Appendix 1

Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No.4) 1998
Table of Contents

Appendix 1

List of Submissions

No. 1 NSW Sales Tax Practitioners' Association

No. 2 Concrete Constructions Group Ltd

No. 3 Arthur Andersen

No. 3a Arthur Andersen

No. 4 Australian Local Government Association

No. 5 Lend Lease Development Pty Ltd

No. 6 The Australian Council for Infrastructure Development Ltd

No. 7 Australian Constructors Association

No. 8 Price Waterhouse

No. 9 Local Government and Shire Association of NSW

No.10 Western Australian Treasury

No.11 Local Government Association of Queensland

No.12 New South Wales Treasury

No.13 Transfield

No.14 Edison Mission Energy

No.15 Queensland Treasury

No.15a Queensland Treasury

No.16 Macquarie Infrastructure Debt Management Ltd

No.17 Horizon Energy Investment Management Ltd

No.18 Macquarie Infrastructure Investment Management Ltd

No.19 Leighton Holdings Ltd

No.20 Airport Motorway

No.21 Victoria Department of Treasury and Finance

No.22 Allen Allen & Hemsley

No.23 Property Council of Australia

No.24 Interlink Roads

No.25 The Tourism Task Force Ltd

No.26 Housing Industry Association

No.27 Mineral Council of Australia

No.28 Blake Dawson Waldron

No.29 Pannell Kerr Forster

No.30 Corporate Tax Association

No. 31 International Banks and Securities Association of Australia