Core Members:
Senator J.M.A. Collins (Chair) (Australian Labor Party - VIC)
Senator A.B. Ferguson (Deputy Chair) (Liberal Party -SA)
Senator M. Bishop[1] (Australian Labor Party - WA)
Senator H.G.P. Chapman (Liberal Party -SA)
Senator B.K. Childs (Australian Labor Party - NSW)
Senator S. Mackay[2] (Australian Labor Party - TAS)
Senator A. Murray (Australian Democrats - WA)
Senator J.H. Panizza[3] (Liberal Party - WA)
Substitute Members:
1. Senator Sherry substituted for Senator Bishop except for 9-16
July when Senator Forshaw substituted for Senator Bishop; 17-25 July
when Senator Murphy substituted for Senator Bishop.
2. Senator Cooney substituted for Senator Mackay for the period 29
and 30 July.
3. Senator Crane substituted for Senator Panizza.
Participating Members:
Senators: E. Abetz, L. Allison, V.W. Bourne, B. Brown, D. Brownhill,
P.H. Calvert, I.G. Campbell, K. Carr, M. Colston, P. Cook, B.Cooney,
C.M. Ellison, C.V. Evans, M. Forshaw, R. Kemp, I.D. Macdonald, S.
Macdonald, D.J. MacGibbon, D. Margetts, J.J.J. McGauran, J. McKiernan,
N. Minchin, S. Murphy, B.J. Neal, W.G. O'Chee, J.H. Panizza, C. Schacht,
N. Sherry, N. Stott Despoja, G.E.J. Tambling, J.M. Troeth, J.O.W.
Watson and R.L. Woods.
Robert Diamond
Research Staff:
Pippa Carron
Leah Edwards
Geoff Dawson
Merrilyn Pyle
Maurice Chalmers
Executive Assistant:
Diane Strong
Committee Address:
The Secretary
Senate Economics References Committee
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Phone: (06) 277 3540
Fax: (06) 277 5719