Chapter 2

A New Reactor at Lucas Heights

Chapter 2

Current uses of Neutron Science and Rationale for a New Reactor

2.1 Neutron science and technology is used in a wide range of medical, scientific, and industrial contexts. In particular, the Australian Academy of Science notes that Australia's current research reactor, HIFAR, has been used successfully in:

2.2 In addition, the Committee recognises that local knowledge and research in the field of neutron science supports Australia's national interest by facilitating contribution to nuclear non-proliferation negotiations.

2.3 However, in recognition of limitations arising from the aged HIFAR technology, three major scientific reviews of recent years have supported the need for a new reactor, subject to certain conditions. The Australian Science and Technology Council Review of Major National Research Facilities (1992); the Research Reactor Review (also known as the McKinnon Review) (1993); and the ANSTO Strategy Review (1994) all identified the general merits of a new reactor for Australia, although not necessarily located at Lucas Heights.

2.4 In keeping with these findings, evidence to the Committee's inquiry stressed the likely benefits to Australian medicine, science and industry arising from the more sophisticated nuclear research capacity of the new reactor. Discussion of the key applications of neutron science and likely benefits of the new reactor follows. [2]

Nuclear medicine

2.5 The potential benefits of the new reactor to the field of nuclear medicine was one of the strongest themes of evidence presented to the Committee by those supporting a new reactor. Radiopharmaceuticals form the basis of nuclear medicine, and are used in the two major areas of diagnostics and therapeutics. According to ANSTO, the diagnostic area is at a mature stage of development, whereas the therapeutic area is still comparatively in its infancy. [3]

2.6 The Department of Family and Community Services [4] estimated in 1997 that the Australian demand for procedures requiring radiopharmaceuticals would increase at about 14 per cent per annum during the next ten years. The bulk of these radiopharmaceuticals will be derived from reactor-produced radioisotopes, and will cover both diagnostic and therapeutic uses. [5]

2.7 In diagnostic medicine, radiopharmaceuticals are used to provide information through imaging of the physiological functions of the body and indicating when these are changed by the onset of disease. The Australian and New Zealand Association of Physicians in Nuclear Medicine (Inc) (ANZAPNM) advises that the most frequent application of nuclear medicine services relates to heart disease and cancer, the most common causes of death in Australia. In addition, isotope imaging is considered an integral and essential modality for the investigation of a range of conditions including:

2.8 Nuclear therapy, on the other hand, provides effective pain relief from metastatic bone pain and the treatment of bone marrow disease and thyroid-related diseases. ANSTO argues that nuclear therapeutics has a distinct advantage over other therapies in that it can eliminate cancerous cells without harming healthy cells:

2.9 Thus, in conjunction with offering great scope for improved diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, nuclear medicine has the potential to reduce health care costs. Specifically, ANSTO notes that nuclear therapy has the capacity to shorten treatment times and be performed on an outpatient basis.

2.10 The ANZAPNM echoes this view, stressing the benefits both to quality of health care and cost effectiveness offered by nuclear medicine. The Association is a strong advocate of an upgrade in Australian nuclear research technology arguing that nuclear medicine is vital for maintaining the highest standards of health care. Indeed, the Association warns of the serious repercussions of not installing a new reactor, owing to the absence of advanced nuclear medicine studies in Australia. Negative impacts could include the use of tests with a lower diagnostic accuracy, and patients being subjected to more invasive procedures involving greater cost and risk. An increase in imaging studies may also occur, exposing patients to greater radiation doses from CT scans and x-rays, and forcing imaging costs to rise due to the utilisation of more expensive high-tech modalities such as CT or MRI scanning. Ultimately, in the Association's view, the net result would be:

2.11 The Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine and the South Australian Government join ANZAPNM in stressing the strong clinical imperative underpinning the need for a new reactor. For example, as a result of a steady increase in the use of nuclear medicine in South Australia, two-thirds of current nuclear medicine outlets in that State have been established since 1990. The Hon. Dean Brown MP, South Australian Minister for Health, submitted that increased usage of nuclear medicine has stemmed from real growth in clinical demand, not test substitution, as all alternative imaging modalities are widely available. [9]

2.12 However, despite evidence of strong demand for nuclear medicine in Australia, a number of inquiry participants suggested that the medical basis for a new reactor was exaggerated. Dr Jim Green of the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Wollongong, described the medical case as a `beat up' by ANSTO and the Government, and claimed:

2.13 Paediatrician, Dr Helen Caldicott reinforced this view, noting that the wide use of magnetic image resonancing and CAT scans was leading to the situation where, she alleges, the nuclear medicine industry is `sort of dying a natural death'. [11]

2.14 Another view was expressed by Professor Barry Allen who told the Committee that he had:

Industrial applications of neutron science

2.15 Research reactor operations contribute to a wide range of industrial research and development, specifically within the field of mining and minerals processing. Key industrial uses include gauging applications and industrial radiography; neutron activation analysis; use of radioactive tracers; non-destructive evaluation; silicon irradiation, radiation technology and materials applications. [14]

2.16 Within the field of mining and minerals processing, HIFAR is used by ANSTO in research and development on ore processing and environmental chemistry, particularly in respect of uranium and rare earth ores. In its submission, ANSTO notes that conservative estimates indicate that its activities generate gross economic benefits to the minerals industry of around $90 million annually. [15] Yet, in the absence of a fully functional domestic reactor, the South Australian Government argues that major companies such as Western Mining Corporation would be forced to import a wide range of isotopes, “with a probable reduction in reliability and promptness, leading to increased costs.” [16]

2.17 The Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC) also stresses the economic benefits likely to arise from the proposed new reactor. Representing a number of companies engaged in uranium mining and exploration, AMEC argues that all developed, and even some less developed, countries maintain research reactors for scientific purposes, and therefore:

2.18 In its environmental impact statement of the replacement reactor proposal, PPK Environment and Infrastructure notes significant industrial ramifications should Australia decide not to proceed with a replacement reactor. In particular, PPK warn that in the absence of a replacement reactor, Australia would lose its domestic source for neutron activation analysis, transmutation doping of silicon and fission track applications. Moreover:

Environmental applications of neutron science

2.19 Although the possible environmental impact of research reactors is one of the fundamental reasons for which they are opposed, ironically, reactor based research contributes to the understanding of environmental processes and, in turn, can assist in solving major ecological problems. Pollution control, for example, has been enhanced through the use of custom produced radioisotopes which trace the movement of pollutants from their source, through the environment and the food chain. In addition, ANSTO notes the value of radiotracer studies for monitoring coastal zone processes, such as changing landforms due to erosion, and the transportation of sediment into river systems and estuaries.

2.20 Irradiation is another field with significant environmental application, as demonstrated by the sterile insect technique, which has been used in Australia to control fruit fly infestations. Small amounts of radiation are used to sterilise hundreds of millions of Queensland fruit flies each year, which according to ANSTO, saves Australian fruit growers as much as $5 million annually. [19]

2.21 However, opponents of the replacement reactor proposal dispute that it will offer genuine environmental benefits. For example, Dr Jim Green of the University of Wollongong argued that:

2.22 In further support of this position, Dr Green argues that a large majority of environmental projects undertaken by ANSTO actually do not make use of HIFAR, and the likely environmental benefits of a replacement reactor are overstated.

National interest and security benefits

2.23 In addition to the scientific and industrial benefits of nuclear research undertaken at HIFAR, successive federal Governments have judged the knowledge arising from this work as vital to Australia's national strategic interest. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) argues a vital link between nuclear capability and participation in international nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation activities. According to DFAT, ensuring Australia's strategic environment remains free of nuclear weapons proliferation requires a capacity to comprehend, anticipate and influence nuclear developments in our region and beyond. This process requires local nuclear expertise as an independent means through which to monitor regional developments and analyse their implications for Australia's national security and economic interests.

2.24 Local nuclear capability has assisted Australia in holding a position on the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors since 1957, and as such, contributes to the strengthening of international nuclear safety standards. DFAT emphasises the importance of this, given Australia's position as a major exporter of uranium, and location in a region experiencing increasing growth in nuclear power generation. In the words of the First Assistant Secretary of the DFAT International Security Division:

2.25 However, while the importance of Australia's role in nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation negotiations is widely accepted, the question of whether such involvement necessarily requires local nuclear capability is open to serious question. Indeed, some inquiry participants have contended that through prolonging and promoting the use of nuclear technology, Australia may be adding to proliferation problems rather than truly addressing them. [22]

2.26 A former participating member of the Committee, Senator Dee Margetts, raised a concern about what she saw as a possible conflict of interest within official nuclear fora, both domestic and international, which deems that only a certain type of expertise or experience bestows authority on nuclear matters. Referring to the difficulty of obtaining membership of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Senator Margetts observed:

2.27 Notwithstanding concerns regarding the culture and possible bias of the IAEA, it is widely accepted that it is in Australia's interests to retain a seat on the IAEA Board of Governors. In its environmental impact statement on the proposed replacement reactor, PPK Environment & Infrastructure notes that loss of this influential position would undermine Australia's role in ongoing development of nuclear safeguards policy. Proceeding with a new reactor therefore is argued to be vital for Australia to maintain its international standing on nuclear issues and continue to make maximum contribution to regional nuclear technical cooperation programs. PPK argues that a decision by Australia not to proceed with a replacement reactor would not influence the decisions of other countries in the region to embrace nuclear power and other aspects of nuclear technology. On the contrary, such decisions largely are led by desires to improve living standards in a greenhouse conscious world, and by concepts of national development. [24]

2.28 However, the Committee does not accept that having a nuclear reactor or nuclear capacity is a necessary condition for either a seat on the IAEA or to have international influence.

2.29 Australia has been able to play a significant role over many years in promoting nuclear non-proliferation and establishment of a nuclear-free Pacific without having any nuclear capacity. Indeed not possessing a nuclear capacity may enhance Australia's independent status in the international arena.

Benefits to scientific research and higher education in Australia

2.30 According to ANSTO and DISR, there are strong research links between HIFAR and Australian universities, with around 15 per cent of PhD candidates in the physical sciences and engineering at Australian universities utilising reactor technology as part of their research. [25] A number of submissions highlighted the importance of ongoing nuclear research capacity in Australia, and stressed the likely opportunity costs arising from failure to upgrade research technology. As noted by Mark Sonter, a South Australian consultant on health, safety, environment and radiation protection:

2.31 The South Australian Government argues a similar case, stressing the importance of nuclear research capacity for the development of Australian science and industrial technology. In arguing for a more sophisticated Australian research reactor, the South Australian Government cites the work of the Ian Wark Research Institute located at the University of South Australia, which currently is undertaking a study of colloidal phenomena and surface structures. Utilising neutron based techniques in both these areas, the South Australian Institute is gaining valuable insight into chemical processes. [27] Based on this, and other promising research, the South Australian Government argues that the proposed replacement reactor would enable a considerable widening of the base of neutron applications within Australia.

Economic benefits

2.32 In undertaking its cost-benefit analysis of a new Australian reactor, the 1993 Research Reactor Review found that benefits could exceed costs, only if high values were assigned to the science and national interest arguments in favour of the replacement reactor. In the Review's words:

2.33 An Access Economics report commissioned by ANSTO in 1997 attempted to quantify the economic benefits arising from an indigenous neutron source. [30] Although based on the operations of HIFAR, and with only limited projections of economic benefits likely to arise from the proposed replacement reactor, the study found substantial gross economic benefits likely to continue in the future. According to the report, to date the greatest economic impact of an indigenous neutron source has been in the mining sector where there is an estimated annual gross economic benefit in the order of $100 million or more. Thereafter, the general contribution to infrastructure and industries other than mining is estimated at around $25 million annually, for each sector, and in the case of health, approximately $10 million annually. [31] In total, Access Economics predicted gross economic benefits from selected ANSTO activities could reach an annual average of $140 to $230 million, as against ANSTO's total annual expenditure of approximately $91 million in 1996-97.

2.34 While noting the difficulty of accurately measuring the economic benefits of industrial or medical research and development, the Committee acknowledges the very broad range of innovations originating from nuclear science and technology. A few examples cited by the Australian Nuclear Association include:

2.35 Similarly difficult to quantify, yet equally as important, is the national interest benefit arising from the success of nuclear non-proliferation activities to which Australia has contributed. As acknowledged by the 1994 Defence White Paper, and subsequently, Access Economics' evaluation of the economic benefits of an indigenous neutron source:

2.36 As a further advantage for Australian national interests, DFAT argues that Australia's export trade in uranium is likely to benefit from the technical expertise and credibility afforded by a replacement reactor. According to the Department:

2.37 South Australia, as a producer of uranium oxide for export to global markets, echoes this argument, stressing the need for excellence in nuclear science and technology if Australia is to remain a responsible supplier of uranium for nuclear power generation. [35]

2.38 At the local level of the Sutherland Shire, economic implications of the replacement reactor also will be significant. According to ANSTO, reactor operations at Lucas Heights are estimated to inject more than $40 million annually into the local economy [36], in addition to generating significant employment opportunities. The Sutherland Shire Mayor told the Committee that:


[1] Submission No. 21, Attachment A submission by the Australian Academy of Science to the Research Reactor Review (Revised for the Senate inquiry), February 1998, p.3.

[2] Drawn from Submission No. 29, Attachment A, Applications and Benefits of Neutron Science and Technology, p.29.

[3] Submission No. 29, Attachment A, p.30.

[4] Formerly the Department of Health and Family Services, until 22 October 1998; Commonwealth of Australia Gazette - Special, Administrative Arrangements Order, 22 October 1998.

[5] Submission No. 29, p.29.

[6] Submission No. 9, p.5.

[7] Submission No. 29, p.29.

[8] Submission No. 9, p.6.

[9] Submission No. 26, p.1.

[10] Evidence, p.E116.

[11] Evidence, p.E178.

[12] Evidence, p.E98.

[13] Evidence, p.E103.

[14] Submission No.29, Attachment A, p.31.

[15] Submission No.29, Attachment A, p.31

[16] Submission No.26, p.2.

[17] Submission No.15, p.1.

[18] PPK Environment & Infrastructure, Replacement Nuclear Reactor – Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1/Main Report, p.4-23.

[19] Submission No.29, Attachment A, p.31.

[20] Submission 1B, p.5.

[21] Evidence, p.E149.

[22] Submission 7C, Attachment: The New Reactor: National Interest & Nuclear Intrigues, p.3.

[23] Evidence, p.E158.

[24] PPK Environment & Infrastructure, Replacement Nuclear Reactor – Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1/Main Report, p.4-22.

[25] Submission No.29, p.32.

[26] Submission No.3.

[27] Submission No.26, p. 2.

[28] Submission No.26, p. 3.

[29] K.R. McKinnon, Future Reaction, Report of the Research Reactor Review, Commonwealth of Australia, August 1993, p.141.

[30] Access Economics, Assessing the Benefits of an Indigenous Neutron Source, Canberra, February 1997.

[31] Access Economics, Assessing the Benefits of an Indigenous Neutron Source, Canberra, February 1997, p.4.

[32] Submission No.11, p.13, quoting from the article The Untold Story: Economic Benefits of Nuclear Technologies, produced by Management Information Services Inc., Washington DC, 1996.

[33] Access Economics, Assessing the Benefits of an Indigenous Neutron Source, Canberra February 1997, p.1.

[34] Submission No. 27, p.5.

[35] Submission No. 26, p.2.

[36] ANSTO – Answers to questions placed on notice by Senator Stott Despoja, May 1998, p.2.

[37] Evidence, p.E44.