Budget Resources
Melanie Conn
The 2023–24 Budget’s $5.7 billion Strengthening Medicare
package provides funding to address immediate challenges as well as lay
foundations for future reform. This delivers on the government’s $750 million Strengthening
Medicare Fund election commitment (p. 14) and follows the release of the Strengthening
Medicare Taskforce report earlier
this year.
Unless otherwise specified, page numbers refer to Budget
measures: budget paper no. 2: 2023–24.
Tripling the bulk billing incentive
The largest individual element of the package is $3.5 billion
over 5 years from 2022–23 to triple the bulk billing incentive (p. 147). This incentive
is paid on top of the standard Medicare benefit when doctors bulk bill children
under 16, pensioners and other Commonwealth concession card holders (more than
11.6 million people, according
to the government). A bulk billing incentive was first
introduced for GPs in regional areas in 2004. It has evolved since then,
including to apply incentives that increase based on remoteness (introduced
from 1
January 2022).
The government is tripling
the incentive ‘to address the sharp decline in bulk billing over the past
few years’. Concerns
about declines in bulk billing have
been building for some time, including reports
of practices no longer bulk billing vulnerable patient groups. As explained in the
Department of Health and Aged Care’s factsheet
(p. 2):
Tripling the bulk billing incentives will support GPs to
continue to bulk bill Australians who feel cost of living pressures most
It will be of particular benefit to people who live in
regional, rural and remote communities, where access to primary care services
is limited, and to concession card holders who generally use more GP services
and have higher levels of chronic and complex health conditions and socioeconomic
Figure 1 provides an indication of how the Medicare benefits
a GP could receive will change for a standard Level B consultation (up to 20
minutes) when they bulk bill an eligible patient. From 1 July 2023, the usual
annual indexation will occur (indexation of 3.6% is being applied to most items).
From 1 November 2023 the bulk billing incentive will triple. In
metropolitan areas, benefits will rise from approximately $46 to $62; in very
remote areas, the increase will be from around $52 to $81. For context, the average
patient contribution (or out-of-pocket cost) for a level B GP visit when
doctors choose not to bulk bill is nearly $41, meaning the doctor’s income for
the consultation would be, on average, around $80.
Figure 1 Indicative Medicare benefits for a standard GP consultation
eligible for the bulk billing incentive
1 July 2023, annual fee indexation of 3.6% is being applied to GP attendance
items, as set out in the Health Insurance Legislation
Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2023.
Bulk billing incentives vary based on remoteness. The Department
of Health and Aged Care uses Modified Monash Model classifications. To date, the department has published
information on the tripled bulk billing incentive rates for metropolitan areas (MM1)
and very remote communities (MM7).
The 1 November bulk billing incentive rates as outlined by the department
appear to be approximately 0.5% higher than a direct tripling of the rate as at
1 July. This potentially is related to the change in indexation methodology
outlined in the Budget (discussed below). The item 23 benefit is shown as
unchanged between 1 July and 1 November, but may be affected by the indexation
methodology change.
Sources: Department
of Health and Aged Care, Building a stronger Medicare, Budget 2023–24 factsheet, (Canberra: Department of Health and
Aged Care, 2023); ‘Medicare Benefits Schedule – Item 23’, Department of Health and Aged Care; Health Insurance Legislation
Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2023.
While the bulk billing incentive only applies to children
under 16 and concession card holders, it may have flow-on benefits to other
patients. With an increase in the remuneration received for seeing vulnerable
patient cohorts, doctors may face reduced pressure (at least in the short term)
to further increase out-of-pocket charges to other patient groups. That said,
doctors are free to determine their fees, and as some
stakeholders have pointed out, practice owners could simply retain the
extra income or indeed use the increased revenue from existing bulk billed
patients to reduce their hours of work rather than bulk bill more patients.
Unsurprisingly, doctors’ groups have
welcomed the tripling of the incentive, with the Australian
Medical Association (AMA) stating ‘this targeted support is much needed and
will make a real difference, especially in rural and regional areas’. The
Consumers Health Forum has also
welcomed the changes, noting they ‘incentivise GPs to provide extra care to
pensioners and children … at no cost.’
Change to indexation
strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2023–24 explains that the government
has revised the indexation methodology (that had been in place since 1996) for
certain payments, including the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), to better
align with changes in economic conditions. This parameter variation provides
additional indexation funding of $4 billion over the forward estimates
above the indexation increase which would otherwise have been delivered in the
2023–24 Budget (pp. 104; 199). Of this, $1.5 billion relates to increased
indexation in the MBS (p. 106). As a parameter variation, this funding is not
identified as a measure in Budget paper no. 2 and is not part of the
$5.7 billion headline package figure.
Implementation of the indexation change will likely occur
through regulation, similar to the Health Insurance Legislation
Amendment (2023 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2023 introduced earlier this
year that provided for an indexation increase from 1 July 2023 of 3.6% for most
MBS items (in line with the previous methodology). While the Budget papers do
not specify a start date, the peak body for general practitioners has
stated it expects the second indexation boost to occur from November 2023. The
AMA has also welcomed
the change. It has been advocating for changes to the methodology, arguing
that ‘years of inadequate indexation has meant that the Medicare rebate no
longer bears any relationship to the actual cost of providing high-quality
services to patients’.
Digital health
The Budget provides around $950 million for digital health
infrastructure (p. 149).
While previously the Australian Digital Health Agency has
received short-term funding, this Budget provides $325.7 million over 4 years
from 2023–24, and approximately $79.9 million per year ongoing, to establish
the agency as an ongoing entity (p. 149). This includes funding for a review of
the agency’s enabling legislation to ensure it remains fit for purpose.
While the agency is a corporate Commonwealth entity, under
the Intergovernmental
Agreement on National Digital Health,
states and territories contribute 50% of its operational costs (with the
Commonwealth providing the other 50%). The Intergovernmental Agreement is
being renewed for 4 years, with a $126.8 million contribution from the
Commonwealth (p. 7). This renewed agreement, when available, should provide
further detail on funding commitments from the states and territories and how
this interacts with the Commonwealth’s commitment to provide ongoing funding.
There is also $429 million over 2 years from 2023–24 for My
Health Record (p. 149). Ahead of the Budget, the Minister
for Health and Aged Care observed that ‘My Health Record is now old
technology’, and that it needed to be more compatible with information and
billing systems used by practitioners, and make better connections between
different parts of the health system (p. 6). While much of the funding is
likely to be directed to continuing the overall system, there is also funding
for modernisation, including a new National Repository platform. There is also
investment to improve sharing of pathology and diagnostic imaging information
and to increase allied health professionals’ connection to the system.
A further $69.7 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and
$4.2 million per year ongoing) is provided to respond to recommendations on
digital reform made in the Strengthening
Medicare Taskforce report (pp. 8–9) and the Independent
Review into Medicare Integrity and Compliance.
Encouraging multidisciplinary and
wraparound care
Several elements of the package seek to encourage more
multidisciplinary care as recommended by the Strengthening
Medicare Taskforce report (pp. 6–7).
- $445.1
million is provided over 5 years from 2022–23 to increase funding for the
Workforce Incentive Program – Practice Stream, to support practices to expand
multidisciplinary teams (p. 148). The additional funding will both increase the
maximum incentive payment (from $125,000 to $130,000 per practice, per year)
and make more general practices eligible for the maximum payment. Services
Australia advises increased payments will
commence in August 2023.
- $79.4
million is provided over 4 years from 2023–24 to support Primary Health Networks
to commission allied health services to improve access to multidisciplinary
care for people with chronic conditions in underserviced communities (p. 148).
- $27
million is provided over 4 years from 2023–24 to trial integrated primary care
and support services and joint commissioning across primary health, First
Nations health services, disability, aged care and veterans’ care services in
up to 10 locations considered to be ‘thin markets’ (that is, where there are
not enough providers or services available to meet needs) (p. 150).
There is $19.7 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $3.2
million per year ongoing) to implement MyMedicare, allowing patients to
voluntarily register with their preferred practice, GP and care team (p. 149).
This appears to build on previous funding for voluntary patient enrolment (for
example, the 2021–22
Budget committed $50.7 million for systems to support the use of voluntary
patient registration services, p. 122).
to the Minister for Health and Aged Care:
… the true power
of MyMedicare is not what it is … but what it allows. MyMedicare is the
foundation upon which we can build a range of blended funding models to better
serve the needs of patients that fall through the cracks of our 1980s Medicare.
For example, the Budget provides $98.9 million over 4 years
from 2023–24 to connect frequent hospital users to a general practice (through
MyMedicare) to receive comprehensive, multidisciplinary care in the community, and
reduce the likelihood of hospital re-admission (p. 148). According
to the minister, there are more than 13,000
patients who present to hospital 10 or more times each year who could benefit from
this initiative, with the GP they register with receiving incentive payments to
deliver tailored care to keep them healthy and out of hospital.
In addition, the Budget provides $5.9 million over 5 years
from 2022–23 for patients registered with their GP through MyMedicare to access
longer telehealth consultations subsidised by the MBS from 1 November 2023
(p. 149), with the increased bulk billing incentive also available for eligible
patients (p. 147).
AMA has welcomed the MyMedicare program, noting in particular that the
… importantly has learnt from past mistakes, such as the
Health Care Homes Trial, preferring a blended funding model in which additional
funding is made available on top of existing fee for service arrangements. This
also means that [voluntary patient enrolment] will be tailored to the Australian
context and will not follow the capitated model used overseas in countries like
the United Kingdom.
Addressing fraud and non-compliance
As a separate measure, the Budget provides $29.8 million
over 4 years from 2023–24 (p. 151) for the response to the Independent
Review into Medicare Integrity and Compliance (Philip Review). The Philip
Review found that ‘Legislation, governance, systems, processes and tools are
currently not fit for purpose and, without significant attention, will result
in significant levels of fraud’ (p. 4).
The funding will establish a taskforce in the Department of
Health and Aged Care to identify and disrupt fraud and non-compliance, and to
produce policy and legislative amendments. The measure description flags that
additional measures to improve Medicare integrity in response to the Philip
Review may be forthcoming, following consideration of broader policy aspects. This
is to be expected given the complex and wide-ranging issues and stakeholder
sensitivities identified in the Philip Review, and the need for structural
solutions to address vulnerabilities in the system.
All online articles accessed May 2023
For copyright reasons some linked items are only available to members of Parliament.
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