Communication and engagement

Overview of Part IV

An issue that most submitters had a view on during this inquiry was ASIC's approach to communicating with those that interact with it. This part examines ASIC's communication and engagement with its large number of diverse stakeholders.

One group of stakeholders examined is the regulated population. This part of the report examines the evidence received from the industry and professional associations regarding their perceptions about ASIC's performance and how effectively they consider ASIC communicates and engages with them. ASIC's performance in providing services that regulated entities and others may need to use is also examined.

The second type of stakeholders examined in detail are individuals that may contact ASIC seeking assistance and/or to report misconduct. Many expressed frustration with ASIC's poor communication or apparent inaction. This part examines why this is the case and considers the extent of the 'expectation gap' between what individuals may expect ASIC to do and what ASIC's functions, powers and resources enable it to do. ASIC's communication and engagement with the general public, including its financial literacy work and its website, are also considered.

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