AD Agreement
Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994; WTO agreement concerning
anti-dumping measures.
Australian Workers' Union
Unless otherwise specified, refers to the Chief Executive
Officer of Customs
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
Countervailing measure
Duties imposed on imports that benefit from any of a
specified group of government subsidies and which cause or threaten material
injury to a local industry producing like goods
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
Customs Act
Customs Act 1901 (Cth)
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Dow Chemical (Australia) Pty Ltd
Defined by the WTO as a situation of international price
discrimination, where the price of a product when sold in the importing
country is less than the price of that product in the market of the exporting
Dumping duty
A measure imposed on imported goods to offset the effects
of injury caused by dumping
Law Institute of Victoria
Non-injurious price
The minimum price necessary to remove the injury caused by
the dumping and/or subsidisation.
Preliminary Affirmative Determination; a decision that
allows provisional measures to be imposed from day 60 of the investigation if
there appears to be, or it appears there will be, sufficient grounds for the
publication of a notice.
Private senator's bill
Unless otherwise specified, refers to the Customs
Amendment (Anti-Dumping) Bill 2011
Qenos Pty Limited; applicant for the review that was
ultimately considered in the Siam decision
Report 134
Report No. 134: Linear Low Density Polyethylene—The
Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Korea and Thailand—Review of Anti-Dumping
Measures; Customs' May 2008 report to the Minister after the review
undertaken at Qenos' request. This report was considered in the Siam
SCM Agreement
Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures;
WTO agreement concerning subsidies and countervailing measures.
Siam Polyethylene Co Ltd, a Thai exporter of linear low
density polyethylene
Siam decision
Minister of State for Home Affairs v Siam Polyethylene
Co Ltd [2010] FCAFC 86
Trade Measures Review Officer; an officer in the Attorney‑General's
Department that provides an administrative appeal mechanism for the review of
certain decisions made by the Minister or by the CEO of Customs.
Dispute between the United States and South Korea heard by
a WTO Panel: United States—Anti-dumping duty on Dynamic Random Access
Memory Semiconductors (DRAMS) of one megabit or above from Korea,
World Trade Organization