Coalition Senators’ Additional Comments

Coalition Senators’ Additional Comments

Coalition Senators provide the following additional comments in relation to these bills.

Coalition Senators recognise the advisability of measures that ensure that superannuation earned by temporary residents whilst in Australia does not become ‘lost’ following their departure and recognise that whilst in Government, the Coalition had announced its intention to move towards implementing such measures.

However, as always, the devil is in the detail and the proposed legislation presented by the Government in these bills has attracted strong and reasonable representations from stakeholders highlighting a number of legitimate concerns, many of which appears to have been brought to the attention of the Government without subsequent action being taken.

These concerns include:

The reality is that this is not in the revenue raising interests of the Government.

Coalition Senators consider these concerns to be valid and worthy of note and believe that the Government could have addressed these, at least to some extent whilst still achieving the desired outcomes of the proposed legislation.

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