Budget Resources
Dr Susan Pennings
The Budget contains a variety of measures which are intended
to support the effectiveness and sustainability of the National Disability Insurance
Scheme (NDIS). It also provides an annual growth target of 8% for the total
costs of the NDIS by 1 July 2026.
The NDIS provides individualised,
fee-for-service funding for people who have permanent and significant
disabilities. This funding provides supports to help NDIS participants in their
daily lives, increase their independence, establish stronger connections with
their community, and reach their goals. The National Disability Insurance
Agency (NDIA) is responsible for implementing the NDIS.
Over recent years, there has been a focus on the safety,
sufficiency, appropriateness, and sustainability of the supports provided to
people living with disability. In April 2019, the government established a Royal
Commission to investigate violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people
with disability, which is due to report by September 2023. In October 2022, the
Minister for the NDIS, Bill
Shorten, launched a review into the NDIS, which is to make
recommendations to ensure the sustainability of the scheme. The review is due
to report no later than the end of October 2023.
In April 2023, the minister expressed
the need for ‘systemic reform of the entire disability support eco-system’
and outlined 6 priority areas for reform:
improving the NDIA workforce
supporting longer-term planning
addressing spiralling expenses
improving the Supported Independent Living program
eliminating unethical practices by service providers
increasing community and mainstream supports for people with
Targets for NDIS growth
The NDIS is currently the third largest program as measured
by total general government sector expenses, with estimated expenditure of
$41.9 billion in 2023–24 Budget
paper no. 1: budget strategy and outlook: 2023–24, p. 202).
Projections from the NDIS annual financial
sustainability report 2021–22 suggest that the scheme could cost as much as
$89.4 billion by 2031–32 (not including operating costs), which would be an
estimated 2.55% of Australian gross domestic product (p. 5). States
and territories contribute financially to the NDIS based on bilateral
agreements with the Commonwealth.
The NDIS remains an uncapped, demand-driven program. As
such, its future growth is partly dependent on factors outside the government’s
control. The Budget’s statement
of risks (statement 9) in Budget paper no. 1 (p. 321) notes
As with other demand-driven programs, the estimated costs for
the NDIS are subject to adjustments to reflect observed changes in actual
payments. As the Scheme is relatively new, there is greater potential for
changes in forecasts of the number of participants, the funds allocated in
participant support packages, the payments by participants from those funds for
supports, and the resourcing required by the National Disability Insurance
Agency to administer the Scheme.
The NDIS annual financial
sustainability report 2021–22 notes that the rate of new entrants into the scheme
is higher than previously projected, including in areas where it has been
operating for several years. However, the report further notes that many of the
new NDIS participants have a higher reported level of function compared with longer-standing
participants. As these newer participants have lower average support needs,
they also receive lower average plan budgets. This means that an increase in
participant numbers does not necessarily lead to an increase in NDIS
expenditure of the same magnitude (p. 10).
As stated in Budget paper no. 1 (p. 321), the government
has committed to reducing the growth of the NDIS through a framework agreed
between the Commonwealth and the states and territories:
The Government has committed to a NDIS Financial
Sustainability Framework to ensure the Scheme is sustainable in the long term,
with an annual growth target for Scheme costs of no more than 8 per cent by 1
July 2026. The realisation of the financial projections for the Scheme is
dependent on the successful implementation of the framework.
The government has confirmed
that the sustainability framework, on which achievement of the annual growth
target will rely, has not yet been finalised. On 11 May 2023, the Senate voted
to order the production of the NDIS Financial Sustainability Framework, to be
tabled in the Senate. Senator Tim Ayres responded
on behalf of the government, stating that:
In relation to the order for the production of documents…
publishing National Cabinet documents would impact state and federal relations
– and is not appropriate.
Furthermore it is impossible for us to table the document
requested because it doesn’t yet exist. The agreement at National Cabinet was
to agree to develop a Framework. [emphasis in the original]
Projected NDIS expenditure
The budget papers estimate that government expenditure on
the NDIS will continue to grow but at a slower rate each year until 2026–27.
Total expenditure from the
Commonwealth and the states and territories on the NDIS is estimated at $36.7
billion in 2022–23 and is expected to be $41.9 billion in 2023–24, a growth
rate of 14.4%. In the subsequent 3 years, the annual growth rates are projected
to be 11.6%, 10.9% and 7.9% respectively (Budget
paper no. 1, p. 202). With scheme maturity and an annual growth target
of no more than 8% from 2026, the Budget projects that growth in NDIS costs
will moderate by $622.8 million in 2026–27 and $59.0 billion over 7 years from
2027–28 to 2033–34 (Budget
paper no. 2: budget measures: 2023–24, p. 198).
The majority of NDIA expenditure is on participant plan
expenses, which is estimated to cost $35.1 billion in 2022–23 and projected to
rise to $40.0 billion in 2023–24 and $45.3 billion in 2024–25 (Portfolio budget
statements 2023–24: budget related paper no. 1.14: Social Services portfolio,
p. 147).
Improving the effectiveness and sustainability
of the NDIS
The 2023–24 Budget introduces a new measure called Improving
the effectiveness and sustainability of the National Disability Insurance
Scheme’. It provides $732.9 million over 4 years from 2023–24 and is intended
to improve the administration of the scheme, trial new payment models, and
prevent fraud (Budget paper no. 2, pp. 197–198).
Key aspects of this measure include:
$429.5 million over 4 years from 2023–24 to invest in the NDIA’s
capability and systems, to improve processes and planning decisions. This would
support the NDIA to develop more transparent and consistent policies and
operational guidelines.
$73.4 million over 4 years from 2023–24 to better support
participants to manage their own plans within budget. This measure is also
related to compliance, as it specifies that it will involve ‘holding plan
managers, support coordinators and providers to account’. While some NDIS
participants manage their own plan funding, others employ plan managers from
the non-profit or private sectors.
$63.8 million over 2 years from 2023–24 to take a lifetime
approach and ensure that plans are transparent and flexible. The NDIA has also
committed to allowing for longer plans for participants where appropriate.
$56.4 million over 4 years from 2023–24 to strengthen supported
independent living decisions by improving consistency across decisions and
updating guidelines for planners.
$24.6 million over 4 years from 2023–24 to trial blended payment
models. This is intended to provide more efficient funding by increasing
incentives for innovation for disability service providers. The NDIA also plans
to implement preferred provider arrangements to leverage the buying power of
the NDIS.
$48.3 million over 2 years from 2023–24 to invest in the NDIA’s
ability to detect, respond to, and reduce fraud and non-compliant payments.
This builds on previous measures such as the Fraud Fusion Taskforce, which was
introduced in the October
2022–23 Budget (p. 9).
The funding in this measure is intended to support the NDIA
to improve the administration of the scheme and reduce additional growth in
NDIS expenses by $15.3 billion, moderating additional growth to $1.9 billion
over 4 years from 2023–24 (Budget paper no. 2, p. 198).
In order to implement changes to the NDIS, the average staffing
level for the NDIA will rise from 4,976 staff in 2022–23 to an estimated 5,698
staff in 2023–24, an increase of 14.5% (Budget
paper no. 4: agency resourcing: 2023–24, pp. 153; 163).
Other disability-related measures
The Budget also provides funding for a range of other
measures to support the effectiveness of the NDIS.
The Budget provides additional funding of $142.6 million for
the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission over 2 years from 2023–24. This
funding has been allocated to support the commission to assist participants;
minimise the risk of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation; and improve
market quality for disability services (Budget paper no. 2, p. 200).
There is also $31.4 million over 4 years from 2023–24 to
meet the remaining costs of establishing the National Disability Data Asset and
its underlying infrastructure. The National Disability Data Asset contains
linked and de-identified Commonwealth, state and territory data on Australians
with disability. It is intended to inform research and disability policy and help
to improve service delivery (Budget paper no. 2, p. 202).
The budget measure ‘Support for people with autism’ provides
$27.0 million over 4 years from 2023–24 for additional early intervention pilot
programs for infants with signs of autism and to progress the development of
National Autism Strategy (Budget paper no. 2, p. 204). There are a high
number of new NDIS participants with a primary
disability of autism, reflecting increased prevalence rates of autism both
in Australia and internationally (p. 158). The minister
has noted that the pilot programs will consider whether early intervention for
children with early behavioural signs of autism could reduce the support they
need later in life.
The Budget also provides $487.0 million to extend the Disability
Support for Older Australians program, which supports older people with
disability who had received specialist disability services but are not eligible
for the NDIS (Budget paper no. 1, p. 17).
Stakeholder views
There has been a mixed response to the budget measures from
political and sector stakeholders. While stakeholders support the focus on the
long-term sustainability of the NDIS, there are also concerns about possible
future cuts to necessary disability services.
The provider peak body National
Disability Services welcomed the government’s commitment to improving the
NDIS but said that reforms to the scheme should be made ‘with providers to make
sure that the changes are practical and can be implemented without reducing
quality, safety and putting participants at risk’.
People with Disability Australia stated:
We welcome the Government’s commitment
to work with the disability community in implementing the new NDIS initiatives
funded in tonight’s budget … Following recent concerns, we’re buoyed that the
8% growth target for the NDIS is a target and not a cap, and that the NDIS will
remain demand driven … However, it is important that the community is given an
ongoing commitment that their choice and control over access to essential
supports is protected.
The Leader of the Opposition, Peter Dutton, stated
‘we support sustainable funding in the NDIS. This budget shows the government
reducing NDIS spending growth’ but called on the government to outline how this
will be achieved.
Senator Jordon Steele-John, the Australian Greens
spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services, commented:
The decision to cut $74.3 Billion from the NDIS is Labor
stabbing the disability community in the back… The NDIS Review has had input
from many in the disabled community; people were hopeful that the scheme has a
clear trajectory for change. Instead, it is disappointing that big decisions
that will impact the future of the scheme are being made without considering
the inputs into the review.
All online articles accessed May 2023
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