


Australian Business Number


Australian Bureau of Statistics


Australian Taxation Office


Council of Australian Governments

Competitive Neutrality

The principle that promotes the equal treatment by government of competing organisations to achieve a level playing field by removing artificial advantages.


A religious or pseudo-religious movement, characterised by the extreme devotion of its members, who usually form a relatively small, tightly controlled group under an authoritarian and charismatic leader. (Source: Macquarie Dictionary)


Deductible gift recipient


Fringe benefits tax


Gross domestic product — an estimate of the total value of goods and services produced in a country in a specified time, usually a year.


Goods and services tax


Income Tax Assessment Act

National Compact

An agreement between Government and the Third Sector to provide a framework for working together. The Compact includes principles for action and identifies area requiring reform.



Ordinary income

Ordinary income is income earned according to ordinary concepts directly or indirectly from all sources in or out of Australia during a financial year.

Public benevolent institutions

A public benevolent institution is a non-profit institution organised for the direct relief of such poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, misfortune, disability, destitution, or helplessness as arouses compassion in the community.


Rule of Law Institute of Australia

Statutory income

Statutory income is income that is not ordinary income but is included in your assessable income by legislative provisions.

Third sector

Third Sector organisations include charities, churches and religious organisations; sporting organisations and clubs; advocacy groups; community organisations; cooperatives; trade unions; trade and professional associations; chambers of commerce; welfare organisations; and service providers. These organisations sit alongside the government and private sectors. They may receive government funding to provide public services, but are not part of government. Similarly, they may charge for business services, but are not part of the business sector.

Source: Senate Economics Committee, Disclosure regimes for charities and not–for–profit organisations, December 2008, p. 11.

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