Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio

Supplementary Budget Estimates 2006-2007 — (October/November 2006)

Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Portfolio

Index of questions taken on notice
     Monday, 30 October 2006  (Broadcasting and Communications) (Word 779KB) (PDF 1327KB)
      Tuesday, 31 October 2006  (Sports and Arts) (Word 190KB) (PDF 361KB)

Tabled documents
Special Broadcasting Service:  'The good, the bad and the ugly', Australian Jewish News, 6 October 2006, p. 16  (PDF 440KB)
Senator Fierravanti-Wells:  internet article entitled 'Al-Jazeera–Taqiyya Television–Begins in Australia' and copy of email from MEMRI   (PDF 1427KB)
Minister, Senator the Hon Rod Kemp:  Press release from Senator Lundy entitled 'Kids still sitting on the sideline', dated 31 October 2006   (PDF 201KB)
National Gallery of Australia:  List identifying Old Masters Loans to State Galleries   (PDF 1253KB)
Minister, Senator the Hon Rod Kemp:  Copies of correspondence, dated 7 December 2005, from the Minister to Ms Robinson, Australian Society of Archivists Inc, in response to her letter dated 26 October 2005, concerning the National Film and Sound Archive   (PDF 766KB)

Clarification of evidence
Australian Sports Commission, dated 23 November 2006   (PDF 55KB)
National Gallery of Australia, dated 5 December 2006  (PDF 32KB)

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Arts and Sport  (Word 36KB)
Access and Consumer  (Word 41KB)
Content and Media  (Word 76KB)
Corporate and Business  (Word 76KB)
Infrastructure and Security  (Word 134KB)
Legal   (Word 26KB)

Australia Business Arts Foundation (Word 27KB)
Australia Council (Word 190KB)
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
   answers to qons 53-81  (Word 117KB)
   answers to qons 82-109  (Word 94KB)
   answers to qons 110-137  (Word 112KB)
Australian Communications and Media Authority  (Word 118KB)
Australian Film Commission   (Word 44KB)
Australian Film, Television and Radio School  (Word 27KB)
Australian National Maritime Museum  (Word 26KB)
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority  (Word 74KB)
Australian Sports Commission  (Word 110KB)
attachment to qon 292  (Excel 144KB)
   attachments to qon 303:  Att A  (Excel 78KB);  Att B  (Excel 1030KB);  Att C  (Excel 158KB);  Att D  (Excel 6159KB)
Bundanon Trust  (Word 26KB)
Film Australia Limited  (Word 26KB)
Film Finance Corporation Australia  (Word 41KB)
National Archives of Australia  (Word 48KB)
attachment to qon 335  (Word 3732KB)
National Gallery of Australia   (Word 38KB)
   attachment to qon 338  (PDF 193KB)
National Library of Australia    (Word 37KB)
National Museum of Australia   (Word 49KB)
NetAlert    (Word 26KB)
Special Broadcasting Service
answers to qons 1-30  (Word 136KB)
   answers to qons 31-52  (Word 176KB)
     attachments to qon 50:  Att 1  (Word 290KB);  Att 2 (Excel 1477KB);  Att 3  (Excel 33KB)

Government Business Enterprise
Australia Post   
answers to qons 138-166  (Word 300KB)
   answers to qons 167-194  (Word 64KB)
   answers to qons 195-222, 355 (Word 70KB

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818