Chapter 1
Introduction and conduct of the inquiry
The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) is the cap-and-trade
emissions trading scheme designed as Australia's contribution to limiting the
global emissions of greenhouse gases so as to contain global warming and
climate change.
The CPRS is the result of a long process of analysis and consultation by
successive federal parliaments and governments. A Senate Committee started
examining the issue over two decades ago. Its report in 1991 concluded:
...the Committee supports concerted action to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions...a target of 20% reductions by is now time for action.
That action must be speedy and must be a practical solution in the short term.
Setting up committees to further examine greenhouse issues or putting out press
releases imploring the community to be more energy conscious does not
constitute action that will result in sufficiently significant reductions of
greenhouse gas emissions.[1]
Australia first undertook to take action in this area when it ratified
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992. Australia
was heavily involved in negotiating the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention in 1997
(although it did not ratify it until 2007). In 1998 the Australian Greenhouse
Office was established. The Shergold Report (Prime Ministerial Task
Group on Emissions Trading) in May 2007 recommended that an emission trading
scheme should be implemented in Australia, as did the Garnaut Review in
September 2008. The current government released Green and White
Papers on the scheme. Exposure drafts of the bills to introduce the CPRS
were released in March 2009.
The Economics Committee inquiry
The Senate referred the exposure drafts of the CPRS to the Standing
Committee on Economics on 11 March 2009 and the Committee reported on 16 April
The Committee was unanimous in regarding the risk of climate change as
deserving a serious response. The majority of the Committee called for the
Senate to approve the CPRS.[2]
While the Coalition senators rejected the specific CPRS, they too believed 'the
planet deserves the benefit of the doubt. It is in the planet's and Australia's
interests to reduce the world's, and Australia's, carbon dioxide emissions'.[3]
Senator Xenophon stated 'there is a sensible policy case, as well as a strong
ethical one, for Australia to take early emissions reduction action...'.[4]
The Australian Greens called for a stronger response than the CPRS.[5]
There were a number of aspects of the CPRS which submissions and
witnesses suggested could be improved, and suggestions for accompanying action.
These opinions were discussed in the report and to varying degrees supported by
Committee members.
On the issue of voluntary action by households, the Committee commented:
People want to feel that they are making a contribution, even
if only in a small way, to saving the planet. The growing perception that the
CPRS negates actions taken by individual households to reduce emissions is
eroding support for the scheme. This must be addressed.[6]
Accordingly the Committee recommended that:
...the government develop policies complementary to the CPRS to
encourage voluntary action...the wording of section 14(5) of the CPRS Bill 2009
be amended so that in making recommendations on emissions caps the Minister
"shall have regard" rather than "may have regard" to
"voluntary action".[7]
On the issue of employment, the Committee recommended that:
... the Government coordinates and advances a whole of
government approach to jobs and skills in emerging low pollution industries.
The Committee further recommends that a process be developed which ensures
effective implementation of all Government programs and policies which support
green jobs and skill development throughout all sectors of the economy. The
Government should also develop Australia’s current and future skills base to
ensure it has sufficient skills to take advantage of emerging employment
opportunities driven though the CPRS and other complementary climate change policies.[8]
On the issue of the emissions reductions target, the Committee noted
that while some witnesses regarded the targets of a 5-15 per cent reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions from 2000 to 2020 as ambitious, others argued that
Australia should offer a larger reduction as part of a global agreement to
stabilise atmospheric concentrations at around 450 parts per million (CO2
On the issue of assistance to emissions-intensive, trade-exposed industries,
the Committee noted:
Payments of assistance can be justified to guard against
carbon leakage and support emission intensive trade exposed industries during
the transition...The Committee notes the persistent advocacy of industry groups
for further assistance under the scheme.[10]
On the issue of the timing of the scheme's introduction, the Committee
noted that there were:
...a variety of views about whether the CPRS should be
introduced soon or delayed; and whether the legislation itself should be
delayed or just the starting date.[11]
The Committee believed the importance of providing certainty for
business and the need to present a clear position at the Copenhagen conference
in December 2009 justified passing the legislation this year, regardless of the
starting date.[12]
The Government's response to comments about the CPRS
In response to these reactions to the exposure draft of the CPRS
legislation, the Government announced a number of changes, mostly on 4 May.
These changes have been embedded in the CPRS bills. The main changes are:
- an increase in the conditional target for emissions reductions to
a 25 per cent reduction from 2000 to 2020;
- a 'global recession buffer' of additional transitional assistance
for emissions‑intensive trade-exposed industries;
- changed treatment of 'legacy emissions' for landfill operators;
recognition of household purchases of Green Power in the setting
of targets;
- other recognition of households' voluntary emissions reductions;
- deferral of the operation of the scheme until July 2011; and
- a fixed permit price of $10 a tonne for the first year of
The CPRS package is essentially self-funding over the next four years.
Table 1.1 shows how the potential revenue from the sale of permits is
distributed to households and (including by allocation of free permits) to
Table 1.1: Fiscal
impact of CPRS package
($ billion)
Potential revenue from permit sales
Assistance for households
Fuel tax offsets
EITEs assistance (free permits)
Other payments to industry
Climate change action fund
Total impact on budget
Source: CPRS Amendment
(Household Assistance) Bill 2009 Explanatory Memorandum, p. ii.
The conduct of the current inquiry
The Senate referred the CPRS bills to the Economics Legislation
Committee on 14 May and required the Committee to report by Monday 15 June 2009.
There are eleven bills in the total package:
- Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009 (the primary bill);
- Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill
- Australian Climate Change Regulatory Authority Bill 2009;
- Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Charges – Custom) Bill 2009,
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Charges – Excise) Bill 2009 and Carbon
Pollution Reduction Scheme (Charges – General) Bill 2009;
- Excise Tariff Amendment (Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme) Bill
2009 and Excise Tariff Amendment (Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme) Bill 2009;
- Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS Fuel Credits) Bill 2009
and Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS Fuel Credits) (Consequential
Amendments) Bill 2009; and the
- Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Household Assistance) Bill
2009, which was introduced into the house on 28 May.
As there had been an extensive report on the exposure drafts, the
Committee decided that this report would concentrate on the changes made since
the exposure drafts.
The Committee advertised the inquiry in the national press and invited
written submissions by 4 June 2009. Details of the inquiry were placed on the
Committee's website and the Committee also wrote to a large number of
organisations and stakeholder groups inviting written submissions.
As this was the fourth Senate committee inquiry into the issue of
climate change and the CPRS in recent months,[13]
it was unsurprising that it received fewer submissions. However the 48
submissions received is well above the median number for a senate committee
inquiry. The submissions are listed in Appendix 1.
Two public hearings were held in Canberra on 22 and 29 May 2009. A list
of the witnesses appearing at the hearings is in Appendix 2. These two hearings
concentrated on peak industry, environmental and social organisations and the
relevant government departments as these were better placed to focus on the
changes since the exposure draft. A representative from the landfill industry was
called as there had been specific changes pertaining to the treatment of this
industry announced since the exposure draft.
Half the senators on this Committee are also members of the Select
Committee on Climate Policy and participated in its hearing on the changes to
the CPRS exposure draft at which evidence was taken from further industry,
environmental and social organisations and a number of individual companies. In
addition, the views of many companies on the CPRS were canvassed during the
extensive hearings into the CPRS exposure drafts.
The Committee thanks those who participated in this inquiry.
Structure of the report
There are four main areas where the CPRS bills differ from the exposure
drafts, and each is allocated a chapter. Chapter 2 discusses the higher
conditional target for emissions reductions. The responses to concerns
expressed by business, notably the increased number of free permits, is the
subject of Chapter 3. The recognition of voluntary action is the topic of
Chapter 4. The deferral of the operation of the scheme in light of the global
economic crisis is the topic of Chapter 5. Chapter 6 concludes.
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