

[1] The Hon. Mal Brough MP, House Hansard, 8 December 2004, p. 3.

[2] The Hon. Mal Brough MP, House Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 40.

[3] Senator Julian McGauran, Senate Hansard, 9 February 2005, p. 62.

[4] Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 1 of 2005, 9 February 2005, p. 62.

[5] With the exception of Submission 1 (William Buck (SA) Pty Ltd) which queried the commencement date for Schedule 7.

[6] Promoting an Enterprise Culture, p. 4.

[7] The STS was introduced by the The New Business Tax System (Simplified Tax System) Act 2001 to apply to income years commencing after 30 June 2001. Its purpose was to reduce compliance costs of eligible small business taxpayers. The STS allows for the application of a simplified depreciation system and simplified treatment of trading stock. The ATO advises in its publication, 'Simplified tax system—overview', that the practical effect of these features is that eligible businesses do not have to account for trading stock each year or maintain separate depreciation schedules for each asset. STS taxpayers must use a cash‑based accounting system (although Schedule 2 of the bill proposes to allow for cash or accruals accounting systems.) See for ATO publication.

[8] Proposed paragraph 61‑510(1)(e).

[9] Proposed paragraph 61‑520(1)(e).

[10] Proposed paragraph 61‑515(1)(e).

[11] Section 328‑370. See also TR 2002/11, Income tax: Simplified Tax System eligibility—STS average turnover, 26 June 2002.

[12] The value of business supplies is defined in section 960‑345 of the ITAA 1997 as being the values of all taxable supplies (excluding GST and receipts from asset sales, interest, dividends and rental not in the ordinary course of carrying on the business).

[13] Section 328‑380 ITAA 1997 defines 'control' in the context of the STS grouping rules. In an overview of the STS, the ATO says that "In broad terms, you control another taxpayer in an income year if you and/or your STS affiliates: are entitled to at least 40% of any income or capital of the other taxpayer in that year; or if the other taxpayer is a company, have the right to exercise at least 40% of the voting power in the company. See TR 2002/6, Income tax: Simplified Tax System eligibility—grouping rules (STS affiliate, control of non‑fixed trusts), 13 March 2002. This ruling provides guidance on the application of the non‑fixed trust control rule and the definition of 'STS affiliate'."

[14] Under section 328‑365 ITAA 1997, an 'STS affiliate' is an entity that could reasonably be expected to act in accordance with the taxpayer's wishes or in concert with the taxpayer in relation to the taxpayer's business. See also TR 2002/6.

[15] Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No. 7) Bill 2004, Explanatory Memorandum, the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, House of Representatives, pp. 15‑16, para. 1.12.

[16] Proposed section 61‑525.

[17] Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No. 7) Bill 2004, Explanatory Memorandum, the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, House of Representatives, p. 17, para. 1.16.

[18] Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No. 7) Bill 2004, Explanatory Memorandum, the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, House of Representatives, p. 17, para. 1.19.

[19] Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No. 7) Bill 2004, Explanatory Memorandum, the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, House of Representatives, pp. 20‑21, para. 1.25.

[20] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, pp. E2‑3.

[21] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E3.

[22] Promoting an Enterprise Culture, The Howard Government Election 2004 Policy Statement. The package of reforms for small business included proposals for the ETO; introduction of optional cash or accrual accounting methods for STS taxpayers; a reduction in the tax adjustment period from four to two years for STS businesses and the establishment of a Regulation Reduction Incentive Fund.

[23] Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia Ltd, Media Release, Big benefits for Micro Business!, 26 September 2004.

[24] House Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 37.

[25] RIS, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 32, para. 1.50.

[26] RIS, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 34, paras. 1.60‑1.61, p. 34.

[27] RIS, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 30, para. 1.41.

[28] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E1.

[29] A copy of this letter is in Appendix 3.

[30] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E7.

[31] The studies cited were Evans C, Ritchie K, Tran‑Nam B and Walpole M (1996), Costs of taxpayer compliance—Final Report, Revenue Analysis Branch of the ATO, Canberra, pp. 9‑67, and Evans C, Ritchie K, Tran‑Nam B and Walpole M (1997), A report into taxpayer costs of compliance, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, p. 51.

[32] Review of Business Taxation, Final Report—Section 17: Small Business Initiatives. Accessed at on 28 February 2005.

[33] 'Advisers call for simpler simplified tax', Australian Financial Review, 18 February 2003, p. 49. This article canvasses the views of William Buck Accountants; BDO Kendalls; Hayes Knight; and CPA Australia.

[34] ATPF Issues Log, A27—Simplified Tax System take‑up rate. Accessed on 2 March 2005 at

[35] Criticisms of the STS are discussed in 'Advisers call for simpler simplified tax', Australian Financial Review, 18 February 2003, p. 49; 'Small business shuns STS use', Australian Financial Review, 10 June 2003, p. 59; 'Tax cut at micro end of town', Australian, 27 September 2004, p. 8.

[36] The RBT ANTS Bite: Small Business the First Casualty, (2004) 19 Australian Tax Reform, p. 148.

[37] The RBT ANTS Bite: Small Business the First Casualty, (2004) 19 Australian Tax Reform, p. 148.

[38] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E3.

[39] Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No. 7) Bill 2004, Explanatory Memorandum, the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, House of Representatives, p. 79.

[40] Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No. 7) Bill 2004, Explanatory Memorandum, the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, House of Representatives, p. 83.

[41] From ATO Website:

[42] From ITR Website:

[43] From ITR Website:

[44] From ITR Website:

[45] From ITR Website:

[46] From ITR Website:

[47] Derived from Parliamentary Library Bills Digest No.111 for 2004‑05.

[48] Submission by Geoscience Australia to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry and Resources Inquiry into Resources Exploration Impediments, p. 29.

[49] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E12.

[50] Condensate is a term used to describe hydrocarbons that exist as a gas in a gas field and which are separated out from the accompanying gases to form a liquid during production.

[51] Submission 2, APPEA, p. 2.

[52] Submission by Geoscience Australia to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry and Resources Inquiry into Resources Exploration Impediments, p. 26.

[53] Submission by Geoscience Australia to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry and Resources Inquiry into Resources Exploration Impediments, p. 31.

[54] Submission by Geoscience Australia to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry and Resources Inquiry into Resources Exploration Impediments, p. 33.

[55] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E12.

[56] Submission by ExxonMobil to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry and Resources Inquiry into Resources Exploration Impediments, p. 3.

[57] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Mineral and Petroleum Exploration Australia, 1301.0 – 2005.

[58] From Geoscience Australian website,

[59] Submission 2, APPEA, p. 4.

[60] Submission by Geoscience Australia to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry and Resources Inquiry into Resources Exploration Impediments, p. 31.

[61] Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No. 7) Bill 2004, Explanatory Memorandum, the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, House of Representatives, p. 74.

[62] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E12.

[63] House Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 36.

[64] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E11.

[65] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E17.

[66] Para 3.87, p. 40.

[67] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E12.

[68] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E13.

[69] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E13.

[70] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E18.

[71] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E20.

[72] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, pp. E21‑2.

[73] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E19.

[74] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E19.

[75] Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, p. E20.

[76] Submission 1 (William Buck (SA) Pty Ltd).

[77] Item 20 of Schedule 7.

[78] Press Release CO13/03—Minister for Revenue and the Assistant Treasurer, Roll‑over Relief for Simplified Tax System Partnerships, 4 March 2003. At accessed on 22 February 2005.

[79] Submission 1 (William Buck (SA) Pty Ltd).

[80] Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 (Previous citation: Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 9) 2003), Revised Explanatory Memorandum, The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, p. 8.

[81] At the Committee's hearing on 1 March 2005, the Department of the Treasury confirmed the Committee's conclusions about the starting date for the ETO. See Mr Mark O'Connor, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 March 2005, pp. E3‑E4.

[82] Refer Committee Hansard Page 7

[83] Refer Committee Hansard page 18

[84] Refer Committee Hansard page 21

[85] Refer Committee Hansard page 17

[86] Refer Committee Hansard Page 17