Chapter 1

Chapter 1



1.1        This is the Senate Economics Legislation Committee's (the committee) first report on annual reports in 2013. It provides an overview of the committee's examination of annual reports for the 2011–12 financial year tabled on or before
31 October 2012, and includes an overview of one annual report for which a formal extension was granted.

Terms of reference

1.2        Annual reports of departments and agencies are referred to Senate committees under Senate Standing Order 25(20). The Senate Economics Legislation Committee is responsible for the scrutiny of departments and agencies in the following portfolios:

1.3        The structures and outcomes for each of these portfolios are summarised in Appendices 5, 6 and 7, respectively.

1.4        Standing order 25(20)[2] requires the committee to:

(a) examine each annual report referred to it and report to the Senate whether the report is apparently satisfactory;

(b) consider in more detail, and report to the Senate on, each annual report which is not apparently satisfactory, and on the other annual reports which it selects for more detailed consideration;

(c) investigate and report to the Senate on any lateness in the presentation of annual reports;

(d) in considering an annual report, take into account any relevant remarks about the report made in debate in the Senate;

(e) if the committee so determines, consider annual reports of departments and budget-related agencies in conjunction with examination of estimates;

(f) report on annual reports tabled by 31 October each year by the tenth sitting day of the following year, and on annual reports tabled by 30 April each year by the tenth sitting day after 30 June of that year;

(g) draw to the attention of the Senate any significant matters relating to the operations and performance of the bodies furnishing the annual reports; and

(h) report to the Senate each year whether there are any bodies which do not present annual reports to the Senate and which should present such reports.

Purpose and requirements of annual reports

1.5        Annual reports provide information on the success (or otherwise) of departments and agencies in meeting their targets and therefore assist in ensuring the public accountability of government departments and agencies. Their tabling in the Parliament, and scrutiny by Senate committees, allows Parliament to make informed judgments on the executive's performance in administering government programs.

1.6        The requirements are set down in the following instruments:

1.7        The legislation governing the annual reports of various agencies and the tabling information is shown in Appendices 1, 2 and 3.

1.8        The enabling legislation of some agencies may require that agency to report on matters other than those included in the guidelines, or impose different reporting requirements. The committee's view is that such agencies, while bound by their enabling legislation, should also comply with the PM&C guidelines, to the extent that the requirements do not conflict.

Changes to reporting requirements

1.9        This report examines the requirements released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and approved by the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. Requirements for Annual Reports for 2011–12 include significant amendments relating to:

1.10      Attention also needs to be given to other information to be included by legislation, including advertising and market research and ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance.

1.11      The specific requirement for disability reporting in individual annual reports has been discontinued given that it occurs through other mechanisms. To preserve the level of parliamentary scrutiny of disability issues, each report must now include an explicit and transparent reference to other reporting mechanisms, noting where agency level information can be found. A suggested form of words to satisfy the requirement is set out in the PM&C Requirements for Annual Reports released in June 2012, p. 26.

Reports referred to the committee

1.12      Under Standing Order 25(20)(f), the committee is required to report on the annual reports of departments and agencies tabled in the Senate by 31 October each year by the tenth sitting day of the following year. This year that date is 14 March 2013.[5]

1.13      This report examines the annual reports 2011–12 of the following 36 bodies:

Departments of State
Prescribed agencies under the FMA Act

Statutory bodies/authorities not under the FMA Act

Non-statutory bodies
Commonwealth authorities (under the CAC Act)
Commonwealth companies (under the CAC Act)

1.14             Comments on these individual reports are contained in Chapter 2, where reports are listed in alphabetical order under each portfolio.

1.15      Some of the aforementioned reports which are within the Treasury portfolio may also be subject to scrutiny by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC), established by Part 14 of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001. Section 243 specifies the committee's duties, which include:

(b) to examine each annual report that is prepared by a body established by this Act and of which a copy has been laid before a House, and to report to both Houses on matters that appear in, or arise out of, that annual report and to which, in the Parliamentary Committee's opinion, the Parliament's attention should be directed...

1.16      In fulfilment of the committee's duties under subsection 243(b), the PJC may report on the following 10 bodies:

Additional reports referred to the committee

1.17      In addition to the aforementioned reports, the following reports were also referred to the committee in the reporting period. The committee notes that these reports are referred for information only, and the committee is not required to report on them by the terms of the Standing Order:

Organisational and operational changes

1.18      In response to the changes in the machinery of government on 12 December 2011, this report also contains analysis of annual reports tabled under the Tertiary Education and Skills portfolio, now the third outcome for the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (formerly the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research). These include Skills Australia, Australian Skills Quality Authority, and Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, all of which were formerly under the Education, Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio otherwise administered by DEEWR and scrutinised by the Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Committee.

1.19      The committee notes that this report contains examination of inaugural annual reports of the Australian Skills Quality Authority established on 24 March 2011, and the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency which commenced operation on
31 July 2011.

1.20      Skills Australia presented its last annual report under this name, as it transitioned to the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency on 1 July 2012.

1.21      The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is a new agency under the Resources, Energy and Tourism portfolio, established on 1 July 2012 as an independent statutory authority under the Australian Renewable Energy Agency Act 2011. It incorporates projects and measures previously managed by the Australian Solar Institute, the Australian Centre for Renewable Energy Board, and the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, as part of the Clean Energy Future Package announced by the Prime Minister on 8 July 2011. This report therefore looks at the final annual report by the Australian Solar Institute, while the last annual report by the Australian Centre for Renewable Energy Board will be examined in Annual reports (No. 2) 2013.

1.22      On 15 September 2011, the Parliament passed a package of amendments to the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 and associated Acts implementing reforms to the regulation of upstream petroleum in Commonwealth offshore areas. The reforms included creating the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) within the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, and expanding the National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (NOPSA) into the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA). NOPSEMA acquired responsibilities for work health and safety, integrity of facilities and wells, and environmental management in Commonwealth offshore areas. Both NOPTA and NOPSEMA commenced operations on 1 January 2012.

1.23      The government confirmed the closure of the Financial Reporting Panel, an independent statutory authority under the Treasury portfolio, due to lower than expected referral rates. On 21 June 2012 legislation to effect the closure was introduced into Parliament. On 23 August 2012, the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial Reporting Panel) Bill 2012 was passed in the Senate. The legislation disbanded the Financial Reporting Panel by repealing its functions and powers effective as of 1 October 2012. This report therefore examines the Panel's final annual report.


1.24      Standing Order 25(20)(c) requires the committee to report to the Senate on the late presentation of annual reports. The committee commends the departments and agencies discussed in this report for their timeliness.

Departments and FMA Act entities

1.25      Subsection 4(1) of Part 1 of the PM&C Requirements for Annual Reports states that annual reports of departments and agencies under the FMA Act framework are to be presented to each House of Parliament on or before 31 October in the year the report is given. Furthermore, if Senate Supplementary Estimates hearings are scheduled to occur prior to 31 October, it is best practice for annual reports to be tabled prior to those hearings. In 2012, hearings for the committee's portfolios commenced on 17 October.

CAC Act entities

1.26      Section 9 of the CAC Act stipulates that the deadline for furnishing the minister with the annual reports of Commonwealth authorities is the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of the financial year; that is, 15 October.

1.27      Section 36 of the CAC Act stipulates that Commonwealth companies must give their annual reports to the responsible minister by the earlier of the following:

Other entities

1.28      Entities reporting in accordance with their own legislation are often required to prepare for the relevant minister their annual report 'as soon as is practicable' after a particular date. The committee draws attention to subsections 34C(2) and 34C(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, which stipulate that where no date for providing a report to a minister is specified, the report should be presented no more than six months after the reporting period, and the minister must provide the report to the Parliament within 15 sitting days after they receive it.

Government policy for all annual reports

1.29      While the legislative requirements for the tabling of annual reports vary between different types of agencies,[6] the Government's policy is 'that all annual reports should be tabled by 31 October'.[7]

Requests for an extension

1.30      The committee notes that this report includes the examination of one annual report which was tabled after the 31 October deadline. This is the Australian Skills Quality Authority annual report 2011–­12, for which an extension was requested. On 9 November 2012 Senator the Hon. Chris Evans, the then Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research, granted a request for an extension to 30 November 2012 for the tabling of the Australian Skills Quality Authority annual report. The details of the extension were tabled in Parliament in accordance with paragraph 34C(7)(b) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

1.31      Annual reports tabled in the Senate after 31 October and before the tabling of this report are listed in Table 1. These and other reports received after 31 October 2012 will be discussed in the committee's Annual reports (No. 2 of 2013).

Table 1: Reports tabled in the Senate after 31 October


Sent to Minister

Received by Minister

Tabled/presented* in Senate

Australian Centre for Renewable Energy (ACRE) Board

6 Dec

7 Dec

11 Dec*

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

26 Oct

26 Oct

19 Nov
(9 Nov*)

IIF Investments Pty Ltd

Foreign Investments Review Board

31 Oct

17 Jan

31 Oct

17 Jan

28 Nov

25 Feb
(22 Feb*)

Remarks made in the Senate

1.32      Senate Standing Order 25(20)(d) directs the committee to take into account remarks made in the Senate when considering annual reports.

1.33      Two annual reports considered in this report were the subject of debate in the Senate chamber:

Other comments on reports

1.34      Taking into account the reporting guidelines specified by the legislation under which departments and agencies present their annual reports, the committee considers that the reports it has examined are generally apparently satisfactory.

1.35      Despite this, the committee considers that some aspects of agency annual reports could be improved. One of the things that the committee examines is whether annual reports contain discussion of external scrutiny and parliamentary accountability.

External scrutiny and accountability

1.36      It is required that annual reports:

... must provide information on the most significant developments in external scrutiny of the department and the department's response, including particulars of:

(a) judicial decisions and decisions of administrative tribunals that have had, or may have, a significant impact on the operations of the department; and

(b) reports on the operations of the department by the Auditor-General (other than the report on financial statements), a Parliamentary committee or the Commonwealth Ombudsman.[10]

1.37      Annual reports should be a primary reference document for parliamentarians and others looking for information about external scrutiny of government agencies. As noted, the primary purpose of annual reports is accountability to the Parliament – it is therefore important that details about external scrutiny are included in a clear manner in annual reports. Details on parliamentary scrutiny should be included in annual reports, including appearances at Senate estimates hearings (which are the subject of bi-annual reports to the Senate) and any evidence or submissions made to parliamentary inquiries. The reports should also note that they are subject to scrutiny by this and any other committee.

Compliance indices or lists of requirements

1.38      The inclusion of a compliance index or a list of requirements in annual reports is mandatory for all departments and agencies under the FMA Act and CAC Act. The index preferably should include a nil return entry where the agency has nothing to report under an item. A compliance index is a useful feature of reports and considerably assists the committee's task of assessing reports. It also assists agencies by clearly showing that their compliance obligations have been met. It can be particularly useful for agencies with reporting requirements under various Acts.

1.39      The committee commends the great majority of agencies for their inclusion of compliance indices in their 2011–12 annual reports.

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