Budget Resources
Geoff Wade
The 2023–24 budget allocation for the Foreign Affairs and
Trade portfolio funds some foreign
policy commitments made in the lead-up to the 2022 election, as well as
other aspects presaged in the Foreign Minister’s 17
April 2023 National Press Club address, which advocated working towards ‘a
region that reflects our national interests and our shared regional interests’.
The Foreign Minister’s address provides some context to the measures funded
through the Budget, discussed below.
Funding for Australian diplomacy
and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
According to the Foreign
Minister, Australian foreign policy ‘starts with the capability of our
foreign service – our people on the ground that put our foreign policy into
action’. As such, a key element of the foreign
policy budget provision relates to further funding and improving Australia’s
diplomatic facilities and services.
The Budget provides $376.9 million over 4 years from 2023–24
(and $77.3 million per year ongoing) to maintain
and improve delivery of core activities of the Department of Foreign Affairs
and Trade (DFAT)
(p. 121). Funding includes:
- $250.2 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $69.8 million per
year ongoing) to fund overseas property expenses
$90.2 million over 3 years from 2023–24 to improve DFAT’s
International Communications Network at overseas posts
$29.8 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $6.6 million per
year ongoing) to continue administering the Foreign Arrangements Scheme
$3.1 million over 4 years from 2023–24 ($5.7 million over 7 years
from 2023–24) for DFAT to participate in the transition to the new National
Security Office Precinct in Canberra
$3.6 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $0.9 million per year
ongoing) to sustain nuclear monitoring activities undertaken by Geoscience
In terms of overall staffing, the Foreign
Minister stated in April 2023 that the Government has funded 350 new staff under
the department since coming to power. However, budgeted staffing
in 2023–24 will see only a small increase over 2022–23 (6,482 versus 6,475)
(p. 19). New departmental performance
assessment measures will be introduced from 1 July 2023 (p. 13).
The new funding being provided to DFAT comes after repeated calls
to enhance Australia’s diplomatic services, most recently in the Defence
strategic review, which urged ‘much more active Australian statecraft
that works to support the maintenance of a regional balance of power in the
Indo-Pacific’ and concluded with a call for:
the reversal of a long-term reduction
in diplomatic resources, increasing our diplomatic efforts in areas of core
national interest. Our diplomatic capability must be resourced, directed and
focused (p. 34).
The Review
also advocated ‘deepening our diplomatic and defence partnerships with key
partners in the Indo-Pacific,’ and many aspects of the DFAT budget noted below
are focused precisely to this end (p.18).
The $80
million over 4 years that is being provided to facilitate increased
cooperation with partners and enhance DFAT’s capacity to ‘communicate
Australia’s story about who we are and promote our vision for the region’ is an
integral element of this agenda (p. 118).
New ambassadorships , which will also be key in the new
diplomatic agenda, include Australia’s
inaugural First Nations ambassador and a new
ambassador for human rights (p. 16).
Funding of $10.8 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $2.6
million per year ongoing) is being provided to continue
Australian diplomatic representation to Afghanistan (p. 116). Australia
established an Interim Mission to
Afghanistan following the closure of the Australian embassy in Kabul on 28
May 2021. Australia’s interests in Afghanistan are currently managed from the
Australian embassy in Qatar.
Enhancing Pacific Engagement
In an address to the National
Press Club on 17 April 2023, the Foreign Minister noted:
While our strategic circumstances have changed in the last 50
years, our geography has not, and nor has the centrality of the Pacific to our
own security. With the return of strategic contest to the region, this security
is enhanced when we work together, when we respond to Pacific priorities, and
when we respect Pacific institutions. As a member of the Pacific family, our
priority is to ensure the Blue Pacific remains peaceful, prosperous and
equipped to respond to the challenges of our time.
As suggested, Pacific engagement features prominently in
this year’s Budget with $1.9 billion being provided over 5 years from 2022–23 to
expand Australia’s engagement with Pacific Island countries
(pp. 119–20). Funding includes:
$370.8 million over 4 years to expand the Pacific Australia
Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme
$1.4 billion over 4 years to build Pacific peace and security, in
alignment with the Pacific Islands Forum’s 2050 Strategy for the Blue
Pacific continent including:
- Defence’s
expansion of Australia’s engagement with Pacific Island countries, with Defence
expenditure to be met from within existing resources
- Australian
Federal Police and the Attorney-General’s Department’s strengthening of law
enforcement and criminal justice cooperation with Pacific partners
- $114.3
million over 4 years to support a stronger, more united Pacific region,
including supporting regional architecture
- $89.5
million over 4 years to deepen cultural and people-to-people ties with the Pacific.
In addition, the Ambassador
for Cyber Affairs and Critical Technology will lead cyber resilience teams
to help Pacific Island countries respond to cyber challenges (p. 16). This is
particularly timely given the recent cyber attacks on Vanuatu
and Tonga.
The Government will also provide a financing package to Sasape International Shipyard Limited in Solomon
Islands to support acquisition of land and capital upgrades to restore
Sasape’s shipyard functionality (p. 117). The costs of this measure have
not been published due to commercial sensitivities.
These collective measures, summarised as ‘the
provision of security infrastructure and maritime security capability’ (p.
19) are most likely intended as a response to efforts
by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to expand its influence within the
Support for the nations of the Pacific will be augmented
through the provision of further ODA assistance, as outlined in the Budget review
2023–24 article, ‘Pacific investment package’.
Engagement with Southeast Asia
The Foreign Minister also noted in her
speech on 17 April:
… some would see Southeast Asia as a mere theatre for great
power competition. That is not a view we share. Because it strips Southeast
Asian nations – and the enduring, central institution of ASEAN – of their
influence, dynamism and agency. That’s why the Albanese Government has made
engagement with ASEAN and its members a core priority. By the first anniversary
of our Government, I will have visited every country in Southeast Asia as
foreign minister, except Myanmar.
The Government will provide $55.7 million over 4 years from
2023–24 (and $11.9 million per year ongoing) to enhance
Australian diplomatic and business engagement with Southeast Asia and
Timor-Leste (p. 116). Funding includes:
$35.7 million over 4 years (and $10.4 million per year ongoing)
to build closer diplomatic and economic connections with Southeast Asia through
leaders, diplomats and students
$14.9 million to extend funding for the National Centre for Asia Capability
(Asialink Business) for a further 4 years to support Australian businesses’ engagement
with the region
- $5.2 million over 4 years (and $1.5 million per year ongoing) to
increase diplomatic engagement with Timor-Leste.
Similar to the Pacific engagement measures noted above, these
measures are most likely intended to respond to China’s
expanding influence within the Southeast Asian region, but the amounts involved
are insignificant compared to the billions
of dollars in China-ASEAN trade and investment and China’s growing
channels of political influence in the region. To maintain any influence in
Southeast Asia, Australia will necessarily be relying on ‘ASEAN
centrality’ (and, indeed, ASEAN solidarity), as well as efforts in diverse
spheres by the US. It is partly to this end that the Budget provides $31.9
million over 4 years from 2023–24 to deliver technical assistance and
capacity-building support to Indo-Pacific
nations to participate in the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (p. 121).
A more detailed overview of the Southeast Asian aspects of
the Budget is provided in the Budget review 2023–24 article, ‘Southeast
Australian Secret Intelligence
An amount of $468.8 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and
$185.6 million per year ongoing) will
be provided to ‘modernise’ the Australian Secret Intelligence Service
(ASIS) (p. 118). Funding for this measure has already been provided by the
resourcing for ASIS in 2023–24 is $641.33 million, compared to the $619.69
million provided in 2022–23 (p. 133). The growing responsibilities of ASIS in
light of the expanded Australian engagement with the Pacific and Southeast Asia
noted above likely explain much of this growth. As the Portfolio
budget statements 2023–24: budget related paper no. 1.8: foreign affairs and
trade portfolio states
(p. 131):
In 2023–24, the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)
will continue to enhance government understanding of the overseas environment
affecting Australia’s vital interests. ASIS will take appropriate action,
consistent with applicable legislation, to protect and promote Australia’s
vital interests through the provision of unique foreign intelligence services
as directed by the Government.
AUKUS and DFAT’s nuclear diplomacy
The isolated references to the US in the Portfolio budget
statements are certainly not reflective of the scale of the expanding
Australia-US relationship, nor of the importance of the US in the measures
being implemented by DFAT (p. 14).
The AUKUS and Quad
arrangements see the 2 nations intimately tied through defence and other policy
realms. In addition, the recent Defence
strategic review clearly outlines a growing need in Australia for
integration between diplomacy, regional strategies and national defence (pp.
National Defence must be part of a
broader national strategy of whole-of-government coordinated and focused
statecraft and diplomacy in our region. This approach requires much more active
Australian statecraft that works to support the maintenance of a regional
balance of power in the Indo-Pacific.
It is this expanding integration that sees DFAT playing a
key role in the AUKUS agenda. The Government is to provide $4.5
billion over 10 years from 2023–24 (and $482.7 million per year ongoing) to
support the initial steps in Australia’s acquisition of a conventionally-armed,
nuclear-powered submarine capability (p. 94). As part of the
funding, DFAT has been allocated $52.7 million over 2 years from 2023–24
‘to provide international policy advice and diplomatic support for the
nuclear-powered submarine program’ (p. 95).
Extending the Foreign Arrangements
According to the Foreign
The Foreign Arrangements Scheme was introduced to ensure
agreements with foreign countries are consistent with Australia's national
interests. Despite its clear benefits, terminating funding was provided by the
former Government in successive budgets from the scheme's 2020 introduction.
The Albanese Government will support the ongoing administration of the scheme,
as well as funding the required legislative review of the scheme to ensure it
is working efficiently.
The importance of the Foreign Arrangements Scheme
for Australia’s security is often only poorly understood. The purpose of the scheme,
which started on 10 December 2020, is:
… to ensure that arrangements
between state or territory governments (and their entities) and foreign
entities do not adversely affect Australia’s foreign relations and are not
inconsistent with Australia’s foreign policy.
The Scheme provides for states and territories and their
entities to notify or seek approval from the Minister for Foreign Affairs if
they propose to negotiate, or enter, or have entered a foreign arrangement. It
creates obligations in respect of both future arrangements and existing
Under the scheme, a public register
listing of existing foreign arrangements is available. Given the innocence
with which some foreign arrangements are entered into by Australian subnational
bodies, the scheme allows both the Australian Government and the public to monitor
such arrangements, which is of prime importance for Australia’s national security.
In April 2021, for example, the former foreign minister used the provisions of
the scheme to cancel
Belt and Road Initiative agreements reached between the Victorian
Government and PRC entities.
Under the 2023–24
Budget, $29.8 million over 4 years from 2023–24 (and $6.6 million per year
ongoing) is provided ‘to continue the administration of the Foreign
Arrangements Scheme’ (p. 121).
All online articles accessed May 2023
For copyright reasons some linked items are only available to members of Parliament.
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