Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Submissions Received

Sub No. Submitter
1 Australian Made Campaign Limited
2 Growcom
3 Mr James Gruber
4 Dick Smith Foods Pty Ltd
5 Horticulture Australia Council
6 Choice
8 Australian Dairy Farmers Limited
9 Australian Food and Grocery Council
10 Dairy Australia
11 McShane's Produce
12 Humane Society International
13 Coles
14 Australian Pork Limited
14a Australian Pork Limited Supplementary Submission
15 Mr Geoff Fowler
16 National Foods Limited
17 Ausbuy
18 Zoos Victoria
19 Perth Zoo
20 Royal Zoological Society of South Australia
21 National Farmers' Federation
22 The Australian Orangutan Project
23 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
24 Riverina Citrus
25 Palm Oil Action Group
26 Friends of the Earth Australia
27 Australian National Retailers Association (ANRA)
28 Hon Dr Bob Such MP JP
29 WWF-Australia
30 Food & Beverage Importers Association
31 Slow Food Melbourne
32 Australian Barramundi Farmers' Association
33 South Australian Government
34 Name Withheld

Additional Information Received

  • Received on 9 November 2009 from Ausbuy. Answers to Questions on Notice, taken on notice on Friday 30 October 2009.

  • Received on 9 November 2009 from AUSVEG. Answers to Questions on Notice, taken on notice on Friday 30 October 2009.

  • Received on 13 November 2009 from the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission.  Answers to Questions on Notice, taken on notice on Friday 30 October 2009 and and written Questions on Notice received 5 November 2009.

  • Received 20 November 2009 from the National Farmers' Federation. Answers to Questions on Notice, taken on notice Friday 30 October 2009.


Melbourne VIC
Monday, 5 October 2009

Australian Made Campaign Limited

  • Australian Made, Australian Grown Logo
    Code of Practice
  • Australian Made, Australian Grown Campaign
    Helping your business grow

Canberra ACT
Friday, 30 October 2009

Riverina Citrus

  • Goulburn Valley Orange Juice
    Labelled bottle picture

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