar
thermal process heat for industry
- solar
thermal electricity wind energy systems for electricity and water pumping
- wood
heaters and boilers
- process
heat and electricity from bagasse
- photovoltaic
electrical power supply systems
- mini and
micro hydro-electric systems micro hydro-pumping systems
- greenhouses
- crop
- salt
Research continues into
all these technologies and developments to date are very encouraging. Further
significant advances will occur before 1998, and enormous advances are likely
within the life of any new coal fired power station which may be built in the
next few years. Special areas of interest include low cost solar thermal power
stations, wind turbines, photovoltaies and remote area power supply systems.
Energy storage is another area of progressive development, particularly for
electrical energy systems. Many of these technologies are well proven and
economical. Others are near economic and become even more so if social
and environmental costs are included. Much research is now focused on reducing
production costs.
7. 13 In summary, Professor lan
Lowe in a recent
article argued that: 'all these alternatives look better value economically and
politically than carving a swathe through hundreds of kilometres of farmland.'
Economics of Alternatives
7.14 The economic
viability of alternatives, compared to Eastlink, will largely depend on the
parameters used within comparisons. For example, the cost of photovoltaic cells
may not compare favourably with Eastlink if current prices are used. However,
if comparisons use anticipated prices, for five years hence when Eastlink would
be commissioned, then photovoltaics may well be competitive. More importantly
though, if adequate funding is never invested in research, development and
initial production of alternative, sustainable energy generation systems, they
will never become competitive. Just as conventional sources of power such as
coal and gas fired power stations needed massive government support and
subsidisation when they were first being developed, alternative systems need
strong support before they will become truly competitive.
7.15 When
unconventional forms of electricity generation are compared with conventional
forms they are frequently disadvantaged. The main reasons for this are,
firstly, research and establishment costs of alternative sources are often
included in comparisons when they should not be included because similar costs
for conventional installations have long been paid for. This favours the
continued use of large conventional power stations. Secondly, costs related to
environmental damage caused by some conventional forms of power generation
(such as coal 9 ) are not usually included in comparisons when
they should be, because many alternative forms of electricity generation do not
have high environmental costs. Opponents of Eastlink claim that the
environmental damage caused by the construction of the power line 'may run into
millions of dollars'. The inclusion of environmental costs
would probably favour small renewable forms of power generation.
7.16 Further it was
argued in evidence to the Committee that because Eastlink is narrowly focused
on a 'big picture', cost/benefit analyses fail to take into account the
potential advantages of decentralised energy strategies, such as regional
employment. People
believe that it will be hard for power authorities to take on the role of
energy service providers offering advice on energy efficient strategies
(particularly to large commercial consumers) and to promote energy systems that
cause least greenhouse gas production, when they clearly favourable solutions.
Finally, many people living in rural areas aspire to some degree of
self-sufficiency and would prefer to install stand-alone solar systems.
However, subsidies provided by large power authorities for connection to the
main grid
the potential for environmentally sound, self-sufficient energy sources.
Other Solutions - Demand Management & Energy
In rejecting the Eastlink proposal, many submissions from Queensland not only
called for greater use of alternative sustainable sources of electricity
generation, but suggested greater attention to demand management options to
reduce power requirements and a shift in thinking from 'consumption' to
7.19 A submission from
the Australian Democrats stated that energy saving is more cost effective than
energy generation at a ration of about 1:2-3. Estimates of the amount of energy
which can be saved through conservation programs are around 20-25%. In Queensland, this would
result in about 1000mw of electricity, double that which would be transferred
through Eastlink.
7.20 While the QEC
claims that there is going to be a 4.9% increase in demand for electricity
which will be needed by 1998, to save 4.7% of the State's electricity would
only require the installation of solar hot water systems in 33% of the State's
households'. At the moment
the penetration rate for solar hot water systems is only 5% in Queensland, while it is
25% in Western
and 40% in the Northern Territory.
7.21 Other
suggestions for demand management and energy conservation included were:
- to
provide incentives for solar hot water;
- off-peak
use of freezers and hot water;
- incentives
to for home owners to put in insulation;
- compulsory
requirement for insulation, solar hot water, off peak connections for freezers,
etc in new homes;
totally flexible working hours to spread the use load;
- more
widespread use of solar power;
- increased
use of energy efficient lamps;
- architectural
- stand-alone
hybrid-systems with servicing agreements;
- change
from electricity to gas for cooking, hot water and heating;
adaptation of houses designs to increase solar efficiency;
- consumer
- price
structuring incentives;
- and
greater use of energy efficient technologies (appliances).
In addition, suggestions were made as to how Queensland could increase its
generation of electricity without having to construct Eastlink, including; the
use of existing power line corridors which already service the major centres by
either upgrading current installations or by constructing additional towers
along them; the construction of new (alternative) power generation plants where
they can be connected directly into existing corridors; upgrade and reactivate
closed power stations; and upgrading existing power stations to increase
Tully Millstream Hydro-Electric Augmentation Project
7.23 The Tully
Millstream Augmentation Project is located halfway between Cairns and
Townsville, on the Tully River. It would expand the existing Tully
Falls Scheme which was built in the 1950s and which is based on the Koombooloomba
Dam located in the rainforest catchment of the Upperjully River (a fall of
450m). A new tunnel would drop water direct from the Koombooloomba Dam, 700m to
generators deep in the mountains at the level of the coastal plain (water being
fed back into the river 19km downstream) and water storage would be supplemented
with the construction of two other small dams.
7.24 The new power
station would have a -capacity of 600mw, from three 200mw generators. The
scheme would have a seven year construction time and a test tunnel has already
been driven into the mountain at the site where the power station would be
located. The cost of feasibility studies and works to date have been $26m and
the estimated cost of the project is about $700m in current prices. The
estimated maximum workforce during construction would be 1100.
7.25 The Tully
Millstream Action Group presented evidence in its submission that the scheme
had considerable advantages over other proposals for supplying Queensland's future
power needs, including Eastlink. They argued that it was superior in terms of
economics, environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions, and would have
other secondary benefits such as tourism, recreation and agriculture
(irrigation capacity is built into the scheme).
7.26 Representatives
of the Tully Millstream Action Group gave evidence to the Committee at the
public hearing in Toowoomba, travelling at their own expense from Atherton. In arguing
a case for the project, the Action Group pointed out that the area of real
deficiency of electricity supply in Queensland was in the far north,
an area which was forced to import 85% of its electricity. Cairns, they noted,
is as far from Brisbane as Melbourne is, and Cape York is as far away from
Brisbane as is southern Tasmania. North Queensland is rich in resources
and has vast tourist potential and the area is expected to have one of the
highest growth rates in Australia.
7.27 In their
submission, the Action Group argued that the proposed interconnection between
NSW and Queensland was one
where two areas of surplus electricity supply were being linked. Eastlink, they
concluded, was 'not a satisfactory solution to the supply of large power
deficiency in the north of Queensland'.
7.28 However, while
a number of other submissions to the Committee were in support of the
Tully Millstream project, others submissions opposed it. These submissions
argued that although hydro-electricity is a clean and renewable resource,
the construction of supplementary dams, roads and tunnels raises other land
management issues. Simply by the nature of their location, dams inundate areas
of highly fertile soils. These soils are now in short supply and the protection
of prime agricultural land is important. Both NSW and Queensland have already
lost large areas of its most fertile agricultural lands through inundation.
Other submissions commented that the Tully Millstream project was potentially
environmentally damaging as it would result in the loss of a large area of
important animal habitat and would reduce the region's biodiversity. If the
site was in a world heritage area, two submissions argued, the project would
probably not be allowed. One submission concluded that the Tully Millstream
project was 'brilliantly engineered but environmentally challenging .
7.30 In discussing
potential environmental impact, the Tully Millstream Action Group emphasised
that because the scheme is an augmentation of an existing scheme, the
environmental impact would be minimal. Powerlines would follow existing routes
and the proposed new access road would be located in open woodland, not
7.31 Throughout the
current inquiry, the Committee was impressed by the knowledge and enthusiasm
that community groups and individuals hold for alternative renewable forms of
electricity generation.
7.32 T he Senate
Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology in its 1992 report, Gas
& Electricity - Combining Efficiency and Greenhouse, stated that
Queensland would be an ideal place to further research on renewables and
recommended that the development of a national grid must not preclude the
further development of options such as demand management, cogeneration and new
7.33 Despite the
outcome of the Eastlink interconnection, the Committee reiterates the opinion
expressed in the Gas and Electricity Report that Queensland would be an
ideal place for increased research and development of renewable energy options.
B Ferguson
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