Senate Economics Legislation Committee
(As at 24 August 1999)
Core Members
Senator B Gibson (Chairman) (Liberal Party - TAS)
Senator S. Murphy (Deputy) (Australian Labor Party - TAS)
Senator H.G.P. Chapman (Liberal Party - SA)
Senator G. Campbell (Australian Labor Party - NSW)
Senator A. Murray (Australian Democrats - WA)
Senator J.O.W. Watson (Liberal Party - TAS)
Substitute Members
Senator Sherry to substitute for Senator Murphy for the period 12 August
1999 till 2 September 1999.
Senator Allison to substitute for Senator Murray for the Committee's
inquiry into the Superannuation Contributions and Termination Payments
Taxes Legislation Amendment Bill 1999.
Participating Members
Senator E. Abetz (Liberal Party - TAS)
Senator R. Boswell (National Party of Australia - QLD)
Senator B. Brown (Australian Greens - TAS)
Senator D. Brownhill (National Party of Australia NSW)
Senator P. Calvert (Liberal Party TAS)
Senator S. Conroy (Australian Labor Party - VIC)
Senator H. Coonan (Liberal Party - NSW)
Senator W. Crane (Liberal Party WA)
Senator A. Eggleston (Liberal Party WA)
Senator J. Faulkner (Australian Labor Party - NSW)
Senator A. Ferguson (Liberal Party SA)
Senator J. Ferris (Liberal Party SA)
Senator B. Harradine (Independent - TAS)
Senator S. Knowles (Liberal Party WA)
Senator R. Lightfoot (Liberal Party WA)
Senator K. Lundy (Australian Labor Party - ACT)
Senator B. Mason (Liberal Party QLD)
Senator J. McGauran (National Party of Australia VIC)
Senator W. Parer (Liberal Party QLD)
Senator M. Payne (Liberal Party NSW)
Senator J. Quirke (Australian Labor Party SA)
Senator A. Ridgeway (Australian Democrats NSW)
Senator C. Schacht (Australian Labor Party - SA)
Senator N. Sherry (Australian Labor Party - TAS)
Senator T. Tchen (Liberal Party- VIC)
Senator J. Tierney Liberal Party NSW)
Peter Hallahan Tel: (02) 6277 3540
SG.64, Parliament House Fax: (02) 6277 5719
Canberra ACT 2600
Research Officer: Graeme Fawns