Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee

Core Members  

Senator B Gibson (Acting Chair)

(Tasmania, LP) (Deputy Chair; Ag Chair 01.10.01)

Senator G Chapman

(South Australia, LP)

Senator S Conroy

(Victoria, ALP)

Senator P Cook

(Western Australia, ALP)

Senator S Murphy

(Tasmania, Ind) (Chair 30.11.98 to 01.10.01)

Senator A Ridgeway

(New South Wales, AD)

Substitute Members
Senator Allison to substitute for Senator Ridgeway for matters relating to resources
Senator Murray to substitute for Senator Ridgeway for the Committee’s inquiry into mass marketed tax effective schemes and investor protection

Participating Members  

Senator E Abetz

(Tasmania, LP)

Senator R Boswell

(Queensland, NP)

Senator G Brandis

(Queensland, LP)

Senator B Brown

(Tasmania, AG)

Senator P Calvert

(Tasmania, LP)

Senator G Campbell

(New South Wales, ALP)

Senator H Coonan

(New South Wales, LP)

Senator W Crane

(Western Australia, LP)

Senator A Eggleston

(Western Australian, LP)

Senator J Faulkner

(New South Wales, ALP)

Senator A Ferguson

(South Australia, LP)

Senator J Ferris

(South Australia, LP)

Senator B Harradine

(Tasmania, Ind)

Senator L Harris

(Queensland, PHON)

Senator S Knowles

(Western Australia, LP)

Senator R Lightfoot

(Western Australia, LP)

Senator B Mason

(Queensland, LP)

Senator J McGauran

(Victoria, NPA)

Senator A Murray

(Western Australia, AD)

Senator M Payne

(New South Wales, LP)

Senator N Sherry

(Tasmania, ALP)

Senator T Tchen

(Victoria, LP)

Senator J Tierney

(New South Wales, LP)

Senator J Watson

(Tasmania, LP)

Peter Hallahan, Secretary
Alistair Sands, Principal Research Officer
Sarah Bachelard, Senior Research Officer
Angela Lancsar, Executive Assistant

Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Ph: 02 6277 3540
Fx: 02 6277 5719

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