Chapter 10 - Schedule 9-Deductible gift recipients

Chapter 10 - Schedule 9-Deductible gift recipients


10.1      Schedule 9 of the bill seeks to amend the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997) to update the list of deductible gift recipients (DGRs).[1]

Background and summary

10.2      Deductible gift recipient (DGR) status assists relevant funds and organisations to attract public support for their activities. Income tax law allows taxpayers who make gifts of $2 or more to DGRs to claim tax deductions. To be a DGR, an organisation must fall within a category of organisations set out in the ITAA 1997,[2] or be listed by name under its provisions.

10.3      This schedule seeks to add nine organisations to the list of specifically listed DGRs.  Gifts of $2 or more, made to these entities within each entity's eligible time period, will be tax deductible.[3]

10.4      The table below outlines the nine organisations that are to be added to the list of DGRs, and their respective dates of effect:[4]

Name of fund

Date of effect

The Bathurst War Memorial Carillon Public Fund Trust

the gift must be made after 2 August 2007
and before 3 August 2009

Kidsafe ACT (Inc.)

the gift must be made after 2 August 2007

Kidsafe New South Wales (Inc.)

the gift must be made after 2 August 2007

Kidsafe NT (Inc.)

the gift must be made after 2 August 2007

Kidsafe Qld (Inc.)

the gift must be made after 2 August 2007

Kidsafe SA Incorporated

the gift must be made after 2 August 2007

Kidsafe Tasmania (Inc)

the gift must be made after 2 August 2007

Kidsafe Vic (Inc.)

the gift must be made after 2 August 2007

Kidsafe Western Australia (Inc)

the gift must be made after 2 August 2007

10.5      The amendments also seek to extend the time period for which deductions are allowed for gifts to the Shrine of Remembrance Restoration and Development Trust.  Under the amendments, deductible gifts will be able to be made to the Trust until 30 June 2009.[5]

10.6      This measure will have the following revenue implications:[6]







Intended benefits of changes

10.7      By granting DGR status to the Bathurst War Memorial Carillon Public Fund Trust and Kidsafe, and by extending the DGR status of the Shrine of Remembrance Restoration and Development Trust, the amendments would assist these entities in attracting public support for their activities. A brief overview outlining the work of these organisations is included below:

10.8      There were no submissions received in relation to this Schedule.

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