Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No.4) 1998
Table of Contents


Retrospective Application of Taxation Laws

7.1 The Committee was concerned with two aspects of retrospective application of taxation laws. Under Rule No. 23 of the Senate Procedural Orders of Continuing Effect states

7.2 This raises two issues of substance. First, the legislation has passed the 6 month time limit, as identified by Arthur Anderson. Second, the issue of the press announcement being as fulsome as possible in informing the public of the Government's intentions for the law as identified by Mr Dukes of Blake Dawson Waldron.

7.3 The Assistant Treasurer has addressed the 6 month time limit issue in a response to the Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills (Sixth Report of 1999, 21 April 1999).

7.4 That report also considered several retrospective application of tax laws issues raised with the Committee. The issue identified by Mr Dukes of Blake Dawson Waldron has been forwarded to the Assistant Treasurer for his consideration. As yet the Assistant Treasurer has not responded to the issues raised by Mr Dukes.


The Committee recommends that the Government give serious consideration to amending Schedule 7 of the bill to remove any retrospective aspects of the proposed legislation.

These amendments are directed at distributions made prior to 2 July 1998 in respect of interests created in trusts before 7.30pm on 13 May 1997 yet acquired after that time which would not be subject to the new provisions.

Any distributions on these trust interests made on or after 2 July 1998 would be subject to the provisions of Schedule 7.

Senator Alan Ferguson
