Submissions received by the Committee

Inquiry into the National Market Driven Energy Efficiency Target Bill 2008

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.
1 Mr Matt Brazier (PDF 65KB)
2 Hydro Tasmania (PDF 139KB)
3 Confidential
4 Adjunct Professor Alan Pears, VIC (PDF 105KB)
5 R.v. Barbero, NSW (PDF 99KB)
6 Green Building Council Australia, NSW (PDF 195KB) attachment (PDF 967KB)
7 Origin Energy (PDF 1736KB)
8 Szencorp, Sustainable Development, VIC (PDF 292KB), attachment 1 (PDF 364KB)
9 Dr Rob Passey, Centre for Energy and Environment Markets, University of New South Wales (PDF 136KB), attachment 1 (PDF 167KB)
10 Energy Retailers Association of Australia Incorporated, NSW (PDF 66KB)
11 Ergon Energy, QLD (PDF 170KB)
12 TRUenergy Australia Pty Ltd, VIC (PDF 67KB)
13 Australian Conservation Foundation, (PDF 338KB) attachment (PDF 365KB)
14 Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council, (PDF 125KB) attachment a (PDF 364KB)
15 Mr Tim Kelly (PDF 8KB) attachment 1 (PDF 220KB) attachment 2 (PDF 439KB)
16 Clean Energy Council, VIC (PDF 193KB)
17 Department of Climate Change, Cwlth (PDF 168KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719