Chapter 5

A New Reactor at Lucas Heights

Chapter 5

Alternatives to a New Reactor

5.1 While the majority of inquiry participants acknowledge the wide benefits of neutron science, a number advocate alternative options for the generation of neutrons over the proposed new reactor. Suggested alternatives roughly fall into the categories of:

5.2 Individually, none of these alternatives could replicate the very broad capacity of the proposed new reactor. However, as argued by a number of nuclear opponents, a combination of the alternatives potentially could satisfy most of Australia's nuclear needs. Accordingly, the Committee has considered each of these options in turn, evaluating them in terms of safety, cost, viability and effectiveness against the long-term commissioning, operation and decommissioning of the proposed new reactor.

Alternative technologies – spallation sources and cyclotrons

Spallation sources

5.3 Currently there are two technologies capable of producing neutrons – nuclear reactors and spallation sources. Reactors produce neutrons through the process of nuclear fission, that is, the splitting of a heavy nucleus into similar but generally unequal masses, with the emission of neutrons, gamma rays and a great deal of energy. [1] In contrast, spallation sources produce neutrons by directing a beam of high energy protons on to a heavy metal target, often uranium. This process induces nuclear reactions which release an intense neutron flux. Spallation sources essentially are nuclear physics facilities which do not embrace wider nuclear technologies. [2]

5.4 According to ANSTO, the very high fluxes of neutrons that spallation sources are capable of producing would be suitable for certain types of research including basic physics, condensed matter studies and transmutation of radioactive waste. However, cost and maintenance requirements weaken the case of spallation sources as viable alternatives to research reactors. ANSTO submits that the minimum cost for the basic accelerator component of a spallation source is at least $300 million, and this is excluding additional costs of ancillary research instrumentation and facilities. The large spallation facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States is budgeted at $1.99 billion. Yet the Committee was advised by ANSTO that such facilities are designed as research tools only, and do not provide any capacity for bulk radioisotope production or commercial irradiations. ANSTO argues that:

5.5 The high costs and limited capacity afforded by spallation sources is confirmed in PPK's draft EIS on the replacement reactor. Furthermore, the EIS notes that spallation sources are not designed for continuous operation, and thus there are no international examples of them being used for routine production of medical and industrial radioisotopes. PPK observes:

5.6 Nevertheless, a number of inquiry participants noted rapid developments occurring within the field of spallation technology, in addition to the waste and safety advantages of spallation sources over research reactors. Dr Jim Green of the University of Wollongong argued that within the field of scientific research, spallation sources already are competitive with research reactors. Furthermore, there is potential for the development of multipurpose spallation sources with various applications in science and medicine, and commercial uses such as silicon doping. [5] In particular, the Belgian Myrrha/ADONIS research program offers great potential to broaden the future capacities of spallation sources. According to Dr Green, this program indicates that:

5.7 However, currently the Myrrha/ADONIS innovations are at the conceptual stage only, and unlikely to be proven viable for many years yet. [7] Although advocates of spallation technology such as Dr Green are optimistic that it could develop sufficiently rapidly to become a viable alternative to a new reactor, once HIFAR is decommissioned in the next decade, few others within the nuclear science community share this confidence. Rather, the consensus is that despite showing great potential, spallation sources have not yet reached the point of being a genuine alternative to research reactors. [8]

5.8 In support of this conclusion, ANSTO notes that all countries with either operating or planned spallation sources also have ready access to research reactors. The two types of neutron sources are considered complementary, rather than alternatives to each other. [9]


5.9 In addition to spallation sources, cyclotrons were cited by a number of inquiry participants as a possible alternative to the proposed new reactor, specifically for the production of medical radioisotopes. Cyclotrons are a type of particle accelerator in which a strong electrical field is used to accelerate subatomic particles (protons or deuterons) to very high speeds while they are being constrained in a circular path by a strong magnetic field. Subsequently, the particles are directed onto a target of the material being irradiated. Irradiation of the specific targets results in the formation of new isotopes which can be extracted by means of chemical separation and used for specific purposes. [10]

5.10 In its draft EIS of the replacement reactor proposal, PPK advises that most medical radioisotopes can be produced only in either a nuclear reactor or by a cyclotron. [11] Currently two cyclotrons are operating in Australia – the National Medical Cyclotron at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney and the Centre for Positron Emission Tomography at the Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre in Melbourne. Both cyclotrons produce a range of neutron deficient medical radioisotopes, which complement reactor produced medical radioisotopes. However, given that cyclotrons are not a source of neutrons, they cannot be considered a complete alternative to a replacement nuclear reactor. For example, ANSTO advises that cyclotrons could not be used for research and development based on neutron beams, nor provide expertise in the nuclear fuel cycle considered necessary for Australia's national strategic interests. [12]

5.11 Furthermore, although cyclotrons are used primarily for medical isotope production, their capacity to produce Technetium-99, a key component of nuclear medicine, is in the elementary stages only. Various inquiry participants noted the research of Dr Lagunas-Solar of the University of California in this regard. However, few expressed confidence that it offers an imminent alternative to reactor produced radioisotopes. As noted by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine:

5.12 Conversely, other inquiry participants promoted cyclotron technology as a genuine option to reactor produced isotopes, particularly if it is considered as a package with other reactor alternatives, such as the use of spallation sources and importation of radioisotopes. Dr Jim Green argued:

5.13 In support of his position, Dr Green argued that cyclotrons have important advantages over reactors in respect of radioactive waste; capital operating and decommissioning costs; and the production of PET radioisotopes for functional diagnostic imaging. [15] Dr Caldicott echoed Dr Green with respect to the waste benefits of cyclotrons over reactors, and the fact that, internationally, there is a strong trend away from research reactors. On this note Dr Green claimed that:

5.14 ANSTO and the Australian Nuclear Association present a different account of international trends in the construction of nuclear facilities. According to ANSTO, multipurpose research reactor infrastructure is not declining. Rather, improvements in technology have allowed the effectiveness of each neutron produced in a modern well-equipped research reactor to increase up to 1000 fold in some applications. [17] Furthermore, Dr Hardy, Secretary of the Australian Nuclear Association, stressed that a number of countries, such as Germany and France, are investing vast amounts in advanced research reactors; in one case as much as $A700 million. Dr Hardy highlighted these examples as evidence that other developed countries with extensive experience in the nuclear industry have settled on advanced reactors as the optimal technology for the 21st century. [18]

Alternative technologies and Australia's national strategic interest

5.15 In contrast to the proposed new reactor, neither spallation nor cyclotron technologies would provide expertise in managing the nuclear fuel cycle. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) rejected these technologies as genuine alternatives to a replacement reactor because they fail to serve Australia's national strategic interest. DFAT argued that the limited nuclear activity associated with alternative technologies would restrict domestic expertise, hampering Australia's ability to meet its nuclear non-proliferation and safeguards obligations. [19] ANSTO reinforced this view, arguing the case for technical expertise on nuclear matters in order for the Australian Government to play an influential role in international affairs and maintain intelligence assessment standards.

5.16 However, as noted earlier, a number of opponents of the new reactor proposal question the argument that Australia must maintain domestic nuclear capacity in order to remain influential in international nuclear fora. On the contrary, through prolonging the use of nuclear technology, Australia may be seen as adding to proliferation problems rather than seeking to address them. Dr Jim Green expresses a common view of opponents to the replacement reactor proposal:

Relying on foreign nuclear capacity

5.17 As an alternative to the continued operation of a nuclear reactor in Australia, a number of inquiry participants advocated accessing nuclear capacity from overseas, both in terms of importation of radioisotopes and opportunities for Australian scientists to work in foreign nuclear facilities. In this sense, many of the gaps in nuclear capacity associated with the proposed alternative technologies just discussed possibly could be overcome.

5.18 Several witnesses claim that the global isotope industry is now sufficiently developed to provide a reliable, commercial source of radioisotopes. In 1993 the Research Reactor Review (RRR) was not convinced of the viability of importation, specifically in respect of Australia's high standards in the delivery of nuclear medicine. [21] Since that time, however, the international market has become more sophisticated, with a number of countries relying on importation of radioisotopes to some extent. Dr Jim Green and Dr Helen Caldicott both stress the extensive opportunities associated with importation, specifically of molybdenum. In the words of Dr Caldicott:

5.19 Similarly, Mr Jim Fredsall, a professional nuclear engineer of extensive experience, argues that the international distribution system for radioisotopes is “established and efficient”. [23] Both Mr Fredsall and Professor Barry Allen noted that ANSTO currently relies on imported radioisotopes during HIFAR shutdown periods. Cost comparisons between imported versus locally produced radioisotopes can be seen as favouring importation, once the extent of Commonwealth government subsidisation of reactor operations is taken into account.

5.20 Nevertheless, while the scope for importation may have improved in recent years, many inquiry participants doubt the viability of this option, both on the grounds of reliability and ethics. According to ANSTO, transport times render Australian importation of molybdenum from international suppliers in Europe and the United States a marginal activity. This is because there is an inherent incompatibility between the half-life of molybdenum-99 and transportation times over very long distances. [24] The Australian and New Zealand Association of Physicians in Nuclear Medicine (Inc) share these concerns, and also raise the potential problem of restrictions on the maximum amount of radioactivity that can be imported legally and safely into Australia. [25]

5.21 To date, ANSTO's experience of importing molybdenum-99 and other radioisotopes has been tainted by transport delays, resulting in major disruptions to deliveries which prevent supplies arriving on a regular, predictable basis. The South Australian Government expresses a common response to this, predicting that ultimately importation would degrade the capacity of nuclear medicine departments by delaying medical treatments and limiting capacity for research.

5.22 However, according to some advocates of the importation of radioisotopes, risk of transportation delays have been significantly overstated. Dr Jim Green cites the case of the South African Atomic Energy Corporation which exports radioisotopes to a number of countries, including Australia, with delays affecting less than 0.5% of shipments. [26] Moreover, while conceding that there are a small number of radioisotopes with half lives too short to allow for importation, Dr Green argues that such isotopes are used infrequently, and alternative medical procedures are available to replace most or all of them.

5.23 Issues surrounding the importation of radioisotopes are not confined to the reliability of supplies. The questionable ethics of relying on other countries to maintain nuclear capability, rather than Australia providing for itself, and in the process, managing its own risks, was noted by the Sutherland Shire Environment Centre. Mr Michael Priceman commented that:

5.24 The Committee notes, however, that certain countries have chosen to produce and export radioisotopes on a commercial basis. The ethical argument against radioisotope importation therefore carries less weight than concerns regarding the reliability of supplies.

5.25 In addition to the possibility of importing radioisotopes, foreign nuclear capacity may also offer opportunities for Australian scientists to work abroad and thus continue research work even in the absence of an Australian reactor. However, as with the radioisotope importation option, relying on overseas facilities for Australian research is likely to be problematic, and certainly would limit opportunities. As noted by Dr Hardy of the Australian Nuclear Association, `suitcase science' is a privilege available to limited numbers of Australian scientists:

5.26 Furthermore, the Australian Institute for Nuclear Science and Engineering notes the high cost of undertaking research overseas, and argues that it cannot be seen as a clear alternative to local nuclear research capacity. In order to optimise research, the Institute argues that first class Australian facilities are prerequisites to the use of external facilities, and indeed:

5.27 In this sense, it is difficult to perceive overseas research opportunities as a genuine alternative to the research work either currently conducted at HIFAR or that will be possible if a new reactor is built.

Make do with HIFAR

5.28 As another alternative to a new reactor, the possibility of persevering with HIFAR for a few more years while alternative technologies continue to be refined was noted in evidence to the Committee. Given that various alternative technologies appear to be approaching the point of viability, making do with HIFAR in the short term could possibly offer sufficient time for reactor alternatives to become a feasible option. However, the Committee believes that this is a particularly optimistic scenario, dependent upon unrealistical expectations of rapid development in alternative technologies and the extension of HIFAR's life beyond most reasonable predictions.

5.29 In 1993 the RRR found that, pending safety problems forcing closure and decommissioning, it would be “reasonable to assume the continued availability of HIFAR, with operational costs at about current levels, for the next decade.” [30] In order to test this finding, the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) commissioned a `remaining life study' of HIFAR by the US consultants Failure Analysis Associates Inc California. The findings of the study were released earlier this year with the general conclusion that HIFAR was in good condition with no obvious evidence of major damage or age related degradation. [31]

5.30 Nevertheless, the Committee notes the Nuclear Safety Bureau's view, that beyond approximately 2003, HIFAR will require significant upgrading in order to satisfy safety requirements. Indeed the NSB warns that:

5.31 Therefore, as it is highly unlikely that alternative technologies would be adequately developed to take over from HIFAR beyond 2003, an expensive and time consuming refurbishment of the current reactor would be necessary if it were not superseded by a new reactor. According to the new reactor EIS, an indicative timetable and cost estimate for refurbishing HIFAR suggests it would take six years to complete with a shut down period of at least 15 months for final commissioning. ANSTO predicted that the cost of this process is likely to exceed $150 million, and even then, there is the risk that failure of a major component may require closure of the reactor. [33]

Competing science and technology research priorities

5.32 The commitment of approximately $300 million to the construction of a new reactor was criticised by a number of inquiry participants as a misdirection of already scarce science and technology funding. Opponents of the replacement reactor, on these grounds, include Professor Barry Allen, Research Director of the Centre for Experimental Radiation Oncology, St George Cancer Care Centre, who had previously worked at Lucas Heights for 30 years. While acknowledging that the proposed replacement reactor could serve a useful purpose, Professor Allen argued:

5.33 A similar view was presented by Dr Jim Green of the University of Wollongong, who argued that the benefits of the proposed replacement reactor would not compensate for a reduction in Australian medical research funding. According to Dr Green:

5.34 However, in considering these concerns, the Committee was mindful of the Chief Scientist's opinion that science and technology initiatives do not necessarily compete against each other for funding. In the words of Professor John Stocker, Chief Scientist:

Conclusion regarding alternatives to the replacement of HIFAR

5.35 Given the large amount of public expenditure involved (at least $300 million plus recurrent costs for 40 years or more) the Committee would have preferred to have had more evidence on the benefits of spending such funds on other scientific and medical areas of research rather than a new reactor.

5.36 Whilst this should also be further considered in a Public Inquiry the evidence presented to us does not lead us to conclude that either cyclotrons or spallation sources can provide a complete alternative to a new reactor at this point of time.

5.37 However it may be that funding for a package of such measures, combined with the importation of medical isotopes, is an alternative long term option to the proposed investment in a single reactor.

5.38 The Committee supports the approach adopted in the Research Reactor Review that these issues need to be thoroughly investigated by an independent panel prior to any final decision.


[1] Submission No.29, p.16.

[2] PPK Environment & Infrastructure, Replacement Nuclear Reactor – Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1/ Main Report, p.6-4 & 6-7.

[3] Submission No.29, p.16.

[4] PPK Environment & Infrastructure, Replacement Nuclear Reactor – Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1/Main Report, p.6-5.

[5] Submission No.1, p.4.

[6] Submission No.1A, p.2.

[7] Innovations include the ADONIS and Myrrha concepts being developed in Belgium. The ADONIS, or Accelerator Driven Operated Nuclear Irradiation System is a proposal for a low energy spallation source. The Myrrha concept is an extension of ADONIS, and is conceived as a small scale accelerator driven spallation system, especially as a modular and flexible research installation which is upgradeable to embody future technologies.

[8] Among others, this is the position of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Physicians in Nuclear Medicine; the Australian Nuclear Association; and the Australian Institute for Nuclear Science and Engineering.

[9] Submission No.29, p.26.

[10] Submission No.29, p.18.

[11] PPK Environment & Infrastructure, Replacement Nuclear Reactor – Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1/Main Report, p.6-9.

[12] Submission No.29, p.18.

[13] Submission No.8, p.8.

[14] Evidence, p.E114.

[15] Submission No.1, p.16.

[16] Evidence, p.E119.

[17] Submission No.29A, Section 17, Alternative Technologies, p.3.

[18] Evidence, p.E140.

[19] Submission No.27, p.1.

[20] Evidence, p.E116.

[21] K.R. McKinnon, Future Reaction, Report of the Research Reactor Review, Commonwealth of Australia, August 1993, p.95.

[22] Evidence, p.E178.

[23] Submission No.6, p.3.

[24] Submission No.29B, p.3.

[25] Submission No.9, p.10.

[26] Submission No.1, p.15.

[27] Evidence, p.E57.

[28] Evidence, p.E135.

[29] Submission No. 23, p.2

[30] K.R. McKinnon, Future Reaction, Report of the Research Reactor Review, Commonwealth of Australia, August 1993, p.32.

[31] Failure Analysis Associates Inc., Remaining Life Study of the High Flux Australian Reactor, Technical Report and Non-Technical Report, February 1997. Prepared for the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Tourism.

[32] Evidence, p.E94.

[33] PPK Environment & Infrastructure, Replacement Nuclear Reactor – Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1/Main Report, p.6-27.

[34] Evidence, p.E98.

[35] Evidence, p.E115.

[36] Correspondence to the Committee from Professor John Stocker, Chief Scientist, 11 May 1998.