Chapter 1

Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No.4) 1998
Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Background to the Inquiry

1.1 The original Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 4) 1998 was introduced into the House of Representatives on 2 April 1998 and the Senate on 22 June 1998. The Bill was referred to this Committee by the Selection of Bills Committee on 27 May 1998 [1] for examination and report by 25 June 1998. The Senate extended the date of reporting to 11 August 1998, however the Senate amended the spring sitting pattern on the last day of sitting and as a result the Senate did not sit on that date. The Committee tabled an interim report on 11 August 1998. With the announcement of the general election on 30 August 1998 and proroguing of Parliament, the Bill lapsed.

1.2 A new Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 4) 1998 was introduced into the House of Representatives on 3 December 1998 [2]. The Bill was referred to this Committee by the Senate following a report of the Selection of Bills Committee on 18 February 1999 [3] for examination and report by 29 April 1999. On 28 April 1999 the Senate extended the date of reporting to 13 May 1999. On 12 May 1999 the Senate further extended the date of reporting to 27 May 1999.

1.3 In referring this Bill for inquiry, the Selection of Bills Committee noted that the principal issues for consideration were “to allow close examination of the proposals in order to improve Australia's attractiveness as a financial centre”.

1.4 The referral of the original Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 4) 1998 was to consider retrospective application of sales tax on infrastructure projects, gifts and possible anomalies in depreciation provisions.

1.5 The committee secretariat contacted all interested parties who had responded to the original inquiry, and received 3 supplementary submissions in addition to 2 requests to consider the previous submissions to the inquiry (Appendix 1 refers). A public hearing on the Bill was conducted in Canberra on 23 April 1999. A list of witnesses who gave evidence at the hearing appears in Appendix 2, and the full transcript of the hearing is available at the internet address of .

1.6 The Bill under consideration differed in several significant ways to the original Bill with several Schedules omitted from the 1999 Bill and three previously unseen schedules inserted. The following table shows the structure of the previous bill and the location of those schedules in the new bill.

Taxation Laws Amendment Bills 1998 and 1999 - comparison between old and new bills

Original TLAB 4 (lapsed at election) Location of provisions in new TLAB 4
Sched 1: Sales Tax (exemptions and classifications) Act 1992 Sched 1 of TLAB 5 1999*
Sched 2: FBT exemption for approved student exchange programs Not re-introduced
Sched 3: Commercial debt forgiveness Sched 2 of new TLAB 4**
Sched 4: NSW police integrity Commission Not re-introduced
Sched 5: Deductions for gifts Sched 6 of new TLAB 4**
Sched 6: Technical amendments of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 Not re-introduced
Sched 7: Technical amendment of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 Not re-introduced
Sched 8: Amendment of other Acts Not re-introduced
Sched 9: "Catch up" amendments Not re-introduced
Sched 10: Depreciation of plant previously owned by an exempt entity Sched 3 of new TLAB 4**
Sched 11: Arrangements treated as a sale and loan and limited recourse debt Sched 2 of TLAB 5*
Sched 12: FBT record keeping exemption Not re-introduced
Sched 13: Franking of dividends by exempting companies and former exempting companies Sched 5 of new TLAB 4**

* Taxation Laws Amendment Bill No.5 1999 - not referred to the Committee

** Contained in the new Taxation Laws Amendment Bill No. 4 1998 which currently stands referred to the Committee.

1.7 The new TLAB 4 also contains three new schedules that were not present in the previous bill:

1.8 At the 23 April public hearing, the Committee received evidence from witnesses in relation to the following Schedules of the Bill:

1.9 Officers from the Australian Taxation Office responded on behalf of the Government.


[1] Selection of Bills Committee report No. 7 of 1998, dated 27 May 1998.

[2] The Bill was introduced into the Senate on 19 April 1999 as Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999.

[3] Selection of Bills Committee report No. 2 of 1999, dated 18 February 1999.