Budget Resources
Dr Robyn Prior
Funding trends
Australian Government research and development (R&D)
expenditure is reported each year in the Science, Research and Innovation
Budget Tables (SRI Budget Tables). These list programs and activities reported
by departments and agencies on the basis that they were explicitly intended to
support science, research or innovation (as defined in the OECD’s
Frascati Manual and explained in the ‘Definitions’ tab of the SRI
Budget Tables). Both R&D expenditure from departmental funds and
R&D support from administered funds are included. The most recent SRI
Budget Tables, published in April 2023, indicate that the government will
invest $12.1 billion in R&D in 2022–23. This represents an increase of
3.2% on the previous year.
Similar to the 2021–22
financial year (p. 80), the largest
components of government spending in 2022–23 are R&D tax measures in the
business sector (26.1%), research block grants in the higher education sector
(16.8%) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
(CSIRO; 8.3%) (Sector: Table 1).
The SRI Budget Tables also provide data on government
R&D spending as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Australia.
This enables comparisons across time. The Australian Government’s R&D
expenditure in 2022–23 is forecast to be 0.49% of GDP (Figure 1). This is below
the long-term average of 0.6% and is the lowest level since the beginning of
the data series in 1978–79.
Upon release of the SRI Budget Tables, the Minister for
Industry and Science Ed Husic noted that in addition to the $12.1 billion
investment in R&D activities, the government is also investing about
$1 billion in other
science, technology, research and innovation-related programs and activities.
This captures activities explicitly intended to support SRI activities and is
separate from the reportable R&D investment.
Figure 1 Australian Government investment in R&D as a percentage of GDP
Notes: As stated
in the source, figures are calculated using Australian Government investment in
R&D (inflation adjusted, 2020–21 dollars) as a percentage of GDP (in
current prices). The 2021–22 and 2022–23 calculations are based on forecast
values of both expenditure and GDP.
Source: Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR), 2022–23 Science, Research and Innovation (SRI) Budget
Tables, (Canberra: DISR, 28 April 2023), Sector: Table 6.
A commonly used measure to compare R&D spending between
nations is the gross
expenditure on R&D (GERD) as a proportion of GDP. GERD represents total
R&D expenditure by the business, government, higher education and private
non-profit sectors – it therefore includes more than just government
expenditure and is not directly comparable with the figures above. Australia’s
most recently reported GERD as a proportion of GDP is 1.79% for 2019–20, which
is lower than the 2019 OECD countries
average of 2.6%. An update to Australia’s GERD figures is expected in
August 2023. The Minister for Industry and Science has acknowledged
the long-term challenge of raising Australia’s investment in R&D (p.
Recent reviews and initiatives
In September 2022, the minister announced plans to develop
a contemporary national science policy framework, with an update of both the
2015 Science
and Research Priorities and the 2017 National
Science Statement. Following a consultation process,
a revision of these priorities and the statement is expected by September 2023.
Other reviews and initiatives include:
- the
to Diversity in STEM Review, which aims to improve diversity in science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, careers and industries.
As part of the review, an independent expert panel will evaluate the impact and
delivery of existing women in STEM programs and consider how these programs
could be modified to support a wider diversity of STEM-skilled talent. Final
recommendations are expected to be provided to the minister by October 2023.
- a
of the Australian Research Council Act 2001 (ARC Review), released
in March 2023. Key recommendations include clarifying the purpose of the ARC,
enabling greater autonomy in the grant funding decision-making process, and
simplifying grant applications. There are no new ARC-specific measures in this
budget (Portfolio
budget statement 2023–24: budget related paper no. 1.5: education portfolio,
p. 17).
- commencement
of a 12-month review of Australia’s
higher education system (Australian Universities Accord). The Universities
Accord review consultations
are ongoing. An interim report is due in June 2023, with a final report to
be delivered by December 2023. Further information on the Universities Accord
is provided in the ‘Tertiary
Education’ Budget review article.
- release
of a National
Robotics Strategy discussion paper for consultation in April 2023. It
is unclear when the strategy is expected to be finalised.
- release
of a National
Quantum Strategy consultation paper in October 2022, followed by the publication
of the National
Quantum Strategy on 3 May 2023.
Budget measures
Husic has stated that the 2023–24 Budget
lays the ‘foundations for future economic growth in science and industry’. The
budget focuses on a new Industry Growth Program, responsible for the
development of quantum and artificial intelligence (AI) industries and support
for local renewable technology manufacturing. The main science-specific budget
measures are described below.
Strengthening Australia’s STEM
The government is supporting and strengthening Australia’s
capability, capacity and outreach in STEM through the provision of
$132.7 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $17 million per
year ongoing) (Budget
measures: budget paper no. 2: 2023–24, p. 168). This measure, building on
the 2022–23 October
Budget measure ‘Supporting talent and leadership in Australian science and
technology’ (p. 156), is offset by redirecting funds within the
Industry, Science and Resources Portfolio.
Specific measures include $59.7 million over
4 years from 2023–24 (and $15.2 million per year ongoing) for
infrastructure and ICT upgrades at Questacon in addition to continued STEM
education and engagement programs. In the Questacon
funding announcement in early May 2023, Minister Husic stated ‘Questacon
plays an important role in the Australian Government’s mission to widen the
pipeline of talent available to the science and technology sectors, and to
reach 1.2 million tech-related jobs by 2030’.
The budget also provides $9.1 million over 4 years
from 2023–24 for expert STEM policy advice through the National
Science and Technology Council and the Science
Meets Parliament program, as well as the promotion of STEM through the Prime
Minister’s Prizes for Science.
Growing Australia’s Critical
Technologies Industries
The ‘Growing Australia’s critical technologies industries’
budget measure provides $116 million over 5 years from 2022–23 to
support the development of critical technologies, such as AI and quantum (Budget
paper no. 2, p. 164). This budget measure will be fully
offset by redirecting funding within the Industry, Science and Resources
Specific funding includes:
The first priority of the National
Quantum Strategy is investment in R&D. In announcing the release of the
Strategy the government confirmed
that the $1 billion investment in critical technologies under the National
Reconstruction Fund may include quantum. Expenditure from the National
Reconstruction Fund is budgeted
as investments, not payments; as such, they do
not affect the underlying cash balance and will not be captured in the SRI
Budget Tables.
Other measures
As announced
on 19 April 2023, the Australian Institute of Marine Science will
receive $163.4 million over 4 years from
2023–24 (and $43.5 million per year ongoing) to maintain its role as a
world leader in marine science (Budget
paper no. 2, p. 80). Funding includes $88.1 million over
4 years from 2023–24 (and $29.7 million per year ongoing) for a
workforce increase and $40.4 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and
$11.2 million per year ongoing) to enhance science and technology
capabilities and improve marine monitoring and data analysis activities. Following
reports of unusable and unsafe facilities, the measures include support for
office and laboratory upgrades and refurbishments, with $31.9 million over
4 years from 2023–24 (and $2.3 million per year ongoing). In
addition, $3 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $0.3 million
per year ongoing) will be provided for a replacement research boat.
The Australian Space
Agency (ASA) will receive $34.2 million over 3 years from 2023–24
to support continuing core functions under a measure to refocus support for the
civil space industry (Budget
paper no. 2, p. 166). This measure indicates support for improving
space activity regulation and funding programs that ‘support Australian space
projects and remove cost recovery requirements’ but does not identify funding
or further details.
As part of a realignment in spending across the portfolio,
there is reduced
funding for the Global Science and Technology Diplomacy Fund (Portfolio budget
statement 2023–2024: budget related paper no. 1.11: industry, science and resources
portfolio, p. 39).
The budget also includes several nuclear science-related
measures, as described in the ‘Nuclear[PR(7] ’ Budget review article.
Stakeholder reaction
In its budget response, the Australian
Academy of Science (AAS) welcomed the ongoing support for Australian
science and research but described the overall science investment as
‘lamentable’. The AAS expressed disappointment in the reduced funding for the
Global Science and Technology Diplomacy Fund.
The CEO of the Space Industry Association of Australia
reportedly stated that the government is ‘defunding
space programs without explanation’, with a spokesperson for Minister Husic
quoted as saying:
[The][sic] budget included a $77m saving by terminating three
small programs announced by the previous government shortly before the last
election… These programs do not align with the Albanese government’s priorities
and do not deliver value for money for the taxpayer. Of this saving, $34m was
reinvested into core funding for the [ASA][sic] to put it on a sustainable
footing, with $43m put toward budget repair.
The funding changes also follow a visit from the head of
NASA in January 2023, who reportedly urged
the government to provide more funding for the space sector.
The Group of Eight (comprising Australia’s leading
research-intensive universities) has expressed concern over the inadequacy
of support for research in the budget, but hoped the University Accord
process and future budgets will ‘deliver on reform that will address the current
distorted research funding model and lift Australia's expenditure on
R&D as a percentage of GDP to, at the least, the OECD average’. Likewise,
the Australian
Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering hope to see a commitment
to lifting R&D funding to ‘international competitive levels’ in next year’s
These comments are reflective of wider views on the need for
more investment in research, including basic
or foundational research, compared with research translation and
commercialisation. In his 2023 State of the University Address, Nobel laureate
and outgoing Vice-Chancellor of the Australian National University Professor
Brian Schmidt also voiced concerns about investment in research, stating, ‘Australia's
future is in peril unless it ramps up its investment in research... I hope
Government will listen, and help engage business and philanthropy in the cause’.
& Technology Australia (STA) was also supportive of the combination of
‘thoughtful major reviews’ and strategic investments in science advice and
frontier technologies, with an expectation of increased R&D investment
following the completion of these reviews. STA President Professor Mark
Hutchinson stated:
This Budget starts to roll out National Reconstruction Fund
investments and the new Quantum Strategy with smart, deliberate funding to
scale up promising early-stage science and tech industries. It highlights how
the Government is leveraging its major reviews to inform its strategy, then
investing where the expert advice sees the most potential for Australia. Over
the next year, major reviews will shape the next phase of the strategy for the
Government to start to dramatically escalate public investment in R&D to
generate new breakthroughs, grow our STEM-skilled workforce, and secure
Australia’s future economic prosperity.
All online articles accessed May 2023
For copyright reasons some linked items are only available to members of Parliament.
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