

ALARA As low as reasonably achievable

AMEC Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (Inc)

ANSTO Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

ANZAPNM Australian and New Zealand Association of Physicians in Nuclear Medicine.

ARL Australian Radiation Laboratory

ARPANSA Australian Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety Agency

DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

DISR Department of Industry, Science and Resources

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

EPIP Act Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974

HIFAR High Flux Australian Reactor

HLW High Level Waste

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection

ILW Intermediate level waste

LHSTC Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre

LLW Low Level Waste

NH&MRC National Health and Medical Research Council

NSB Nuclear Safety Bureau

RRR Future Reaction, Report of the Research Reactor Review (Professor K R McKinnon, 1993)