Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Submissions received for the National Market Driven Energy Efficiency Target Bill 2007 [2008]

Sub No.          Submitter

  1. Mr Matt Brazier          
  2. Hyrdro Tasmania, TAS                       
  3. Confidential
  4. Adjunct Professor Alan Pears, VIC
  5. R.V. Barbero, NSW
  6. Green Building Council of Australia, NSW
  7. Origin Energy  
  8. Szencorp, Sustainable Development, VIC
  9. Dr Rob Passey, Centre for Energy and Environment Markets, University of New South Wales, NSW
  10. Energy Retailers Association of Australia Incorporated, NSW
  11. Ergon Energy, QLD
  12. TRUenergy Australia Pty Ltd, VIC
  13. Australian Conservation Foundation
  14. Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council
  15. Mr Tim Kelly
  16. Clean Energy Council, VIC
  17. Department of Climate Change

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