


[1]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies (Requirements for Annual Reports),
24 June 2013, paragraph 5

[2]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports,
 24 June 2013, paragraph 6(1).

[3]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports, 24 June 2013, paragraph 3(1).

[4]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports, 24 June 2013, p. i.

[5]        The committee is also required to report on annual reports tabled in the Senate by 30 April each year by the tenth sitting day after 30 June of that year.

[6]        Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[7]        Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[8]        Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[9]        Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[10]      Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[11]      Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[12]      Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[13]      The Australian National University's annual report for 2011-12, which was examined in Annual reports (No. 2 of 2013), was tabled in the Senate on 13 November 2013. Annual Report
2012-13 has not been tabled in the Senate yet.

[14]      The ASIC Act directs that one annual report will cover both the AASB and the Office of the AASB. Similarly, the AUASB is required to prepare an annual report that addresses its activities and the activities of the Office of the AUASB.

[15]      The ASIC Act directs that one annual report will cover both the AASB and the Office of the AASB. Similarly, the AUASB is required to prepare an annual report that addresses its activities and the activities of the Office of the AUASB.

[16]      The Financial Reporting Panel (FRP) ceased to operate on 1 October 2012.

[17]      The ASIC Act directs that one annual report will cover both the AASB and the Office of the AASB. Similarly, the AUASB is required to prepare an annual report that addresses its activities and the activities of the Office of the AUASB.

[18]      The ASIC Act directs that one annual report will cover both the AASB and the Office of the AASB. Similarly, the AUASB is required to prepare an annual report that addresses its activities and the activities of the Office of the AUASB.

[19]      Resources, Energy and Tourism Portfolio, Portfolio Budget Statements 2013-14 (RET, PBS 2013-14), p. 45.

[20]      Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education Portfolio, Portfolio Budget Statements 2013-14 (IICCSRTE, PBS 2013-14), pp 57 and 77-80.

[21]      IICCSRTE, PBS 2013-14 p. 114. Outcome 4 – Reduction of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to the impacts of climate change, and negotiation of an effective global solution, through the development and implementation of a national response to climate change; and bilateral, regional and multilateral engagement internationally.

[22]      Treasury Portfolio, Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2013-14 (Treasury, PAES
), p. 11.

[23]      Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies,
p. 10. Order 17 of the Commonwealth Authorities (Annual Reporting) Orders 2011 applies the same requirements to Commonwealth authorities that present their annual reports in accordance with the provisions of section 9 and schedule 1 of the CAC Act.

[24]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, 24 June 2013, p. 2; Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Guidelines for the Presentation of Documents to the Parliament (Including Government Documents, Government Responses to Committee Reports, Ministerial Statements, Annual Reports and Other Instruments), October 2013, paragraph 4.10.

Chapter 1 - Annual report of departments

[1]        Tabled in the chamber having been presented out of session on 30 October 2013.

[2]        Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE), Annual Report 2012–13, pp 4–5.

[3]        Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET), Annual Report 201213, p. 3.

[4]        Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE), Annual Report 2012–13, pp 2–3.

[5]        Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE), Annual Report 2012–13, pp 6–8.

[6]        Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE), Annual Report 2012–13, pp 8–9.

[7]        Tabled in the chamber having been presented out of session on 30 October 2013.

[8]        Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET), Annual Report 201213, pp 4-5.

[9]        Tabled in the chamber having been presented out of session on 31 October 2013.

[10]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, pp 2-4.

[11]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 3.

[12]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 3.

[13]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 10.

[14]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 10.

[15]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 10.

[16]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 23.

[17]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 32.

[18]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 32.

[19]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 33.

[20]         Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, pp 38 and 41.

[21]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 43.

[22]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 45.

Chapter 2 - Individual 2012–13 Annual Reports

[1]        Australian Institute of Marine Science, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 105.

[2]        Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Annual Report 2012–13, pp 7–10. Refer also to page 37 of the Annual Report 2012-13 on capital investment.

[3]        Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 90.

[4]        Australian Skills Quality Authority, Annual Report 2012–13, pp 1-2.

[5]        Australian Skills Quality Authority, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 75.

[6]        Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2012–13, p. xi.

[7]        Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2012–13,
p. 106.

[8]        Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2012–13,
p. 210.

[9]        National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 32.

[10]      National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 31.

[11]      National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 31.

[12]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 2.

[13]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 2.

[14]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 2.

[15]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2012–13, pp 37 and 112.

[16]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 3.

[17]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Annual Report 2012–13, pp 4–5.

[18]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Annual Report 2012–13, pp 10–11.

[19]      See for example the case study on product safety ban on high powered magnets, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 95.

[20]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 209.

[21]      Australian Office of Financial Management, Annual Report 2012–13, p. xiii.

[22]      Australian Office of Financial Management, Annual Report 2012–13, p. xiii.

[23]      Australian Office of Financial Management, Annual Report 2012–13, p. xiv.

[24]      Australian Taxation Office, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 88.

[25]      Australian Taxation Office, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 76.

[26]      Australian Taxation Office, Annual Report 2012–13, p. v.

[27]      Australian National Audit Office, Management of Complaints and Other Feedback—Australian Taxation Office (No. 19) 2013–13, p. 14.

[28]      Australian Taxation Office, Annual Report 2012–13, pp 136137.

[29]      Productivity Commission, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 87.

[30]      Productivity Commission, Annual Report 2012–13, pp 111 and 121.

[31]      For an example, see its case studies on the power of data linkage. Productivity Commission, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 9.

Appendix 1 - Industry portfolio[1]

[1]        Following the machinery of government (MoG) changes, the former Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education portfolio became the Industry portfolio, and Resources and Energy functions from the former Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (RET) transferred to the Industry portfolio.