The performance of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission

On 20 June 2013 the Senate referred an inquiry into the performance of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to the Senate Economics References Committee for inquiry and report.

On 14 November 2013 the Senate agreed to the Committee’s recommendation that this inquiry be re-adopted in the 44th Parliament.

The Committee initially invited submissions to be lodged by 21 October 2013. However, the Committee decided to receive late submissions until 10 January 2014.

The reporting date was 30 May 2014. However, on 28 May 2014 the Committee tabled an interim report requesting an extension of time to present its final report. The Committee now intends to table its final report no later than 26 June 2014.

The Committee’s final report was tabled on 26 June 2014.

Final Report
Media Release

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the performance of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Past Public Hearings

10 Apr 2014: Canberra
02 Apr 2014: Canberra
21 Feb 2014: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report Tabled


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