Interim Report: Inquiry into Augmented Tax Assessments

Interim Report: Inquiry into Augmented Tax Assessments

31 March 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011

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31 March 2011

Senator the Hon John Hogg
President of the Senate
Parliament House

Dear Mr President

Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 38(7), I present to you an interim report of the Economics References Committee in relation to the Committee’s inquiry into augmented tax assessments.

The reference was referred to the committee on 22 November 2010 for report by 31 March 2011. The inquiry relates to amendments to the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 4) Bill 2010 proposed by Senator Cormann on sheet 7010. The amendments would require the Australian Taxation Office to provide taxpayers, along with their notices of assessment, with a break-down of how the amount of the assessment was spent on different functions in the financial year (calculated by applying the proportion of the Budget expenditure on each function to the amount of the assessment) and the level of Australian government net debt.

The committee held a public hearing in Canberra on 9 February 2011 and is in the final stages of preparing its report. The committee intends to present its final report by 8 April 2011.

Senator Alan Eggleston

For further information, contact:

Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

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