Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (National Regulator) Bill 2011 and related bills

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (National Regulator) Bill 2011 and related bills

16 June 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011
ISBN 978-1-74229-467-4

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1226KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Membership of Committee (PDF 17KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF 138KB)

Summary of the bills
Related inquiries and reports
Conduct of the inquiry
Outline of this report

Chapter 2 - Australia's upstream petroleum and gas sector (PDF 485KB)

Current regulatory arrangements
Issues with the current framework

Chapter 3 - Proposal for the national regulators (PDF 132KB)

NOPSEMA specific matters
Titles Administrator specific matters
New offences
Co-operation between NOPSEMA and the Titles Administrator, and with other agencies
Accountability and reviews

Chapter 4 - Views on the proposed national regulators (PDF 96KB)

Overall efficiencies and best regulatory practice
Effect on Joint Authority arrangements and consideration of local issues
How the arrangements will operate in practice
Committee view

Chapter 5 - Cost recovery arrangements and changes to the administration of royalties and fees (PDF 127KB)

Royalty Act amendments
Cost recovery
Committee view

Chapter 6 -  The Personal Property Securities Bill (PDF 29KB)
Coalition Senators' Dissenting report (PDF 110KB)

Western Australia would be most affected
The legislation ignores the co-operative work to date between the two governments
Western Australia's view
Impact on WA state finances and autonomy
Forecasting of Northwest Shelf royalties
Constitutional settlement
Environment and Biodiversity Act

APPENDIX 1 - Submissions Received (PDF 14KB)
APPENDIX 2 - Public Hearing and Witnesses (PDF 14KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719