Re: Superannuation Amendments Bill (No 3) 1999

Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1999
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Re: Superannuation Amendments Bill (No 3) 1999

Dear Senators et al,

I am concerned over the amendments in this bill that would effectively make a properly constructed self managed superannuation fund illegal.

My situation is that last year I set up the BMMG Superannuation Fund, abiding by all the correct and proper procedures. It was and still is my intent to include my partner (Michael Goh) in this fund. Indeed the letters BMMG come from our names. After the fund was set up Michael's company based superannuation contributions were moved to the BMMG fund and Michael was made a trustee.

The amendments that are proposed under this bill will make our fund illegal as being a same sex couple we do not qualify under the definitions of relative in the bill.

From the second reading speech for this bill I notice references to the Financial Systems Inquiry and that inquiry concluded “…excluded funds should not have beneficiaries who are at arm's length from the trustees.” This appears to me to be the basis for “..the new definition will require that all members of the fund have a business or family relationship and that they are trustees of the fund.”

It seems to me that the issues raised in the Financial Systems Inquiry are solved, at least in our case, by having Michael as a Trustee. He is; so why is it necessary to prejudice us by excluding Michael through the definition of relative.

Recently the New South Wales government passed legislation that recognizes same sex couples in property matters; Property (Relationships) Legislation Amendment Bill 1999. Although I appreciate that Federal and State governance is separate wouldn't prejudicing same sex couples in the Superannuation Amendment Bill # 3 be in contradiction to the NSW Property (Relationships) Legislation Bill 1999. If not by strict interpretation of law at least in principle?

Thank you for the time taken in considering our position and I hopefully look forward to an amendment to this bill that eradicates this prejudice.

Yours Sincerely

Bruce Minchinton

PS I can be contacted via return e:mail at this address or:Phone: BH (02) 9320 4050 AH (02) 9550 5987 Mob 0419 261 799 FAX (02) 9261 5630
