Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 1 - Introduction


1.1        On Thursday 21 June 2007, the Senate referred the provisions of Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 4) Bill 2007, and two complementary Bills; the Taxation (Trustee Beneficiary Non-Disclosure Tax) Bill (No. 1) 2007, and the Taxation (Trustee Beneficiary Non- Disclosure Tax) Bill (No. 2) 2007 to the Senate Standing Committee on Economics for report by 31 July 2007.

1.2        In accordance with the usual practice, the committee advertised the inquiry in The Australian on Wednesday 27 June 2007, calling for submissions by Monday 9 July 2007.  The committee also directly contacted a number of relevant organisations and individuals to invite submissions.

1.3        Submissions were received from four organisations and individuals, as listed in Appendix 1.  A public hearing was held on Friday 27 July 2007.  Treasury representatives gave evidence and addressed the concerns raised in the submissions via teleconference.


1.4        The committee thanks all those who contributed to its inquiry by preparing written submissions.  Their work has been of considerable value to the committee.

Background to the bill

1.5        The Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 4) Bill 2007 is an omnibus bill containing 8 Schedules. The two other bills introduce amendments to complement the proposed changes in Schedule 4 by providing mechanisms to introduce a 46.5% non-disclosure tax on certain income.

Outline of the bill

1.6        The Bill will implement changes to Australia's taxation system in the following areas:

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