Public Hearings and Witnesses


ADAMS, Ms Sarah, NAB Research Fellow, Centre for Social Impact,
Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales

ADDIS, Ms Rosemary, Social Innovation Strategist,
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

CASELEY, Miss Louise, Operations Manager, Employment,
Social Ventures Australia

COHEN, Sir Ronald, Private capacity

CROSBIE, Mr David, Chief Executive Officer, Community Council for Australia

DREW, Ms Belinda, Chief Executive Officer,
Foresters Community Finance Limited

HARTWICH, Ms Tamara, Senior Adviser,
Philanthropy and Exemptions Unit, Department of the Treasury

HEMS, Mr Les, Director of Research, Centre for Social Impact,
Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales

JACOBS, Mr Martin, Acting Principal Adviser,
Personal and Retirement Income Division, Department of the Treasury

KERNOT, Associate Professor Cheryl, Director of Social Business, Centre for
Social Impact, Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales

LEARMONTH, Mr Ian, Director of Social Finance, Social Ventures Australia

LEGGETT, Mr Chris, Manager, Philanthropy and Exemptions Unit,
Personal and Retirement Income Division, Department of the Treasury

LEWIS, Mr Evan, Group Manager, Community Engagement and Development Group, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

MANCE, Ms Paula, Section Manager, Money Management Branch,
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

McINERNEY, Mr Dallas, Group Manager, Government Affairs and Public Policy, Group Corporate Affairs, National Australia Bank

MOES, Ms Louise, Policy Director, Community Council for Australia

NICOL, Ms Annemarie, Assistant Section Manager, Money Management Branch, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

OSWALD, Ms Robyn, Branch Manager, Money Management Branch,
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

ROBBIE, Mr Kevin, Director of Employment, Social Ventures Australia

RONALDS, Mr Paul, First Assistant Secretary, Office of Work and Families, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

THORN, Mr Christopher, Executive Director, Philanthropic Services, JBWere

TRAILL, Mr Michael, Chief Executive Officer, Social Ventures Australia

WILSON, Ms Therese, Chairperson, Foresters Community Finance Limited


BAIRD, Mr Murray, Director, Australian Charity Law Association

BOWMAN, Ms Susan, Social Firms Australia

BROOKES, Mr David, Managing Director, Social Traders Ltd

BROWN, Ms Catherine, Director/Principal Consultant,
Catherine Brown & Associates Pty Ltd

BURKETT, Dr Ingrid, Managing Director, Knode

COX, Mr Nicholas, Chief Operations Officer, YMCA Australia

LEWIS, Mr Simon, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Communications & Community, The Trust Company

MACDONALD, Mr Nathan, Senior Lawyer,
PilchConnect, Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic) Inc.

MACLEOD, Mr Andrew, CEO, Committee for Melbourne;
Chairman, United Nations Principles for Social Investment

MAY, Mr Martin, Director and Treasurer,
Hepburn Community Wind Park Co-operative Limited

McKENZIE-McHARG, Mr Mark, Executive Director,
Mt Buffalo Community Enterprise

McKERN, Mr Cameron, Executive Director,
Mt Buffalo Community Enterprise

MORIARTY, Mr Denis, Our Community

NASH, Mr Stephen, Chief Executive Officer, Home Ground Services, Grocon

NETTELBECK, Ms Nerida, Managing Director, Matrix on Board

ORGAN, Mr Colin, Group Manager, Finance, YMCA Australia

PFAHLERT, Mr Matthew, Board Member, Mt Buffalo Community Enterprise

POPE, Ms Juanita, Senior Lawyer, PilchConnect,
Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic) Inc.

RESIDE, Mr Chris, Chief Executive Officer, Abbeyfield Australia Ltd

ROSSHANDLER, Mr Ashley, Founder and Chief Executive Officer,
Karma Currency Foundation

SAUNDERS, Mr Glen, Director, Triodos Bank

THOMPSON, Mr David AM, Director,
National Roundtable of Nonprofit Organisations

THORN, Mr Christopher, council member, Philanthropy Australia

TYNDALE, Mr Andrew, Director, Grace Mutual

WALDREN, Mr David, General Manager, Carlton Brewery Redevelopment

WALES, Ms Nonie, Managing Director for People and Culture, Matrix On Board

WARD, Mr David, Treasurer, Philanthropy Australia

WARD-CHRISTIE, Ms Libby, Investment and Growth Manager, Social Traders Ltd


ADDIS, Ms Rosemary, Social Innovation Strategist,
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

BOTSMAN, Mr Peter, Voluntary Secretary, Indigenous Stock Exchange

CALLAGHAN, Mr Benny, Chief Executive Officer,
School for Social Entrepreneurs Australia

CALMA, Dr Thomas, Director, Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre; Patron, Poche Centres for Indigenous Health Network

CAMERON, Mr Sandy, Manager, Policy, Research, Think Tank and Evaluation, Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership

COLEMAN, Mr Leigh, Chief Executive Officer, Many Rivers Microfinance

CUBIS, Mr Brent, Chief Finance Officer and Company Secretary,
The Chris O'Brien Lifehouse at RPA

GILL, Mr Ian, Chief Executive Officer, Ecotrust Australia

GOSS, Ms Sarah, Consultant, Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership

GREIG, Mr Alan, President,
Australian Employee Ownership Association Inc.

HALL, Mr James (Toby), Chief Executive Officer, Mission Australia

HAWKINS, Mr Stephen, Executive, Social Initiatives, The Benevolent Society

HERBERT, Rev. Harry, Executive Director, Uniting Care NSW/ACT

HUNTER, Mr Nolan, Chief Executive Officer, Kimberley Land Council

JOSEPH, Father Brian, General Secretary, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

KIRILLOVA, Ms Elena, Chairman, Australian Employee Buyout Centre

MACREADY, Mr Timothy, Chief Investment Officer, Christian Super

MAREKERA, Mr Simba, Research Analyst, Christian Super

MEIN, Mr James, Acting Executive Director, Uniting Resources,
UnitingCare Australia

MINNETT, Mr Ian, Chief Financial Officer, Australian Eastern Territory,
The Salvation Army

MORRISON, Ms Melina, Director, Social Business Australia;
Committee Member, National UN International Year of Cooperatives Steering Committee

MURPHY, Mr Peter, Chief Executive Officer, Christian Super

NEWLAN, Mr Daniel, Committee Member, National UN International Year of Cooperatives Steering Committee

NICHOLLS, Mr Michael, Business Manager, General Synod,
Anglican Church of Australia

PEEL, Mr Gregory, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director,
Community Sector Banking

POWER, Mr Duncan, Chief Executive Officer, Social Enterprise Finance Australia

QUARMBY, Mr Peter, Executive Director,
Community Sector Banking

RUTHENBERG, Mr Trevor, Executive Officer, Lutheran Church

STRONG, Mrs Rosalind, Chair, Sydney Community Foundation

VENZ, Ms Deborah, Business Manager, Lutheran Church

WHITE, Mrs Julie, Division Director, Global Head Macquarie Group Foundation, Macquarie Group


CHARLTON, Ms Kylie, Impact Investment Professional

FITZGERALD, Mr Robert, Commissioner, Productivity Commission

HARDY, Mr Michael, Assistant Commissioner, Australian Taxation Office

NOBLE, Mr Gordon, Director, Government Relations and Strategy,
Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia

RONALDS, Mr Paul, First Assistant Secretary, Office of Work and Families,
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

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