Government Senators’ Minority Report
Terms of reference
On 8 September 2009, the
Senate, on the motion of Senator Bob Brown, resolved to refer to the Senate
Economics References Committee a range of matters concerning the Government’s economic
stimulus package for inquiry and report by 2 October 2009. Subsequently, the
reporting date was extended to 27 October 2009.
The inquiry was conducted in
accordance with the following terms of reference:
That the following matter be
referred to the Economics References Committee for inquiry and report by 2
October 2009:
economic stimulus initiatives announced by the Government since October 2008.
That the Senate requests the
to invite the Secretary of the
Treasury, accompanied by any other officials he considers appropriate, to
appear before the committee, on or after the morning of Monday, 14 September
2009, for the purpose of giving evidence on the matter;
to invite the Reserve Bank
Governor, Mr Glenn Stevens, and other independent pre-eminent economists to
appear before the committee, on a date to be determined by the committee, for
the purpose of giving evidence on the matter; and
to hold public meetings to take
evidence from those witnesses, in the form of a full update on the economic
stimulus initiatives, which addresses:
the efficacy of the spending
measures to date,
the anticipated costs and benefits
of continuing the spending measures,
consequent change in the stimulus
‘roll out’ that ought to be entertained given the changed economic
anticipated impact of the stimulus
spending on future interest rate movements and taxpayer liabilities,
an evaluation of the
environmental impacts of the spending to date, and
other related matters.
Background to the economic stimulus
The global financial crisis and global
From the middle of 2007,
financial markets began showing signs of considerable turmoil as the realities
of trade in exotic financial derivatives and the explosion in sub-prime lending
that had characterised the finance market boom became clear.
As subsequent events would
reveal, inadequate regulation and greed on the part of financial market players
would set in train a sequence of events in the United States, the United
Kingdom and Europe that would culminate in the collapse, nationalisation or
government bailout of major banks, insurers and credit providers. These
included Citigroup, American International Group, Northern Rock, Fannie Mae,
Freddie Mac, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of
Scotland, Lloyds TSB, HBOS and a number of major continental European financial
institutions. The list of institutions involved reads like a veritable Who’s
Who of those who only months earlier would have considered themselves “masters
of the universe”. As we now know, these emperors had no clothes.
Following the collapse of
Lehman Brothers, it was clear that the world financial system was on the brink
of collapse. Banks lacked the confidence to lend to one another and credit markets
froze as financial markets began to price in the risk of a catastrophic
systemic failure. Share markets experienced the steepest and most rapid falls
in stock prices in nearly 80 years. Major currencies around the world,
Australia’s included, came under abnormally heavy selling pressure, although in
Australia’s case this has proved to be short term.
All of these circumstances
fed into a dangerous feedback loop that saw market confidence crash, creating
the conditions for an unprecedented falls in global trade, production and
investment. By October 2008, it was clear that without government intervention,
every advanced economy was heading for a deep and protracted recession.
Governments the world over,
with the encouragement of the IMF and OECD, put in place fiscal stimulus
packages while central banks added monetary stimulus by reducing official
interest rates to unprecedented lows. In some cases, governments resorted to
what is called “quantitative easing”. By January 2009, the International
Monetary Fund was forecasting the first worldwide recession in the post-World
War II era.
The consequences of the
global financial crisis have been pervasive. Since October 2008, there have
been nearly 50 government sponsored bailouts of major banks around the world.
Financial institutions have suffered losses and asset write-downs totalling
around A$1.9 trillion. The banking system aggressively deleveraged
resulting in huge increases in costs of capital and investment funds drying up
around the world including in Australia.
Virtually every major
advanced economy with the exception of Australia has fallen into recession and
taken together, the G7 economies have contracted for five consecutive quarters.
Some of these countries would
suffer their biggest falls in output on record. In the year to June 2009, GDP
in the United States fell by 3.9%, in the United Kingdom by 5.5%, and in Japan,
GDP fell by 6.4%. Collectively, the world’s advanced economies have shrunk by
4.3% in the year to June 2009, with 29 out the world’s 33 advanced economies
experiencing recession. Only Australia, Greece, Korea and Slovakia have avoided
technical recession.
The global financial crisis
quickly developed into a global crisis of employment. In the United States
alone, almost six million jobs have been lost since September 2008. Worldwide,
the International Labour Organisation estimates that 60 million jobs will have
been lost by the end of this year as a result of the global economic downturn.
Australia was not immune to
the effects of the global financial crisis and took swift and decisive steps to
cushion the Australian economy, community and families from the worst effects
of the global financial crisis. On the Friday before the government acted
(October 12, 2008) to introduce the Retail and Wholesale Bank Guarantee, the
Australian share market suffered its biggest fall since the 1987 stock market
collapse. Share prices fell 8.3 per cent in one day, wiping nearly $73
billion from the value of the share market, and taking the total loss for that
week to just under 16%. In the week before the introduction of the bank
guarantees, the Australian dollar fell 12.5 cents (16%) against the US dollar,
the biggest weekly fall since the Australian dollar was floated in 1983.
The human impact of the
global financial crisis has been severe and the Government was determined to
cushion Australians from the worst impact of the crisis. Despite unfounded
claims over the effect of the stimulus on interest rates and debt raised by the
Coalition, the evidence to the inquiry from the Reserve Bank, Treasury,
business and market economists demonstrates the correctness of the Government's
Economic and social costs of severe economic
Protracted downturns result
in permanent dislocation from the labour market, skills atrophy, and risk
creating an entire generation of unemployed. Otherwise viable businesses are
destroyed and productive investments are foregone. This capital and skills
destruction can permanently reduce an economy’s long-term capacity, to say
nothing of the “scarring” effects of unemployment to the individuals involved.
Evidence presented to the
Committee demonstrates that the human, social and economic costs of severe
downturns can be substantial and long-lasting. Professor Andrew Leigh
highlighted the pervasive long-term costs
of joblessness:
"I think it is
important to bear in mind how slowly economies tend to recover from recession.
The unemployment rate of the late eighties was not again achieved until the
late 1990s, and the scarring cost of unemployment is pretty substantial. I left
school in 1990, just as the economy was hitting the skids, and that was a
terrible time for young kids to leave school. So I think it is important, where
government can, to try to smooth the economic cycle and not simply to see this
additional two percentage points of unemployment as being a statistic but as
being many young people whose livelihoods will be better if they do not spend a
scarring period of unemployment early in their careers."[1]
"We know that
the best predictor of poverty in Australia is not having a job, so trying to
minimise job loss is important in the short-term and, as I think we spoke about
earlier, the long-term. If kids experience a period of unemployment early in
their careers, you can see that in their wage trajectory and their occupation
later on in their careers. They recover, but not fully. I think that is partly
due to the loss of skills, the absence of gaining experience and just the
psychological impact of the feeling that you are not worth employing. So, to
the extent that policy can ameliorate unemployment, I think that should be a
top policy goal."[2]
For these reasons, limiting
the more severe consequences of economic downturns can have long-lasting
benefits. This view was put by a number of witnesses before the Committee:
"It is hard to
imagine that anyone would strongly argue with the view that keeping people in
work pays enormous dividends over the medium-term. Not only do we spare them
the pain and the inconvenience and the cost of a period of unemployment, but we
spare the economy all the flow-on effects of them losing their jobs."[3]
"Long term
joblessness leads to poverty (for example, Newstart Allowance is just $228 per
week for a single adult), poor health, a loss of confidence and skills,
tensions within families, and often the need to move to areas where housing is
cheaper, which concentrates these social problems in the same areas. This means
that many Australians will not ‘bounce back’ as the economy recovers. For
example, over one on five Newstart Allowance recipients lack a decent and
secure home, over one in four could not pay a utility bill (within the last 12
months) and over four in ten are unable to afford necessary dental treatment. If
we can prevent high levels of long term joblessness from becoming entrenched,
many of these social problems, and their high costs to Governments in future
years, can be avoided. This should be a major objective for economic and social
policy over the next two years. It is vital that the Government apply the same
foresight and energy to this problem as it did to avoiding a more severe
downturn in the first place."[4]
The Australian Government response to the
global recession
The Australian government’s
stimulatory response to the collapse of financial markets and the looming
collapse of the real economy has been part of an internationally coordinated
response and has been four-fold.
The government:
Guaranteed the deposits of financial
institutions and offered access to a government guarantee for their wholesale
funding, a response made necessary by the extraordinary events up to October
Provided direct cash support to
households to support consumer confidence, consumption and housing investment.
Committed to direct public
investment in local infrastructure projects that could be undertaken
immediately; providing support to employment in labour intensive construction
and associated industries.
Committed to direct public investment
in critical long-term economic infrastructure necessary for creating the
conditions for a step up in productivity and thus, accelerating Australia’s
recovery from the effects of the global financial crisis.
The majority of evidence
presented to the Inquiry was that the fiscal stimulus was an appropriate
response given the scale and severity of the global crisis and that the
stimulus has been effective in averting a much sharper and deeper downturn in
the Australian economy:
"Avoiding the
mistakes of the past, a consensus emerged to undertake speedy fiscal stimulus
and monetary easing. The Australian government was right to take this path and
in fact to act more quickly and decisively than most. While the return to more
normal growth levels is still some time off, at the time of the announcement of
the December and February stimulus arrangements the economic outlook was deeply
concerning and, given this, the scope and scale of stimulus was entirely
"I think
the international consensus, including the OECD and the International Monetary
Fund, is that Australia’s policy settings, at least to date, have been quite
consistent with what is generally regarded as an appropriate stance, including
in respect of timeliness and being temporary and well targeted."[6]
"I think
the governments and central banks of the world did the right thing by acting as
quickly and as forcefully as they could. I genuinely do believe the world was
on the brink of a catastrophic economic and financial meltdown. I think that
policymakers everywhere moved sharply in the right direction."[7]
"It made
sense for policymakers in Canberra to ensure that fiscal policy also put its shoulder
more firmly to the wheel. Other economists can speak for themselves, but my
guess is that the majority of financial-sector economists with public-policy
backgrounds at the RBA and Treasury also felt that the February stimulus
package made a great deal of sense."[8]
A view was expressed by a
minority of academic economists that Governments should do little, if anything,
to limit the impact of deep recessions on the economy and workers. The
retrospective advice from a minority of academic economists who are completely
opposed to government intervention in the economy demonstrates the difference
between "blackboard economists" and those economists who have
responsibility for fiscal and monetary policy of a real and practical nature.
The government set clear
criteria that the stimulus be timely, targeted and temporary. The impact of the
intervention through the stimulus package has assisted the economy avoid a
recession with all of the associated negative social and economic implications.
The stimulus was designed
intentionally to reach its maximum impact on growth quickly and then to
gradually withdraw as a recovery in private sector activity builds. By design,
the fiscal stimulus will be withdrawn gradually as the economy strengthens.
This ensures that both arms of macroeconomic policy – fiscal and monetary
policy – continue to work consistently during the economic recovery, as they
did during the downturn.
The size and composition of the stimulus
The table below sets out the
size and scope of the economic stimulus measures adopted by the government
since October 2008. The measures include the Economic Security Strategy
(October 2008), the Nation Building Package (December 2008), the Nation
Building and Jobs Plan (February 2009) and measures included in the 2009-10
Table 1:
Composition of the fiscal stimulus[9]
Composition of
fiscal stimulus ($b) |
2008-09 |
2009-10 |
2010-11 |
2011-12 |
Transfers |
20.44 |
4.22 |
1.78 |
1.59 |
Major fiscal stimulus packages |
Economic Security Strategy (consumption) (Oct. 2008) |
9.55 |
0.65 |
0.07 |
0.00 |
Nation Building & Jobs Plan (consumption) |
10.49 |
1.72 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
2009-10 Budget measures |
2009-10 Budget net pension spenda |
0.39 |
1.86 |
1.71 |
1.59 |
Investment |
4.52 |
21.93 |
17.27 |
4.91 |
Major fiscal stimulus packages |
Economic Security Strategy (investment) (Oct. 2008) |
0.12 |
0.07 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Dec. 08 Nation Building Package (all investment) |
0.88 |
1.95 |
0.39 |
-0.19 |
Nation Building & Jobs Plan (investment) |
2.04 |
16.19 |
10.03 |
1.67 |
2009-10 Budget measures |
2009-10 Budget infrastructure (investment)b |
1.48 |
3.72 |
6.85 |
3.43 |
COAG Reforms |
3.50 |
1.78 |
2.23 |
3.57 |
COAG funding package (transfers) |
3.50 |
1.78 |
2.23 |
3.57 |
28.46 |
27.93 |
21.27 |
10.07 |
This is the net effect of
the pension and carer reforms and structural savings
These amounts do not include
the provisions for future equity injections for the National Broadband
Network, which are subject to the outcome of the Implementation Study and
subsequent commercial negotiations.
Efficacy of the spending measures
Design of the fiscal stimulus measures
Against the criteria that the
Government set for the design of the stimulus package – that it be timely,
targeted and temporary – the majority of evidence to the Committee found that
these objectives were met. The Governor of the Reserve Bank noted that:
three Ts—temporary, timely and targeted—are a standard set of desirable
criteria amongst people who talk about this. I think it is pretty hard not to
conclude that it was quite timely. It was very fast. The bulk of it is
temporary. Notwithstanding the discussion earlier about 2011 effects, the big
impacts are in 2009, which is presumably the year in which the economy would
need the most support. On the targeting, that is probably where people are
going to differ about just what should be targeted. That inherently is, I
think, largely a set of decisions which are properly made in the political
realm. It is the job of the political process to make that decision."[10]
A similar view was put by one
market economist:
terms of the formulation, there may not have been a more sensible package. It
is an unprecedented episode, but I am not sure there has been a package like
this one. There was the cash splash designed to support the household sector
ASAP. Then there was the idea of supporting economic activity more generally.
Someone thought of building in pretty well every school in Australia, so there
will presumably be nearly 10,000 buildings. That is obviously designed to
generate extra economic activity in every community in the country. Then there
are some of the longer term projects. To me that make sense. Other economists
can speak for themselves, but I think most financial market economists, many of
whom grew up in the Reserve Bank and Treasury, would think the package was
reasonably well structured given the economic circumstances."[11]
Professor Andrew Leigh was
asked his view on the efficacy of various stimulus measures, in particular the
effect of the consumption and infrastructure elements of the Nation Building
and Jobs Plan on employment and aggregate demand, as opposed to alternative
proposals for tax cuts that have been advanced over the past year.
CAMERON—One of the other arguments we heard this morning was that it would
be better if we simply reduced taxes to business and let business get on with
the job. What is your analysis of that approach?
Leigh—My favourite primer on multipliers is a Bookings Institution paper by
Doug Elmendorf and
Jason Furman that you are probably aware of and that I regard as a nice review
of the literature. My read of that is that the multipliers are highest for
infrastructure, next highest for consumer handouts and lowest for business tax
The economic impacts of the Government’s
stimulus measures
Treasury presented evidence
to the Committee on the economic impacts of the fiscal stimulus packages. This
analysis, outlined in the briefing paper[13] and confirmed in its
appearance before the Committee, demonstrated the fiscal stimulus had played a
critical role in keeping Australia out of recession.
BOB BROWN—Thanks, Chair, and thank you, Dr Henry and gentlemen. The first
question, of course, is: without the stimulus package—and we were talking with
you last about the $42 billion stimulus package that was being considered in
February—would we have moved into recession?
Henry—It is our view that yes, we would. It is our view that, as I
indicated in my opening remarks, in the year 2008-09, the fiscal stimulus
accounts, on our estimates, for all of the growth that occurred in that year.
Dr Gruen or others at the table may correct me if I get this wrong, but I
think, in through-the-year terms to the June quarter of 2009, the Australian
economy grew by 0.6 per cent, and our view is that without the fiscal stimulus
the Australian economy would have contracted by 1.3 per cent through the year
to the June quarter 2009. I think a contraction in the economy of 1.3 per cent
through the year would be regarded by most people as a fairly significant
Treasury’s analysis shows that in the
absence of the fiscal stimulus, the
Australian economy would have contracted for three consecutive quarters – in
the December quarter of 2008, and the March and June quarters of 2009 – and by
1.3 per cent over the year to June.[15] Instead, in large part
due to the fiscal stimulus, the Australian economy recorded positive growth of
0.6 per cent, making Australia the only advanced economy to grow in the year to
As to its effects on household
consumption, Treasury’s modelling, supported by two recent Australian studies
cited in the briefing paper, indicate that the transfer payments to households
have led to growth in household consumption of 1.7 per cent over the year to
June 2009, as opposed to a contraction of 1.3 per cent that would have occurred
in the absence of the stimulus.[16]
Overall, Treasury estimated
at Budget, that the stimulus measures added 1 per cent to GDP growth in 2008-09
and 1.6 per cent to GDP growth in 2009-10. In terms of its impact on
employment, Treasury estimated that the peak impact of the stimulus at Budget
was the addition of 210,000 jobs, which in turn leads to higher employment
levels throughout the forecast period. The peak unemployment rate is therefore
estimated to be 1.5 percentage points lower than it would otherwise have been
in the absence of the stimulus.[17]
The Governor of the Reserve
Bank presented a similar view that the stimulus measures had been effective in
supporting economic activity:
straightforward reading of the economic outcomes would, I think, suggest that
the various policy measures have been effective in supporting demand."[18]
"If the
intention was to support demand in the economy in a period in which we had a
very serious global downturn and which all the indications were that that was
going to affect Australia significantly, and if the intention is to provide
some temporary support to demand in such a period, my conclusion would be that
those measures have supported demand quite materially over the last—it is now
September—probably nine or 10 months."[19]
Governor Stevens agreed with
Treasury’s view that the stimulus measures had kept the Australian economy out
of recession.
BOB BROWN—Do you think we would have faced a recession and/or depression in
this country had these stimulus packages not been there?
Stevens—I do not think we would have faced ‘the Great Depression’. For the
reasons I set out in my opening remarks—the root problem here of financial
excesses, too much leverage, too much risk taken, housing market collapses et
cetera that you have seen in these other countries — we did not really have
that problem. We would have been affected. We would have had recession. I am
not sure we would have had depression—personally I would not have thought
that—but we certainly would have faced a deeper downturn than we have ended up
having. And that is costly, of course."[20]
The view that the economic
stimulus had been effective in supporting economic activity and employment was
also shared by business groups:
assessment of the measures is that, in combination with interest-rate
reductions and similar policy actions in other parts of the world, they have
made a material difference to economic activity over the past nine months, and,
had they not been in place, the economy would have deteriorated much more
sharply than it has done."[21]
One of the principal
motivations for the Government’s economic stimulus package was to support
employment. High unemployment has a human as well as an economic cost. Although
Australia’s unemployment rate has increased and may not yet have peaked, there
can be no doubt that had the Government not acted to support demand, the
situation would have been much worse.
terms of reducing unemployment relative to what it otherwise would have been, I
think that it was an effective package."[22]
The majority of evidence
presented to the Committee was that stimulus had been effective in limiting the
impacts of the global recession on economic activity and employment in
It became apparent during the
course of the inquiry that there is a significant divergence of opinion between
those charged with the on-the-ground management of the Australian economy and
those who could be referred to as "blackboard" economists about the
efficacy of the stimulus measures undertaken so far. This divergence was put to
the Secretary of the Treasury by Senator Cameron:
CAMERON—We have had lots of academic economists come before us and argue, I
suppose, their academic bias in terms of some of these issues. We have had
lectures on Say’s law, we have had lectures on the evils of Keynesianism and
why we should be looking at Hayekian economic approaches. I am just wondering
if all that lecture we got was really relevant in terms of the practical
circumstances that governments and treasuries around the world face. Have you
got any views on that? I am sure you have looked at some of the commentary and
analysis that has been put to the committee. We have got to weigh all this up,
I suppose.
Henry—I used to be an academic economist myself. It is easier to be an
academic economist.
Gruen—Are you going to leave it there?
Henry—No, look, the issues that have been raised in testimony before the
committee, on my brief reading of them—and I have not read them perhaps as
closely as I might have in answering this question—it is not that the issues
that have been raised should be entirely discounted in all circumstances;
certainly not. But, whilst being very aware of those issues for many years, I
can tell you that, confronted with the crisis that the world has been dealing
with these past 12 months or so, those few quibbles with the use of
expansionary fiscal policy—or expansionary monetary policy, for that matter—or
other actions of governments to prop up credit markets are not ones that I
considered should detain us for too long. They were rather quickly put aside."[23]
Differences of opinion
between economists are as old as the economics profession itself. The conduct
of inquiries such as this will occasionally provide a battleground for the
prosecution of economic debates which are at times essentially ideological in
nature. One of the defining features of the global financial crisis is that its
causes and remedies have undermined the central tenets of neo-liberal economics.
Those academic and business economists who subscribe to neo-liberal economic
theory have been quite active in recent times defending their faith.
This is perhaps understandable;
however, what government senators are mindful of is the need for public policy
to reflect real-world circumstances and the needs of the people who are most
likely to be hard hit by an economic crisis such as that which we have
witnessed over the past year.
Government senators are of
the opinion that in the absence of the stimulus, Australia’s aggregate economic
performance would have been far worse over the course of the past year than
would have otherwise been the case in the absence of fiscal stimulus. Indeed,
in the absence of the stimulus, Australia would have joined the rest of the
developed economies in recession with its consequent catastrophic effects on
employment, consumer and investor confidence and Australia’s medium and long
term economic prospects.
Costs and benefits of continuing the
spending measures
Rationale for continuing with fiscal
The Australian government's
response to the global financial crisis is part of a global response
coordinated by the G20 in what has been an unprecedented global effort to
support the level of economic activity to avert the worst consequences of a
global recession.
The most significant decision
of the G20 governments has been to inject US$5.5 trillion worth of stimulus to
the global economy. The result of this coordinated action has seen the thawing
of credit markets, recovery in equity markets, stability begin to return to
labour markets and a return of consumer and business confidence. Despite this, 'there
continue to be strong headwinds in the global economy'.[24]
Earlier this month, IMF
Managing Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn cautioned governments of the risks of
premature withdrawal of fiscal stimulus:
"For a start,
the crisis is not over. The recovery will be sluggish, and private demand is
not yet self‑sustaining. The spectre of de-leveraging will be with us for
some time. And on the demand side, consumption is still tentative, especially
in countries where household balance sheets remain weak. Rising unemployment is
likely to cast a long shadow. Even as growth recovers, it will take some time
for jobs to follow suit. Indeed, unemployment will continue rising in many
countries through 2010...So, the global economy remains in a very precarious
position. Premature withdrawal of policy support could kill the recovery. For
sure, policymakers should design credible exit strategies. But it is too soon
to implement them."[25]
The view presented by
business groups is that the Australian economy has not reached the point where
the fiscal stimulus should be withdrawn.
"Despite improving economic news and improving
consumer and business confidence levels, the fundamentals of the economy remain
fragile. This is according to both official statistics and the surveys of the
ACCI. We expect the labour market to continue to worsen and note the shift from
full-time to part-time employment has to some extent masked the severity of the
slowdown. Retail trade remains subdued, as does business investment, and credit
conditions continue to constrain opportunities for business. Most importantly,
international conditions amongst our trading partners remain weak. In
conclusion, we do not believe these are the circumstances where fiscal stimulus
should be withdrawn; noting that in any case the design of these arrangements
sees a phased wind-down."[26]
"While we see the measures as having made a
very positive contribution, we do not think we can say that the economy is out
of the woods yet. We remain concerned that a considerable share of the
promising signs that we see in the economy are closely related to the stimulus
itself rather than to a self-sustained rise in demand. We expect further rises
in unemployment and further falls in hours worked, both of which will flow
through the economy more broadly, and we remain conscious of the lagged impacts
of the falling commodity export prices on company profits, investments and
dividends and the impacts that that will also have as they flow through the
economy. For these reasons we are very wary of calls for the fiscal measures to
be wound back ahead of the inbuilt schedule for their withdrawal. We think that
this could undermine the recovery that appears to be taking hold."[27]
Indeed, Dr Henry pointed out
that if the stimulus package were to be withdrawn now, it would risk stalling
the economy and a further 100,000 jobs could be lost.[28]
Several witnesses were concerned at the dollar cost of
the jobs created as a result of the stimulus packages.[29]
However, these concerns ignore the fact that tens of thousands of Australians
have kept their jobs as a result of the stimulus. This affords the economy a
measure of protection in the medium term as people still in employment continue
to support demand in that they still have income to spend.[30]
The economic impact of
unemployment has the potential to cause irreversible damage in local economies.
This is especially so in rural and provincial centres. Even during the boom of
recent times, there were regions in which unemployment remained unacceptably
high. The loss of further jobs in many of these places could lead to
irreversible decline.[31]
A significant feature of the
labour market changes resulting from the effects on Australia of the global
financial crisis is the fall in aggregate hours worked, in the order of 3.5%.[32]
Rather than shedding labour as has been the case during earlier economic
downturns, employers and employees have been agreeing to reduce hours. While
this reduction has not always been voluntary, the shift from full-time to
part-time employment has to some extent masked the downturn in the labour
market. As Dr. Burn of the Australian Industry Group noted:
"I think the
reduction in hours worked works out at about an equivalent of 250,000 (full-time
equivalent) jobs fewer than a year ago."[33]
The most recent labour market
data indicates that Australia's rate of unemployment fell in September to 5.7
per cent; making Australia the only developed economy to experience relatively
stable labour market conditions in recent months. There is however no cause for
complacency over Australia's employment performance. Close inspection of the
employment data reveals that over the past twelve months, full-time employment
has fallen by a little over 151,300 jobs, equivalent to about two per cent of
the workforce. The stark fact remains that there are still 658,000 Australians
who want a job but do not have one.
The reality is that total
employment is a lagging economic indicator and a number of recent economic
forecasts point to continuing softness in the labour market over the next year.
As indicated above, unemployment may not have yet reached a peak and in the
opinion of government senators, any withdrawal of the fiscal stimulus to which
the government has committed itself would have the very strong potential to
lead to further, unnecessary job losses.
A particular area of concern
to government senators is the unacceptably high level of youth unemployment and
the dramatic decline in apprenticeship commencements over the past year. The
Minister for Employment, Education and Workplace Relations recently told the
House of Representatives that this decline is in the order of 20 per cent.[34]
The Minister informed the
House that in order to arrest this decline, the government is making some minor
adjustments to the stimulus package to encourage an increase in the number of
apprenticeship commencements. This entails redirecting $100 million of Job Fund
money toward a concerted effort to "kick-start" apprenticeships.[35]
Long-term benefits of fiscal stimulus
One of the central elements
of the Government’s stimulus spending has been spending on infrastructure,
including the Building the Education Revolution program and transport
infrastructure projects. Several witnesses were concerned that the
infrastructure program was not good value for money.[36]
However, it was also noted that infrastructure spending can and does create
jobs.[37] Building essential roads
does have a payoff.[38] Much of the planned
infrastructure will have an impact on the supply side capacity of the economy,
which will increase the economy’s long-term productivity level.
"But we
have some confidence that there will be expansions of capacity that will come
from some of the investments in infrastructure."[39]
"But it
is certainly the case that that capital or infrastructure spending component of
the fiscal stimulus package—significant pieces of it, at least—is intended to
enhance future supply capacity. We would generally expect that that would have
some positive implications for future labour productivity growth."[40]
Dr Gruen, Executive Director,
Australian Treasury also highlighted the long-term economic benefits from the
fiscal stimulus that arise from limiting the skill and capital erosion
typically associated with deep and protracted economic recessions.
"It is also reasonable to argue that to the
extent that you avoid a more serious downturn you get less loss of skills and
you do less damage to the human capital formation that goes on the job. It is
reasonable to argue that the fact that Australia has managed to have a much
smaller rise in unemployment, both up until now and in prospect, than in other
countries probably means that there are some—they are modest but nevertheless
they exist—long-term productivity benefits. Deep downturns have a scarring
effect on people."[41]
In the opinion of government
senators, the view that stimulus spending in the circumstances that have
accompanied the global financial crisis should only be seen as incurring costs
is disingenuous.
The view that there only
costs associated with fiscal stimulus ignores the very great costs to business,
their employees and to the economy and society as a whole that would accompany
not undertaking fiscal stimulus measures.
changes in the stimulus "roll out" given the changed economic
Based on the evidence put
before the Committee confirming the remaining fragility of the global economy,
despite signs of nascent recovery in some areas, government senators are of the
opinion that no persuasive evidence was put to us that would persuade us to
adopt the view that economic conditions have changed sufficiently to warrant
withdrawal of the fiscal stimulus measures.
Indeed, it is the view of
government senators that the considerable weight of the evidence to this
inquiry favours the continuation of the stimulus measures to provide appropriate
support to the economy and employment.
The package of stimulus
measures has built into it a staged withdrawal of the measures. This is a
prudent design measure and we consider calls at this stage for immediate
withdrawal of the stimulus would cost more jobs and threaten Australia’s
economic recovery.
In this regard, we note the
following remarks of Dr. Henry:
commentators seem to have interpreted our peak unemployment rate forecast of 8½ per
cent as a target. Apparently, if the forecast were then to be revised down to,
say, seven per cent, we should revise the stance of fiscal policy in order to
get our forecast back up to 8½ per cent. Needless to say, we find that sort of
argument a little peculiar.
effect of fiscal stimulus on growth likely peaked in the June quarter of 2009.
We are beyond the period of peak impact of the fiscal stimulus. From that
point, as stimulus is to be gradually withdrawn, the contribution to economic
growth will subside and it will soon turn negative. Indeed, on our estimates,
the fiscal stimulus package will make a negative contribution to GDP growth in
every quarter in 2010—that is, commencing in just a few months time.
"It is
on the public record that the Treasury has advised the government that
withdrawing the stimulus more quickly could risk stalling the economy and
causing a steeper rise in the unemployment rate. To illustrate the point, if
all the stimulus scheduled to impact in 2010‑11 were cancelled, that
would mean a further detraction of 1½ per cent from GDP growth and the loss of
up to an additional 100,000 jobs. I say ‘further detraction’ because on our
figuring the fiscal stimulus package, in the way it has been constructed, is
already likely to detract about 1¼ per cent from growth in that year. It is
unlikely that the recovery in private sector demand would be sufficiently
strong for the economy to withstand such a sudden withdrawal of public sector
activity without significant costs in terms of lost output and higher
Impact of spending measures on interest
rates and taxpayer liabilities
Interaction of fiscal stimulus and monetary
It was pointed out by both
Treasury and the Reserve Bank that the in-built withdrawal of fiscal stimulus
will ensure that both arms of macroeconomic policy – fiscal and monetary – will
be working in the same direction during the economic recovery.
The Governor of the Reserve
Bank, Mr. Stevens, observed that interest rate rises would be the natural
result of moving into a phase of economic expansion and that during this
recovery phase both fiscal and monetary policy would be working consistently.
He told the Committee:
"In due
course both fiscal and monetary support will need to be unwound as private
demand increases. In the case of the fiscal measures, this was built into their
design. The peak effect of those measures on the rate of growth of demand has
probably already passed. The extent of support will tend to tail off further
over the next year or so. In the case of monetary policy, the bank has already
signalled that interest rates can be expected at some point to move off their
current unusually low levels as recovery proceeds. These adjustments back
towards more normal settings for both types of macroeconomic policy are what
should be expected during the recovery phase of a business cycle. Our most
recently released set of forecasts—the ones released in August—assume that that
occurs. Such an outcome would mean that fiscal and monetary policy would be
acting broadly consistently, as they did when they were moved in the
expansionary direction when the economy was slowing."[43]
ACCI also noted that rising
interest rates were a product of the economic recovery:
"Interest rates will go up as the economy
recovers. That is quite separate from anything the government is doing with
respect to fiscal stimulus."[44]
Government borrowing and crowding out
In evidence to the Committee,
Governor Stevens rejected the proposition put by Coalition senators and
Professor Sinclair Davidson that government borrowing would “crowd-out” private
investment and raise interest rates. Governor Stevens made the point that
Australia’s debt level is low and manageable by international standards and
that government borrowing occurs on global markets and therefore has no
material impact on interest rates.
point is that the Australian government borrows in a global market. There are
free global capital flows here and long rate in Australia is driven more
strongly by what happens in global markets than by what happens here, frankly,
at the sorts of debt levels we are talking about."[45]
"If we
find that Government borrowing rates are a lot higher in the years ahead, I don’t
think it will be because of Australia’s outcomes."[46]
Government finances
The Australian Government
budget – like budgets of governments around the world – has been impacted by
the global recession, which has resulted in sharp falls in expected tax
revenues. The Government has had to borrow to meet the revenue shortfall caused
by the global recession and to support economic activity and employment.
At Budget, it was made clear
that early and decisive fiscal stimulus was "essential to support economic
activity and jobs, along with investment in the economy's future productivity.
Investment in nation building infrastructure and world-class universities and
hospitals will position Australia to take full advantage of the global
Notwithstanding the impacts
of the global recession, the Australian government’s balance sheet remains
strong. The Australian government has lower debt and lower deficits than any of
the major advanced economies and the Government’s fiscal strategy will ensure
that as the economy recovers, the budget will return to surplus, and government
debt will fall.
While the United Kingdom, the
United States and the Euro zone economies are expected to face public debt
levels in excess of 80 per cent of GDP by 2014, and Japanese public debt will
approach 140 per cent of GDP, Australian public debt 'will peak at 13.8 percent
of GDP in 2013-14 declining to around 3.7 per cent in 2019-20.'[48]
Australia's net debt position
relative to selected advanced economies over the period to 2014 is set out in
the following chart:

Source: Budget Paper No. 1
2009-10, p.1-52
There can be no argument that
the state of Australia’s government accounts is superior to any other
comparable economy. The evidence presented to the Committee was that the
projected levels of government debt are small by international comparison and
manageable.[49] These points were
summed up by the testimony of the Reserve Bank Governor, who noted that:
"I would
have to say that I think the prospective debt that we are going to have—
according to the budget outlook—for a country like Australia ought to be seen
as quite manageable."[50]
"There is not much argument that the state of
the government accounts in this country is just so superior to virtually
anybody with whom we would want to compete."[51]
The Government outlined in
the Budget a clear fiscal strategy to return the budget to surplus and reduce
debt. As the economy strengths, stimulus will be phased down by design,
revenues will recover and the Government has committed to holding real spending
growth to less than 2 per cent a year until the Budget returns to surplus. At
Budget, it was estimated that this strategy would return the budget to surplus
by 2015-16 and reduce the level of net debt as a share of GDP to 3.7 per cent
by 2019-20.
Impact of fiscal stimulus on the exchange
During the course of the
inquiry, there was some concern expressed over the impact of the stimulus
package on exchange rates. Dr Gruen noted that in a global downturn, when every
country is implementing fiscal stimulus at the same time, the exchange rate
effects are muted, or non-existent.[52] Rather, Treasury
observed that recent movements in the exchange rate were likely to be unrelated
to domestic policy settings.[53] Dr Gruen noted that the
Australian dollar is sensitive to changes in the global economy, especially to
movements in commodity prices and the US stock market. Therefore, working out
the impact of the stimulus package on exchange rates is a difficult task.[54]
However, there can be little doubt that the floating exchange rate has allowed
us to weather the economic storm better than might have otherwise been the
Environmental impact of spending measures
No direct evidence was placed
before the Committee or submissions made on this term of reference. However
government senators note that as part of phase 3 of the stimulus package, the
government has committed $4.5 billion in the Clean Energy Initiative to assist
Australia’s transition to a low-pollution economy. This figure includes $1 billion in existing funds that will deliver a
number of substantial measures aimed at enhancing innovation and investment in
clean energy generation. There are three core elements to the Clean Energy
A $2.0 billion investment over
nine years in carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects under the CCS Flagships
program to support the development of industrial-scale demonstration projects
for CCS technology in Australia. The projects are expected to include a carbon
dioxide storage hub and projects to demonstrate a range of technologies to
capture carbon dioxide from coal-fired power stations. The successful
deployment of CCS will facilitate Australia's transition to a low-pollution
economy, generate the low-pollution jobs of the future, and help preserve the
value of Australia's coal exports.
A $1.5 billion investment
over six years in the Solar Flagships program that will demonstrate large‑scale
solar-thermal and solar photovoltaic technologies. The program will comprise up to four solar projects operating in the
national grid, with an additional capacity of 1,000 megawatts. Together with
the existing $100 million Australian Solar Institute, the Solar Flagships
program will help position Australia as a world leader in solar energy generation
with clear benefits for the environment.
A new independent renewable energy
innovation body, Renewables Australia, resourced with initial funding of
$465 million over four years to support renewable technology research,
commercialisation and deployment.
Renewables Australia will support high priority research and investment with
the ultimate aim of progressing new technologies to the market while also
lowering the cost of existing renewable technologies. Renewables Australia will
also support and advise government, industry and the community in the promotion
and development of renewable technologies and relevant research and development
in essential renewable‑related systems, including renewable energy
transmission infrastructure.
is a clear need to persist with the climate change policy agenda despite the
current economic circumstances. The Government is committed to tackling climate
change and positioning Australia to prosper in a carbon constrained world.
Government senators reject the argument put, not necessarily to this inquiry,
but certainly elsewhere, that the global financial crisis means that climate
change mitigation efforts should be curtailed or abandoned.
Government senators are of
the opinion that there are clear environmental benefits to be derived from the
investment the government is making in the programs described above and that
any winding back of the stimulus would necessarily involve a significant
reduction in those benefits.
Conclusion and recommendation
The series of events that
began to unfold in the second half of 2007, the effects of which manifested
themselves in most dramatic fashion in the last quarter of 2008 have had in
many cases a catastrophic impact on many of the world's advanced economies.
Australia was never immune
from the global financial crisis and the government took swift, decisive action
to avert its worst effects on the Australian economy and the families who rely
on secure, long-term employment for their financial security.
The great weight of the
evidence on the effectiveness of the government's fiscal stimulus measures is that
the government's approach has been the correct one.
Protracted economic downturns
have long-lasting and in many cases, permanent detrimental effects on
employment, skills, investment and productivity that can reduce the long-term
capacity of the economy. The social and economic costs of recessions are
pervasive and lasting.
The government's stimulatory
response to the very real threats posed by the global financial crisis has been
part of a globally coordinated response to the real-economy collapse that
loomed in late 2008. The weight of the evidence put before this inquiry leads
government senators to conclude that the government's fiscal stimulus was an
appropriate response given the scale and severity of the global crisis.
The stimulus has been
designed to have its maximum impact on growth and employment quickly and then
to gradually withdraw as private sector activity recovers and the economy
strengthens. The design of the stimulus ensures that both arms of macroeconomic
policy – fiscal and monetary policy- continue to work consistently during the
recovery phase, as they did when the economy turned down.
Government senators are of
the opinion that the inquiry demonstrates that in the absence of the fiscal
stimulus measures, Australia's overall economic performance over the past year
would have been far worse than would have been the case in the absence of any
stimulus. Without fiscal stimulus of the scale and structure of that
implemented in the past year, there is no doubt that Australia would have
experienced a quite severe recession, with all its attendant effects on
employment and Australia's longer term economic prospects.
Recommendation 1
Government senators
recommend that the government's stimulus packages continue to be implemented to
provide appropriate support to the economy and employment.
Senator Annette Hurley
Deputy Chair
Senator Louise Pratt
Senator Doug Cameron
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