Terms of Reference

Inquiry into Mass Marketed Tax Effective Schemes and Investor Protection

Terms of Reference

On 29 June 2000 the Senate referred to the Senate Economics Reference Committee the matter of mass marketed tax effective schemes and investor protection for inquiry and report with particular attention to:

  1. The adequacy of measures to promote investor understanding of the financial and taxation implications of tax effective schemes;

  2. The conduct of, and the adequacy of measures for controlling, tax effective scheme designers, promoters and financial advisers; and

  3. The ATO’s approach towards and role in relation to mass marketed tax effective schemes.

The Committee is seeking submissions by 6 October 2000. Submissions may be lodged using the Email address of economics.sen@aph.gov.au or posted to:

Peter Hallahan, Secretary
Senate Economics References Committee
Suite SG.64
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Submissions become committee documents and are only made public after a decision by the Committee. Persons making submissions should not release them without the approval of the Committee. Submissions are covered by parliamentary privilege but their unauthorised release is not.

Further information and notes to assist in the preparation of submissions are available at https://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/index.htm or from the Inquiry Officer by phone 02 6277 3134 or facsimile 02 6277 5719.