Appendix 4

Appendix 4

Treasury Portfolio

List of annual reports tabled in the Senate during the period 1 May 2011 to 31 October 2011

Reporting Body


Date of transmittal letter

Date sent to Minister

Date received by Minister

Date tabled/ presented*

Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB)

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 –
section 136

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997

4 Oct

13 Oct

13 Oct

28 Oct

Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 –
section 136

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997

4 Oct

13 Oct

13 Oct

28 Oct

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975 –subsection 24(1)

Public Service Act 1999 – subsection 63(1)

20 Sept

13 Oct

Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation (ARPC)

Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997­ – section 9

20 Sept

12 Oct

12 Oct

26 Oct

Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 –
section 136

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997

10 Oct

11 Oct

11 Oct

27 Oct

Commonwealth Grants Commission

Public Service Act 1999 – section 63

Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 2003

20 Sept

13 Oct

Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 – section 214

7 Oct

4 Oct

4 Oct

19 Oct

Financial Reporting Council

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001

9 Oct

20 Oct

20 Oct

27 Oct

Financial Reporting Panel

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 – section 239AM

4 Oct

6 Oct

6 Oct

26 Oct

Inspector-General of Taxation

Inspector-General of Taxation Act 2003
section 41

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997

30 Sept

7 Oct

7 Oct

26 Oct

National Competition Council

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997

29 Aug

4 Oct

4 Oct

19 Oct

Productivity Commission

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997

Productivity Commission Act 1998

20 Oct

20 Oct

20 Oct

28 Oct

Reserve Bank of Australia

Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997­ – section 9

9 Sept

4 Oct

13 Oct

Superannuation Complaints Tribunal

Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Act 1993­ – section 67

9 Sept

15 Sept

15 Sept

27 Oct

Takeovers Panel

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 –
section 183

4 Oct

13 Oct

13 Oct

27 Oct

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