

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Queensland Government, Queensland floods, (accessed 20 May 2011).

[2]        The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, Media Release, 27 January 2011, (accessed 20 May 2011).

[3]        The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, Media Release, 27 January 2011.

[4]        Treasury, Flood levy, (accessed 20 May 2011).

[5]        The Hon. Julia Gillard, Prime Minister, Media Release, 27 January 2011.

[6]        Treasury, 'Rebuilding after the floods', (accessed 20 May 2011).

[7]        House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 February 2011, p. 24.

[8]        Senate Economics Legislation Committee, Tax Law Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011, March 2011, p. 19.

[9]        Senate Economics Legislation Committee, Tax Law Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011, March 2011, p. 23.

[10]      Senate Economics Legislation Committee, Tax Law Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011, March 2011, p. 20.

[11]      Dr Rosemary Laing, Procedural advice to Senate Economics References Committee, 28 April 2011.

[12]      Dr Rosemary Laing, Procedural advice to Senate Economics References Committee, 28 April 2011. The Melbourne Corporation doctrine or principle arose from the decision of the High Court in The Lord Mayor, Councillors and Citizens of the City of Melbourne v The Commonwealth and Another (1947) 74 CLR 31. In this case, the Court held that section 48 of the Banking Act 1945 was not a valid exercise of the Commonwealth's legislative power because an implied limitation could be derived from the federal nature of the Constitution (requiring the continued existence of separate governments exercising independent functions). The doctrine was refined in subsequent decisions by the Court to encompass a prohibition of: (1) discrimination which involves placing special burdens or disabilities on the states; and
(2) laws of general application which operate to destroy or curtail the continued existence of the states or their capacity to function as governments (although in the Austin case it was reasoned that the doctrine could consist of one 'limb' instead of two—see Austin v Commonwealth (2003) 195 ALR 321).

[13]      The Hon. Rachel Nolan, Letter to committee, 9 August 2011.

[14]      The Hon. Rachel Nolan, Letter to committee, 31 August 2011.

[15]      Dr Rosemary Laing, Clerk of the Senate, Procedural advice to Mr John Hawkins, Secretary to the Senate Economics References Committee, 25 March 2011.

Chapter 2 - The Australian states' current insurance and reinsurance arrangements

[1]        Commonwealth Grants Commission, Submission 1, p. 1.

[2]        Mr John Spasojevic, Secretary, Commonwealth Grants Commission, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 14.

[3]        Mr John Tsouroutis, Correspondence to the committee, 6 May 2011, p. 1.

[4]        Queensland Government Insurance Fund, (accessed 18 April 2011).

[5]        Queensland Government Insurance Fund, (accessed 18 April 2011).

[6]        Queensland Treasury, Annual Report 2009–10, p. 93. (accessed 23 June 2011).

[7]        Mr John Tsouroutis, Correspondence to committee, 6 May 2011, p. 3.

[8]        Mr Stephen Marshall, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 25.

[9]        VMIA, Annual Report 2010, p. 6.

[10]      VMIA Annual Report 2010, p. 12.

[11]      Mr Stephen Marshall, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 22.

[12]      Mr Stephen Marshall, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 22.

[13]      Mr Stephen Marshall, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 22.

[14]      Mr Stephen Marshall, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 26. Roads at a local government level are insured through the Municipal Association of Victoria.

[15]      'Victorian Government in insurance talks with Swiss', , 4 April 2011.

[16]      Mr Stephen Marshall, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 27.

[17]      South Australian Government Financing Authority, Annual report 2009–2010, p. 17.

[18]      New South Wales Government, 'Treasury Managed Fund', (accessed 20 June 2011).

[19]      New South Wales Government, 'Treasury Managed Fund', website.

[20]      Treasury Managed Fund, 'Contracts and Tenders', (accessed 23 June 2011).

[21]      Riskcover Fund, 2010 Riskcover Fund report, p. 2.

[22]      Riskcover Fund, 2010 Riskcover Fund report, p. 19 (accessed 23 June 2010).

[23]      Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance, Tasmanian Risk Management Fund, Annual Report 2009–2010, p. 7$FILE/TRMF-2009-10-AR.pdf

[24]      Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance, Tasmanian Risk Management Fund, Annual Report 2009–2010, p. 7$FILE/TRMF-2009-10-AR.pdf

Chapter 3 - The Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements and the states' GST share

[1]        Attorney-General's Department, 2011 NDRRA Determination,$file/NDRRA+-+Determination+2011+-+Version+1+(PDF)+-+Web+update.pdf (accessed 20 June 2011).

[2]        Attorney-General's Department, 2011 NDRRA Determination, p. 7.

[3]        Mr Damien White, Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 3.

[4]        Mr Damien White, Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 10.

[5]        Mr Damien White, Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 7.

[6]        Mr Damien White, Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 7.

[7]        Mr Damien White, Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 9.

[8]        Attorney-General's Department, 2011 NDRRA Determination, p. 12.

[9]        Attorney-General's Department, 2011 NDRRA Determination, pp. 2–4.

[10]      House of Representatives Standing Committee, Inquiry into the Income Tax Rates Amendment (Temporary Flood Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 and the Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011, February 2011, p. 7.

[11]      Commonwealth Grants Commission, Submission 1, p. 1; Mr John Spasojevic, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 12.

[12]      Commonwealth Grants Commission, Submission 1, p. 1.

[13]      Mr John Spasojevic, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 12.

[14]      South Australian Government, Response to CGC questionnaire of 7 April 2011. Information provided to the committee by the Commonwealth Grants Commission on 27 May 2011 in response to a Question on Notice.

[15]      South Australian Government, Response to CGC questionnaire of 7 April 2011. Information provided to the committee by the Commonwealth Grants Commission on 27 May 2011 in response to a Question on Notice.

[16]      Mr John Spasojevic, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 15.

[17]      Mr John Spasojevic, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 14.

[18]      Commonwealth Grants Commission, Data request for 2011 Update, p. 1.

[19]      The Hon. Julia Gillard MP, 'Flood levy to pass, natural disaster relief and recovery arrangements strengthened', 3 March 2011, http://parlinfo/parlInfo/download/media/pressrel/614623/upload_binary/614623.pdf;fileType=application/pdf#search=%22'natural%20disaster%20relief%20and%20recovery%20arrangements'%22 (accessed 9 May 2011).

[20]      The Hon. Julia Gillard, 'Flood levy to pass, natural disaster relief and recovery arrangements strengthened', 3 March 2011.

[21]      Attorney-General's Department, 2011 NDRRA Determination, p. 8.

[22]      Attorney-General's Department, 2011 NDRRA Determination, p. 9.

[23]      Mr Neil Singleton, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 41.

[24]      Mr Neil Singleton, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 31.

[25]      Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements, Attorney-General's Department, p. 9.

[26]      Mr Damien White, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 3.

[27]      The Hon. Bill Shorten MP, 'National Disasters Insurance Review', Media release no. 39, 3 March 2011.

[28]      The Hon. Bill Shorten, 'National Disasters Insurance Review', Media release no. 39, 3 March 2011, (accessed 10 May 2011). 

[29]      Natural Disasters Insurance Review, Terms of Reference, (accessed 23 June 2011).

Chapter 4 - Views on Queensland's insurance arrangements

[1]        Income Tax Rates Amendment (Temporary Flood Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011 and the Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011

[2]        Mr Nigel Ray, Executive Director, Fiscal Group, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, 16 February 2011, p. 9.

[3]        Mr Damien White, Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 7.

[4]        The Hon. Rachel Nolan, Queensland Minister for Finance and the Arts, Letter to the committee, 18 April 2011, p. 2.

[5]        The Hon. Rachel Nolan, Letter to the committee, 18 April 2011, p. 2.

[6]        The Hon. Rachel Nolan, Letter to the committee, 18 April 2011, p. 2.

[7]        Mr Bradley, Queensland Under Treasurer, Proof Committee Hansard, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, 16 February 2011, p. 20.

[8]        Mr Bradley, Proof Committee Hansard, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, 16 February 2011, p. 23.

[9]        Mr Bradley, Proof Committee Hansard, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, 16 February 2011, p. 24.

[10]      Mr Bradley, Proof Committee Hansard, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, 16 February 2011, p. 20.

[11]      Mr Bradley, Proof Committee Hansard, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, 16 February 2011, p. 20.

[12]      Mr Gerard Bradley, Proof Committee Hansard, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, 16 February 2011, p. 20.

[13]      Mr Neil Singleton, Queensland Insurance Commissioner, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 38.

[14]      Mr Neil Singleton, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, pp 33–34.

[15]      Mr Neil Singleton, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 40.

[16]      Mr Karl Sullivan, Proof Committee Hansard, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, 16 February 2011, p. 49.

[17]      Mr Karl Sullivan, Proof Committee Hansard, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, 16 February 2011, p. 49.

[18]      Mr Karl Sullivan, Proof Committee Hansard, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, 16 February 2011, p. 47.

[19]      The Hon. Andrew Fraser MP and the Hon. Rachel Nolan MP, 'Statement on reinsurance', Ministerial Media Statements, 21 February 2011 (accessed 10 May 2011).

[20]      Mr Neil Singleton, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2001, p. 30.

[21]      The Hon. Andrew Fraser and the Hon. Rachel Nolan, 'Statement on reinsurance', Ministerial Media Statements, 21 February 2011 (accessed 10 May 2011).

Chapter 5 - The committee's view and recommendations

[1]        Attorney-General's Department, 2011 NDRRA Determination, p. 9.

[2]        Mr Neil Singleton, Queensland Insurance Commissioner, Proof Committee Hansard, 13 May 2011, p. 30.

Minority report by Independent Senator Nick Xenophon

[1]        Lauren Wilson, 'State goes it alone in shunning insurance', The Australian, 2 March 2011.

[2]        The Hon. Rachel Nolan, Letter to Chair of the Senate Economics References Committee, 9 August 2011.

[3]        The Hon. Rachel Nolan, Letter to Chair of the Senate Economics References Committee, 9 August 2011.

[4]        Ibid

[5]        Senator Nick Xenophon, Letter to Chair of the Senate Economics References Committee, 16 August 2011

[6]        The Hon. Rachel Nolan, Letter to Chair of the Senate Economics References Committee, 31 August 2011.

[7]        The Hon. Rachel Nolan, Letter to Chair of the Senate Economics References Committee, 18 April 2011.

[8]        The 2007 NDRRA Determination can be found here:$file/NDRRA+Determination+2007.pdf The 2011 NDRRA Determination can be found at:$file/NDRRA+-+Determination+2011+-+Version+1+(PDF)+-+Web+update.pdf

[9]        Natural Disasters Insurance Review, Issues Paper, June 2011, p. 65.